Universal studios. Amusement park for adults

Universal studios. Amusement park for adults

It is generally accepted that theme and amusement parks are purely children’s entertainment. Indeed, few adults like to take pictures with life-size dolls, ride on carousels and jump on a trampoline. Most parents consider visiting such parks as an unpleasant duty, and those without children generally try to avoid such establishments. But among the endless number of children-oriented amusement parks, one brand aimed at adults stands out. The Universal Studios network was created as an analogue of Disneyland for those who have long passed the age of Mickey Mouse and fairy-tale princesses. Here, adult visitors can not only ride crazy roller coasters and 3D attractions, but also learn how the sets and special effects were created for famous films: “The Mummy,” “Jurassic Park,” “Transformers,” and, of course, “Harry Potter.” “.

Universal studios. Amusement park for adults

The rides in the Universal parks have height restrictions, and the plots of some attractions (for example, “The Mummy” or “The Walking Dead”) are not suitable for children, so there are not so many young guests in these pairs. But for adult visitors, Universal has several advantages compared to other, more children’s parks. For example, for an additional fee you can purchase the opportunity to visit all attractions without queuing, and alcohol is sold in restaurants and cafes in the park.

Two Universal parks are located in the USA – in Orlando and Los Angeles, one in Osaka and another in Singapore.

Universal studios. Amusement park for adults

Universal Park in Orlando consists of two parts – the original Universal Studios Orlando and the later Universal’s Islands of Adventure. Together with the Universal City Walk entertainment street, they are part of the Universal Orlando Resort complex, which occupies an area of ​​almost 340 hectares. The two parks are connected by a monorail themed after the Hogwarts Express train from Harry Potter, which transports passengers from Hogwarts Castle in Islands of Adventure to King’s Cross Station, located in the old part of the park. However, you can go from one park to another on foot, they are located very close. Feel free to buy a combined ticket to visit two parks at once; it’s quite possible to visit them in one day if you arrive early. And if you only have the opportunity to visit one park, then keep in mind that the tallest roller coaster is located in the new part, and the old part with its Hollywood theme is more suitable for movie lovers.

Universal studios. Amusement park for adults

But a real paradise for connoisseurs and connoisseurs of blockbusters is, of course, Universal Park in Los Angeles. It is located in Hollywood, on the territory where the real Universal film studios were once located. Hollywood Universal also has a huge roller coaster, real and virtual attractions, and numerous performances and shows. But what really sets this park apart from others is the unique “Movie Studio Tour” attraction. During the hour-long tour, you will be able to see real sets and props from famous films and TV series such as “War of the Worlds”, “Desperate Housewives” and “Back to the Future”, learn how special effects were created for films and take part in a re-enactment of the disaster in New York City. York Underground!

Universal studios. Amusement park for adults

The park in Osaka is an almost complete copy of Universal Studios in Orlando, but, unfortunately, it lacks the scariest attractions – the “Dragon Ride” from the world of Harry Potter and the slide based on the Hulk comics. But a ticket to a Japanese park is much cheaper, and according to eyewitnesses, the public there is much calmer, so by the end of the day you won’t have a headache. If you find yourself near Osaka, be sure to stop by!

Universal studios. Amusement park for adults

Singapore’s Universal Studios park is quite small, almost half the size of the Japanese park, but very rich. Here, in a relatively small area, there are more than 10 attractions and slides. When building the Singapore park, the creators decided to move away from the standard Universal brand scheme, when all the attractions are designed to resemble the sets of the corresponding films. Here, “Revenge of the Mummy” and “Jurassic Park” are created with greater scope and better detail than in other parks in the network, and are more reminiscent of a real Egyptian tomb and a lost world inhabited by dinosaurs than a Hollywood knock-off.

Universal studios. Amusement park for adults

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