Route from Russian Explorers: Altai

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai

We continue to share amazing routes created especially for you together with Russian Explorers photographers. Vadim Makhorov (@makhorov) has prepared a guide to Altai! And so that you can use it as soon as possible, in our telegram channel we are giving away air tickets to Gorno -Altaysk from Aeroflot. The rules of the promotion can be found at the link.

Altai is one of the most beautiful places in Russia. Here you will find activities for every taste. Mountain lovers can climb Aktra or Belukha, fans of rafting can go rafting along the Katun, those who prefer a comfortable holiday with their family will find all the conditions here. And wildlife seekers can go hiking. I have prepared for you a small, personalized itinerary for the weekend, ideal for your first acquaintance with Altai.

When to go and how to prepare

You can go to Altai at almost any time of the year. In winter, you can admire snow-covered forests and mountains surrounded by steamy mountain rivers. Summer is the ideal time for active recreation. I advise you to come here in September – golden autumn transforms Altai. It’s not hot anymore, but it’s still warm. In addition, there are also fewer tourists, which means there is a higher chance of booking good accommodation.

As for preparation, for a trip in summer or early autumn, I recommend taking with you a standard traveler’s kit: trekking boots, windproof pants and jacket, fleece jacket, sunglasses. In September you may also need thermal underwear. In the mountains, the weather is unpredictable and often does not correspond to the forecast, so you need to be prepared for both heat and sudden frosts. Be sure to take a thermos with you – this thing will always come in handy when traveling.

How to get there

I recommend flying to Gorno-Altaisk, it is the most convenient place to start this route. A round-trip ticket costs from 10,900 rubles* per person.

What to visit and what to do in Altai

Since you and I are flying in for the weekend, we don’t have much time – I suggest going straight to the most beautiful places. To do this, we need to rent a car upon arrival. It doesn’t have to be an SUV. We will go along the Chuysky tract – it is maintained in perfect condition. In 2014, National Geographic Russia magazine included the Chuysky tract in the list of the ten most beautiful roads in the world.

On Friday I suggest you spend the night in one of these hotels in Gorno-Altaisk:  

Eco-hotel “Altika” – from 6500 rubles* per night per person;
Hotel “Golden Sands” – from 3000 rubles* per night per person;
Eco-base “Elena” – from 7000 rubles* per night per person.  

Day one

Remember that it gets dark earlier in the mountains, so it’s better to hit the road early in the morning. You will have to travel about 350 km in a day, visiting various attractions along the way.

The first stop will be almost immediately – bison nursery near the village of Cherga. At the moment, there are just over 8,000 individuals of the last representatives of wild bulls in the world. And in the nursery you can feed these rare animals by hand.

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai

Point on the map 

Then we drive along the Chuysky tract towards the village of Kurai. Along the way you will need to pass two passes. The first will be Seminsky – we are not stopping there. Immediately after, you will begin to notice that the landscape is changing and the mountains around are becoming higher. Along the way, you will see many points with beautiful views.

The next stop is Chike-Taman Pass, located at a distance of about 160 km from the nursery. Along the winding road you will reach the very top, from where magnificent panoramic views open up.

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai

One of the unusual sights on a trip along the Chuysky tract is Katun river terraces. Leveled areas of varying widths, standing at different heights above each other – the terraces form huge steps along the banks of the Katun River.

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai

In the area of ​​the village Maly Yaloman, half an hour’s drive from the Chike-Taman pass, you will find several terraces. Also there you can see how the river bizarrely bends in this place like the letter S. And a little further on one of these steps there is a solar power plant.

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai

The next stop will be the place where the Chuya River flows into the Katun River. From above you can clearly see how water of different colors from the rivers mixes.

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai


Not far from the confluence of the Chuya and Katun there is the Kalbak-Tash tract, where you can see well-preserved petroglyphs. There are about 5000 of them along 3 km.

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai


Next  stop —Geyser lake near the village of Aktash. It is remarkable for its blue color. Watching it, you get the impression that it is alive. If you put the camera on a time-lapse, you can see how the blue clay at the bottom of the lake gurgles due to the gushing springs – that’s why it’s called a geyser.

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai


In the evening we arrive for an overnight stay in the village of Kurai, you can stay here at any recreation center you like. The level of comfort here, of course, is much lower – the thing is that you are not in the most popular tourist part of Altai. I advise you to go to the store, buy snacks and sandwiches the next day – you will go to the Aktru Gorge. The road to it is broken and very rocky. There are fords. Therefore, even if you rented an SUV, I do not recommend driving there in a rental car. It is better to order a pick-up from the locals in a UAZ car. You will understand how to do this on the spot – they will stand waiting for tourists at the entrance to Kurai. The staff at the place you are staying can also help you.

Day two

Early in the morning after breakfast, head to Aktru Valley. This will take several hours. The road is not easy, but picturesque. Be prepared for a lot of shaking, but it’s worth it. When you enter the valley itself, the first thing you will see is a flooded river with a mountain in the background.

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai


UAZ will take you to alpine camp. Climbers and hikers often stop here before climbing. If you had more time, you could also stay there, but since you are limited to weekends, you will have to return to Kurai in the evening. By the way, there is a canteen in the climbing camp where you can have lunch.

Next you have a choice of which direction to take for walking. You will find out all the information about the tracks in the climbing camp. If you like hiking, I advise you to go to  rock formations of Ram’s foreheads to see the glacier and Mount Aktru. This is one of my favorite places on Altai.

Route from Russian Explorers: Altai

In the evening we return in the UAZ to Kurai and spend the night. And in the morning we go to Gorno-Altaisk – it’s time to go home!

To fully see Altai, you need to go there for at least a week. But this doesn’t always work out, so our route is the best introduction to Altai. After this trip, you’ll want to come back again to explore other places in the region.

*Prices valid at time of publication

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