Countries for Digital Nomads

You don’t have to wait until your vacation to go to the ocean. More and more countries are launching digital nomad visas – programs for those who want to work and travel at the same time. The standard set of documents and requirements includes a completed application form, photographs, a valid foreign passport, medical insurance […]

What is a stopover or how to travel cheaper

A stopover is a connection between flights that lasts more than twenty-four hours. This is convenient because you can walk around the new city for a day or two on the way to your final destination. In this case, you can leave your luggage at the airport; there is no need to carry around heavy

Solo travel. Why not?

“Waking up completely alone in an unfamiliar city is one of the most pleasant feelings in the world.” (Freya Stark, French traveler who lived to be 100 years old) There are things that are scary to decide on for the first time. One of them is traveling “solo”, that is, alone. But there are many

Where to go to relax, calm down and get a boost of good mood

Mood can be different: good, bad or completely incomprehensible. What to do if you don’t want anything at all and your strength is starting to leave you? The surest remedy is to pack your suitcase and go on a trip. This helps a lot to calm down, put thoughts in order and accumulate energy. It

Rafting without pitfalls

Despite the fact that rafting took an official place in the All-Russian Register of Sports back in 2003, many still know about it only by hearsay from guides in hotels or from advertising brochures of travel companies. Meanwhile, few other hobbies can provide as much pleasure and drive. What is rafting and what do you

Do I need a QR code to fly within Russia?

At the moment, there are requirements for checking QR codes when purchasing an air ticket for domestic flights, as well as for flying within Russia on an already purchased ticket at the federal level not entered.  From December 1, the presentation of a QR code about vaccination or a previous illness will be introduced for

A practical guide to driving in Asia

Impressions of traveling to Asia can be very different, but the vast majority of tourists clearly agree that traffic in this part of the world is very special. Simply put, there are no rules here. Indeed, for a person accustomed to strictly regulated traffic, the roads in Asia can be very difficult, and most importantly,

When you're scared but really want to: plan for diving

If you love nature and travel, swimming and flying, get high on adrenaline and want to expand the boundaries of comfort – Cliff Diving is for you. Jumping into open water cannot be compared with the tower in the pool, because you are surrounded by the incredible beauty of nature, and your nerves are tickled

Waiting out the cold: 8 warm countries for wintering

With the onset of cloudy weather and frosts, I want to fly to warmer climes more than ever. If you work remotely or are planning a long vacation, why not go to exotic countries for the winter? We have selected 8 destinations from Southeast Asia to Latin America, where you can fly to spend the

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