How to relax for a month and a half, taking 18 days of vacation?

How to relax for a month and a half, taking 18 days of vacation?

New Year holidays are over. With the thought that several holidays in a row awaited us only in May, we went to work. But for the next big trip you shouldn’t wait for the last month of spring – you can take a long vacation this year almost once a month*. To do this, you need to wisely manage the weekends dedicated to public holidays – in 2021, excluding the New Year period, we rest for 21 days. If you take additional vacation and add adjacent weekends, the vacation will last 45 days.


Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2021 falls on Tuesday, so the official weekend is extended to 3 days (Saturday is moved to Monday). You can add three weekdays to them (February 24-26). Then the total duration of vacation will be 8 days.

Vacation ideas: February is still the height of the season at many ski resorts in Russia. Choose where to sharpen your skis (or snowboards), in a special section on our website.


March 8 is Monday this year, so Russians will have three days off. By adding four workers (March 9-12), the weekend can be extended to 9 days.

Vacation ideas: OneTwoTrip has ready-made routes to interesting cities in Russia, compiled by our experts. Choose the one that suits you!


The May holidays in 2021 are separated by four working days (May 4-7) – if you book a vacation during this time, you will have as much as 10.

to rest

Vacation ideas: It is now difficult to predict what the tourism situation will be in May. You can be sure of one thing – we publish all the relevant information about the current restrictions and the list of countries that have already opened for Russians in a separate blog article.


In June you can go on a 9-day trip: Russia Day falls on Saturday, the day off is moved to Monday, and if you add June 15-18, you get a full vacation.

Vacation ideas: if you have absolutely no options, use our “Where to Go” project. You choose the month and city of departure, and we offer the most interesting and affordable options – with ticket prices and information about restrictions for tourists.


The last long weekend before the New Year awaits Russians in November: National Unity Day falls on Thursday, and three days of vacation (November 1-3) will extend the vacation to 9 days.

Vacation ideas: we hope that by November we will all be able to safely book hotels and tickets to anywhere in the world. You know where to look for the best deals 🙂

* July – October

There are no public holidays or long weekends. It is during this period that we recommend taking a planned long vacation. At the end of summer – beginning of autumn, the velvet season begins in many beach resorts. There are fewer tourists, and tickets are cheaper. And this is exactly how you will be able to relax almost every month this year. At the same time, we’ll check whether it’s possible to get tired of traveling.

Thus, combining vacation and holiday weekends this year, on average you can spend 9 days on vacation – which means it’s enough for a full-fledged trip. An additional plus is that plane and train tickets a few days before the official holidays or a couple of days after they end are usually more profitable than on the dates themselves, when high demand provokes an increase in prices.


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