The New Year’s tradition of giving gifts to children exists in many countries around the world, but the fairy-tale characters that these gifts bring are often very different from each other. Instead of our beloved Santa Claus, somewhere on New Year’s Eve people are looking forward to gnomes, and somewhere – a real witch on a broom. Today we will tell you about New Year’s heroes who are not like the usual hospitable old man in a red fur coat.
Sinterklaas, Netherlands
Photo: Editorial: Robert Hoetink/
The Dutch Santa Claus looks more like the Pope – he has a red tiara on his head, and a gold embroidered cloak is thrown over his shoulders. For most of the year, Sinterklaas lives in Spain, and in mid-November he arrives by boat with his assistant Black Peter, a black page who gives sweets to good children and takes the naughty ones with him to Spain as punishment. Sinterklaas arrives simultaneously in all cities, the most magnificent festive meeting takes place in Amsterdam and is broadcast on central channels.
Befana, Italy
The good witch Befana flies on a broomstick and, according to tradition, brings gifts and candies to obedient children, and the naughty ones get coals from her. There are many legends around her character, one of which says that Befana fed and provided lodging for the three wise men who were going to see the newborn Jesus. They also say that she loves wine, so adults leave a glass of red on the table the night before Christmas for the good witch.
Hoteyosho, Japan
Photo: @kenshioriental
In Japan, gifts are brought by a plump Buddhist monk dressed in red, who has an extra pair of eyes on the back of his head. Just like in Russia, here it is not Christmas that is celebrated, but the New Year, so on the last day of December, family members get together, clean the house and throw a handful of beans over the threshold, after which they wait for the monk with gifts.
Jultomte, Sweden and Norway
The small, bearded, gnome-like old man acquired human form only a couple of centuries ago, and before that, a straw Christmas goat brought gifts to children. His closest relatives are kind brownies who keep order and create comfort, but they live with people constantly, while Jultomte comes to visit once a year, and spends the rest of the time in his own house near Oslo.
Belsnickel, Germany
In some regions of Europe, Belsnickel works as Santa’s assistant and is responsible for discipline, that is, he is the one who scares naughty children. But in the south of Germany, the hairy and grimy savage also took on a positive role. It is believed that he lives in the mountains, and at the beginning of December he comes to the city and gives out sweets and small gifts to obedient children. As for the mischievous ones, instead of sweets they get coal, and sometimes Belsnickel can come to their house in person and properly scold them for bad behavior.
Three Kings, Puerto Rico
There are no frosts on the Caribbean islands, so instead of Santa Claus, gifts are brought by the Three Kings, or Three Wise Men, who come to the city on camels. Children await their arrival on the holiday of January 6 and prepare boxes of fresh green grass for the camels. Those who behaved well in the morning find sweets and gifts in the box instead of grass.
Preview photo: frame from the cartoon “Santa Claus and Summer”
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