When you're scared but really want to: plan for diving

When you're scared but really want to: plan for diving

If you love nature and travel, swimming and flying, get high on adrenaline and want to expand the boundaries of comfort – Cliff Diving is for you. Jumping into open water cannot be compared with the tower in the pool, because you are surrounded by the incredible beauty of nature, and your nerves are tickled by the lack of a visible bottom, or, on the contrary, by a too clear picture appearing through the clear water. Of course, you should only jump from rocks and cliffs where it is proven and safe, and it is better to start from a low height, and also learn in advance from professionals how to properly enter the water and open up so as not to dive too deep. Let these technical details be your own work, and we will tell you where you can start jumping, gradually increasing the distances and, accordingly, the pleasure.

For the little ones

When you're scared but really want to: plan for diving

You can try your hand at jumping in an incredibly beautiful gorge in the vicinity of Sochi, where a narrow but deep mountain Bolshaya Khosta River. Having gone down the fabulously green boxwood grove to the bottom of the gorge, you first find yourself in a wide place where the river is very shallow, literally ankle-deep. The water rushes further down and makes its way into a narrow gap between the rocks. The height difference is about ten meters, the depth of the river is several meters, so you can jump right from the overhanging ledge. Those who are not yet up to the ten mark go further along the canyon, literally after 100 meters its steep walls become lower, and gradually, accordingly, you can jump from a meter, from two, three, five, and so on. Since the river is narrow, it is dangerous to do any complex somersaults, but swimming in it is an incredible pleasure!

When there is no turning back

When you're scared but really want to: plan for diving

It happens that your spirit fails at the last moment, you are already standing over a cliff, and in your mind you seem to understand that you are not very high, it’s okay, but your legs refuse to take a step forward. A simple circumstance helps to overcome this fear and still jump – the impossibility of descending in any other way. An excellent example of such a spot is in Philippines, in Sohoton National Park, near the island of Siagrao. First of all, this is an incredibly beautiful place with a labyrinth of islands and water-filled caves, through which you are taken on a small wooden boat. In one of these caves there is a hole to a “balcony”, rising about five meters above the water. Since the cave is full of stalactites, at the entrance you need to put on a construction helmet and carefully make your way up, but going down there is extremely inconvenient and even dangerous, so the only way back to the boat is to jump into the bright blue, completely transparent water.

Jump into an airbag

When you're scared but really want to: plan for diving

If you are not yet strong in technology and are afraid of falling like a pancake into a frying pan, that is, hitting the water hard, there is also a life hack for this case. Waterfalls create a natural cushion of foam and water; entering it is softer and more pleasant, even from a great height, and even more so from a small height. The higher the waterfall, the softer and larger the landing zone will be, of course, provided that the reservoir is deep enough. A cool waterfall tour can be done in the vicinity of the city of Jaco in Costa Rica, and we recommend not to skimp on the guide, because he will be the one who will suggest good places for jumping. Along the powerful flow of the largest of the waterfalls there are several ledges, with a choice of heights: 6, 9, 14 and 22 meters. Among other things, there are entertainment such as bungee jumping and natural water slides, in general, a real water park in the forest.

Blue Abyss

When you're scared but really want to: plan for diving

There is an excellent spot for diving on one of the small satellite islands Bali, getting there is not difficult, but not very fast, so the road itself is also interesting adventure. In short, the route is as follows: about an hour by boat from the port of Benoa in southern Bali to the island of Nusa Lembongan, then rent a bike and ride along narrow paths through local villages, over a long suspension bridge to the neighboring island Nusa Ceningan, and then along the rocky coast until you see the most beautiful bay. You will definitely recognize it: gray steep cliffs against which blue waves crash. And yes, there’s also a rope ladder hanging from the cliff all the way to the ocean, which is what you’ll actually have to climb up after the jump. There are two height options: 8 and 13 meters, it is very deep under the rock and the water is agitated, so the bottom is not visible. A little scary and absolutely amazing!

Icing on the cake

When you're scared but really want to: plan for diving

The last jumping spot that I want to talk about is not located in the wild, but it is so cool that even the most experienced and fearless jumpers’ hearts skip a beat. We are talking about the bridge over the Neretva River from the center of Stari Most in the city of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The height of the jump depends on the water level and varies from 24 to 30 meters, and the water in the river is quite cold, so you need to be prepared for such a jump both mentally and physically. Every year at the end of July, official competitions for the most spectacular jump are held there, in which several hundred people take part. Even if you yourself are not ready for such adrenaline, it’s definitely worth watching the show and getting inspired, maybe someday you’ll get to the point of this madness!

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