8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

The choice of type of recreation is an individual matter. Some people are afraid to even think about extreme pastime. For others, it would be death to spend an entire day aimlessly on the beach. But, perhaps, all travelers are united by a passion for new experiences and peace. There is also a common enemy: endless noisy crowds. If you want to keep your peace of mind and avoid wasting time queuing on your vacation, follow these 8 tips.

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

1. Book your tickets in advance

Fortunately, today you don’t have to stand for several hours in front of the ticket office before visiting the most famous attractions. Online ticket sales are available for tours of the Empire State Building, the Vatican Museums, and the Louvre in Paris. In a word, for all objects in front of which the most impressive queues line up.

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

2. Come either too early or too late

Consider the habits of the enemy of your peace – the crowd. As a rule, its activity occurs in the middle of the day. To avoid wasting time in lines, go to crowded areas early in the morning or towards the end of the workday.

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

3. Check the tourist seasons

They come in Bavaria in October, during the bullfighting period in Valencia or around Christmas in Prague. Going on vacation to a country at the peak of tourist activity, you doom yourself to find yourself in the epicenter of the crowd. Gather information and target the “off-season.” Departing even one week earlier or later will save you from queues and, most likely, will allow you to save money.

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

4. Collect expert opinions

The advice of ordinary people should help you: a hotel concierge, a taxi driver or any other local resident. They already know which attractions and beaches are worth visiting so as not to waste time in line.

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

5. Go beyond the mandatory tourist program

The Eiffel Tower and the Colosseum are beautiful in their grandeur. These attractions are important to see for every traveler, which reduces the opportunity to enjoy their splendor in peace and quiet. Try to choose less popular places in new cities. The barely visible streets of Paris and Rome are hidden from the attention of tourists, but provide cultural experiences no less valuable than the most popular destinations in guidebooks.

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

6. Avoid school holidays

Planning your vacation in Catholic countries around March break or holidays such as Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas means voluntarily agreeing to be immersed in crowds.

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

7. Ignore offers to take photos

You can meet them on the way to many attractions. As a rule, they cause real traffic jams. Skip the photo souvenir, leave the crowd behind and enjoy the present moment.

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

8. Follow the weather forecast

People cancel their plans when they hear about the rain. Bad weather is a great chance to avoid wasting time in line. Of course, if the destination has a roof over your head.

Source: Reader’s digest

8 ways to avoid wasting time in line while on vacation

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