Vacation without a passport: which countries can you go to with an internal passport?

Vacation without a passport: which countries can you go to with an internal passport?

We’ll tell you which country to spend your vacation in if there are only a few weeks left before your vacation, but you haven’t had time to prepare all the necessary documents for traveling abroad.


Vacation without a passport: which countries can you go to with an internal passport?

Photo: Alexander Pekach

In Belarus you can travel back in time and see what Europe looked like thousands of years ago, before man began to change its appearance. In Belovezhskaya Pushcha, the largest area of ​​primeval forest that has survived to this day, 2,000 giant trees grow and animals listed in the Red Book live. Visitors to the park can see lynxes, black storks and bison.

There are also perfectly preserved medieval castles here; you can go on excursions to some of them. The most beautiful of them, Nesvizh Castle, was once the residence of the rich and noble Radziwill family, and is now included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. But for tourists this is not even the most interesting thing, but the fact that part of the castle was turned into a hotel where you can stay overnight. When booking, please note that only VIP hotel rooms are located in the castle; standard rooms are located in the new building on the territory of the museum complex.

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Vacation without a passport: which countries can you go to with an internal passport?

Kazakhstan is the ninth largest country in the world with stunning natural beauty. High mountain healing resorts are hidden here, rockets are launched into space in the desert, and ancient cities hide treasures dating back to the times of the Great Silk Road.

In the short period of its existence, the capital of the country managed to change its name from Astana to Nursultan (until 1997, the main city of Kazakhstan was Almaty). Construction of Nursultan is proceeding at a rapid pace, the city is very quickly taking on the appearance of a modern metropolis. Be sure to stay here for a day or two to see the Baiterek Tower, the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, Khan Shatyr and Akorda.

The first and largest cosmodrome in the world, Baikonur, is of particular interest in Kazakhstan. Space lovers can attend the launch of a rocket or spacecraft. Three launches are planned this summer, but tour requests must be submitted in advance.

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Vacation without a passport: which countries can you go to with an internal passport?

Kyrgyzstan is a country of clear lakes, high mountains and endless landscapes, where in some areas people still adhere to a nomadic lifestyle.

The country is popular among lovers of hiking and ecotourism. The country’s mountain ranges and gorges are so vast that you can explore them for literally months without meeting other people. For those who can afford to spend and are not afraid to spend a few days without modern conveniences, we advise you to experience jailoo tourism, where travelers live high in the mountains in yurts, as the Kyrgyz have lived for many centuries. Or attend falconry – one of the oldest types of hunting, included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity in 2016.

One of the main centers of attraction of Kyrgyzstan is Lake Issyk-Kul. Local residents come here to the numerous beaches of the coast in the summer. The lake is so huge that people even called it the Central Asian Sea, and the water in it ranks second in transparency in the world after Baikal.

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Vacation without a passport: which countries can you go to with an internal passport?

A great advantage of vacationing in inexpensive travel packages even in high season. Many natural beauties have been preserved here almost in their original form. For example, Lake Ritsa, the water in which changes color depending on the time of year – in summer and spring it is green-yellow, and in autumn and winter it is blue-blue.

Many travelers like to explore the country by car. For the convenience of such travel, camping sites have been organized on popular routes.

Fans of ecotourism flock to Abkhazia to then climb the mountains. In the area of ​​picturesque alpine meadows of the Caucasus there is Mount Mamdzyshkha, popular among tourists. The hike to the top takes 6-7 hours. During the ascent, participants are treated to breathtaking views of meadows, mountain rivers and winding cliffs.

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South Ossetia

Vacation without a passport: which countries can you go to with an internal passport?

Photo: DimaBS/

South Ossetia is not the most obvious destination for tourism, but that doesn’t make it any less interesting. Located in the heart of the Caucasus, the republic is home to many unique natural attractions. One of them is the Kel volcanic plateau. This is an area of ​​extinct volcanoes and volcanic lakes at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level.

Not far away, in the Kudar Gorge, there is the amazing Lake Ertso. And it surprises not only with its beauty, but also with the fact that once every 5-6 years the lake simply disappears and then appears again. Scientists associate this phenomenon with the presence of underground caves. For this reason, Lake Ertso was nicknamed the ghost lake.

The nature of South Ossetia is fascinating, and the crystal clear air, swimming in healing springs and high mountain lakes and getting to know the rich history of the people living here will help you look at these places differently.

Preview photo: Ulyana Komissarova/Pixabay

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