Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

Most doctors agree that during pregnancy the main thing is a positive attitude. And what else helps you recharge with energy, positive emotions and gain strength, if not travel? So, if you do not have medical contraindications and the need to follow a special regime, travel for your health! You will only have to slightly adjust your usual vacation scenario and take into account a couple of nuances to make your trip during this period comfortable and enjoyable.

Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

1. Direction selection

Pregnancy, of course, is not a disease, and a pregnant woman is not disabled, but still it cannot be denied that this is a special condition for the body. First and foremost, ensure that medical care is readily available during your travels; just in case. It is better to postpone trips to exotic countries with a low level of medical services for now. By the way, the quality of the healthcare system does not always directly correspond to the standard of living in the country; for example, in Thailand, Cuba and Mexico, medicine is excellent. It is very important to avoid traveling during pregnancy to regions with unfavorable epidemiological conditions, for example, with a high risk of contracting malaria or the Zika virus. Up-to-date information on this topic can be found on the WHO website.

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Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

2. Medical insurance

Please note that standard travel policies do not cover cases related to pregnancy, so you will have to buy special extended medical insurance. This is a rather expensive service and not all companies on the Russian market provide it, but it’s definitely not worth saving on it. You can only insure until a certain stage of pregnancy, for most companies this is 24-30 weeks, but some insure up to 36.

Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

3. Method of movement

Russian doctors like to scare pregnant women with the dangers of air travel, although in reality the plane is dangerous only because it is impossible to receive medical assistance on board at any time. Some troubles can be caused by dehydration, which you will probably encounter due to the dry air in the cabin. But this is easy to deal with – just drink more water. At the same time, this will help avoid swelling and reduce the risk of thrombosis. The greatest danger during a flight is staying in one position for a long time, because of this, the likelihood of deep vein thrombosis increases. To prevent this condition, it is recommended to move more, walk around the salon and perform simple exercises. Don’t forget also about compression garments; there is an opinion that they are recommended for all pregnant women during the flight as a safety measure. Many pregnant women refuse to travel by air due to radiation. Indeed, at the altitude of the aircraft, the intensity of gamma radiation increases slightly, but for single flights the total dose is insignificant (to reach the permissible limit, you need to fly 300-400 hours).

Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

If you’re still wary of flying, your options are car and train. The main rule for traveling by car is to always buckle up. Even if you do not have a special belt for pregnant women, it is better to use a regular one than to drive without a belt at all. Never turn off the airbags in your car – the risk of their absence is many times greater than the potential troubles from deployment. Be sure to stop every two to three hours to stretch. For the duration of the trip, stock up on water, food and anti-sickness remedies. Even if you’ve never car sick before, it can happen during pregnancy.

As for the train, its only drawback compared to the plane is its low speed, but otherwise it is an ideal transport for pregnant women.

Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

4. Gestation period

The best time to travel is the second and early third trimester; toxicosis usually passes by this time, but you still don’t get tired too quickly. In addition, according to the rules of some airlines, flying for a period of more than 24-36 weeks is prohibited. If you are already noticeably pregnant, the airline representative has the right to require a doctor’s certificate before allowing you on board. The certificate must indicate the period in weeks and information that the pregnancy is proceeding without complications and there are no contraindications for the flight. If you are flying with a foreign company, especially if the airports of departure and arrival are not in Russia, make a notarized translation of the certificate into English; A document in Russian may not be accepted from you. Such papers are issued both in state antenatal clinics and in commercial clinics.

Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

5. A few simple rules

The most important thing is not to overwork. If you have enough strength to walk for several hours at a time, do not deny yourself walks, and if you get tired quickly, give yourself the opportunity to rest. Do not force yourself to go to museums or swim in the sea under any circumstances; you have every right to manage your vacation at your own discretion and taking into account your capabilities.

The same rule applies to active recreation – if jogging and multi-kilometer swims are easy for you, there is no need to limit yourself without special instructions from your doctor. But if you weren’t previously fond of trekking or cycling, you definitely shouldn’t start practicing them during pregnancy.

When it comes to eating and drinking, the most important thing is to avoid food poisoning; during pregnancy they are fraught with unpleasant consequences for both mother and baby. So wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly with bottled water and do not eat in questionable establishments. There is no special diet for pregnant women, and all nutritional instructions during this period should be given by a doctor, taking into account your individual characteristics. Typically, pregnant women are advised to avoid products made from unpasteurized milk, raw meat and eggs, and certain types of fish.

Traveling during pregnancy: what to pay attention to

During this period, it is very important to adhere to the rules of sun exposure: do not be exposed to direct sunlight from 12 to 16, protect your skin and head and drink water regularly.

And remember, the final decision about traveling during pregnancy can only be made after consulting with your doctor.

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Author: Anastasia Zakharova

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