What not to take with you on a trip

What not to take with you on a trip

Remember the poem about the lady who “checked in as luggage: a sofa, a suitcase, a suitcase, a picture, a basket, a cardboard box and a small dog?” Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, of course, went too far with the sofa, but here’s how to dial in On vacation there are a lot of unnecessary things that are not only not useful, but also cause trouble; this is quite common, especially for ladies. We have compiled for you a list of things that any trip will be fine without.

What not to take with you on a trip

Several suitcases

A good, roomy suitcase is a traveler’s best friend, but only if he is alone. When both your hands are occupied with luggage, walking through airports, train stations and just city streets becomes very inconvenient: you cannot look at a map on your phone or answer a call while walking, to get your passport or drink water, you need to make a full stop, preferably not in other people’s way. In general, it won’t be a hassle. Therefore, make it a rule to travel with one suitcase, its volume will serve as a limitation: what doesn’t fit, we leave at home and no exceptions.

What not to take with you on a trip

Hair dryer/curling iron/iron

If your trip does not involve holding important business meetings or attending social events, relax and allow yourself to rest. Your hair will be happy every day without heat styling, and a well-rested face with a wide smile will adorn you better than the crease on your trousers. Try to take with you simple, comfortable clothes that don’t require ironing, but if you still want to dress up, don’t forget that an iron and hairdryer are usually available even in the simplest hostels.

What not to take with you on a trip

Shampoo, shower gel and a hundred jars of creams

You may need a jar of cream for every time of day and for different parts of the body in a metropolis, but on vacation two will be enough: a simple moisturizer and a sunscreen. If you are traveling to the tropics, then you can even do without the first one – the air there is so humid that the skin feels great, and it is best to moisturize it with natural coconut oil, which costs a penny. Shampoo, conditioner and shower gel are also easier to buy locally than to fill half a suitcase with your own products; it is unlikely that their compositions are fundamentally different.

What not to take with you on a trip

First aid kit for all occasions

Doctors usually take the most medications with them, because they know too many options for what you can get sick on vacation, and even more drugs to treat each potential ailment. In fact, all over the world people get sick and are treated with approximately the same things, so if it’s not a trip to a safari across the African prairies, there will be a pharmacy with the right medicine in it. Limit yourself to the essentials: paracetamol, activated carbon and good health insurance.

What not to take with you on a trip

Things you shouldn’t wear

“I haven’t worn this shirt for a long time, or maybe even once, but I like it. I’ll take it on vacation and wear it there.” If you think this way about something from your wardrobe, know that this item will simply travel with you to another country and back in your suitcase. We are not talking about summer dresses specially purchased for a trip to the sea, but about everyday things that you do not wear. It is naive to believe that while traveling you will change your mind and happily wear something that has not suited your mood and occasion for a long time.

What not to take with you on a trip

Many pairs of shoes

It’s great if at home you always match the color of your shoes to the color of your handbag or scarf, but taking a whole shoe closet with you on vacation is absolutely pointless. Two pairs are enough – one for good weather, one for cloudy weather, and both pairs should be as comfortable as possible so that you can walk all day without being noticed. A third pair of high heels is only justified if you’re going to a wedding or an Oscar.

In fact, the most important thing is to take your passport and money on vacation; everything else can be bought or done without. Remember that the less things you have with you, the easier it is to get up!

You can make your hotel reservation on OneTwoTrip.

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