7 ideas for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is a great occasion to talk about your feelings or once again demonstrate love. And to make it unforgettable, arrange a surprise – a real romantic trip. Don’t worry about the routes, we have chosen the most suitable cities for lovers, made a plan for the weekend and even selected hotels. Moscow, Russia

7 warm countries where you can go from Russia for the New Year

Despite the closed borders, Russians have the opportunity to fly to the warmth for the New Year holidays. Together with analysts from the international real estate broker Tranio, we calculated how much the New Year holidays in Bali, Cuba, Thailand, the UAE and other countries open to entry will cost, and told us where we

Ice palaces, frying pan throwing and boat burning: 7 best winter festivals

There are many interesting events happening in winter and winter festivals are one of them. They are held after the winter solstice in countries where the winter is long and cold. Why be sad and cold if you can have great fun? We will tell you about the most fun, noisy and beautiful winter festivals

6 best destinations for New Year's shopping

Everyone is looking forward to the New Year holidays. Some people are going to visit their parents this holiday season, some are opening the ski season, and some are buying suitcases to go to Christmas sales. If you are one of the latter, we suggest taking a closer look at Europe, where New Year’s discounts

5 unusual ways to spend February 14th

We have come up with 5 ideas on how to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a way that will surprise your other half. Read it, it might come in handy. Take a hot air balloon ride over the castles of the Loire The Loire River Valley is a colorful region of France and a great place

5 night excursions for the New Year and more

Who among us has not puzzled over how to spend New Year’s Eve? This question is especially acute for those who go on vacation for the holidays. If you’re not particularly interested in traditional feasts, take a night tour. We have selected five options for you that are good in themselves, and especially interesting on

5 ski resorts in Georgia

Georgians sometimes say: “If you smooth out the mountains with an iron, the country will become 10 times larger.” Indeed, two thirds of Georgia’s area is occupied by mountains. In the south there are the ridges of the Lesser Caucasus (2000-3000 meters above sea level), in the north – the Greater Caucasus (up to 5000

How to avoid leaving a fortune on the ski slope: 5 budget resorts

The skiing and snowboarding season has already begun, and many are wondering how to combine business with pleasure: ski on well-equipped slopes, but not overpay for tickets and hotels. OneTwoTrip has selected for you several ski resorts in Russia and abroad that are optimal in terms of price and quality of skiing. Go ahead, collect

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