Cancellation of a business trip due to coronavirus

Despite the fact that a gradual process of emerging from quarantine has begun in Russia, the situation in many regions of the country is unstable, and international travel is still difficult. Therefore, companies are still forced to cancel business trips. In our new article we’ll talk about how to properly conduct and take into account […]

Registration of a business trip in 2023

Almost every company is faced with the need to send employees on business trips. Labor laws are constantly changing, so it is important to keep up with new regulations and requirements, including in the field of work travel. For example, as of 2015, the official assignments and travel certificates that were previously required for official

Do you need a business trip if you can hold an online conference?

A business trip is a trip by a company employee to a populated area remote from his permanent place of work to fulfill work obligations. These include organizing cooperation with contractors, signing contracts, purchasing goods, inspecting facilities to assess compliance with standards, and more. The pandemic reduced business travel to zero, and companies adapted to

Standards for carrying baggage during a flight: permissible dimensions and weight

The plane is not only the fastest and most comfortable mode of transport, but also statistically the safest. That is why, when going on a business trip, companies and employees often prefer to get to their destination by plane.  According to the law, the duration of an employee’s business trip is determined by the head of the

Myths about organizing a business trip

Organizing a business trip is a labor-intensive process. Therefore, business travelers, HR managers and accountants often do not like the registration process.  However, new automated solutions in the field of organizing business trips eliminate many difficulties and questions, and also speed up this process several times. Today we will look at the main myths about

Maximum duration of business trip

According to Art. 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of the business trip is determined by the employer, taking into account the nature of the official assignment. A business trip can be either one-day or long. However, the law does not specify what the maximum duration of a business trip is.

The best countries for corporate holidays

Regular readers of our blog already know how to organize a corporate trip. Today we will talk about which directions to choose to make the trip both interesting and not too expensive. Georgia How long to fly from Moscow: a little less than 3 hours Do you need a visa: issued at the border Corporate

Cost centers: what are they and what are these companies for?

OneTwoTrip for Business has many convenient functions for booking business trips, and some of them can significantly simplify the work of the accounting department. Today we will talk about cost centers and explain how to set them up and what nuances to pay attention to. What is a cost center For planning and accounting, the

Corporate event abroad: where to go

In recent years, corporate trips abroad have become very popular. If previously employees usually took a joint vacation in Russia, and went abroad only on business, today everything has changed. Let’s talk about how to organize a corporate event abroad, what you need to know about it, and how tax accounting works in this case.

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