Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Rome is an eternally young city with ancient masterpieces of architecture and beautiful temples. Despite millions of tourists and high prices, Rome is ideal for a budget holiday – admission to dozens of churches and museums is free. We will tell you how and where you can relax with your children, visit a palace, an organ concert and learn the history of Ancient Rome completely free of charge.

1. Attractions

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

The Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli is famous for the sculpture of Moses by Michelangelo, which adorns the magnificent tomb of Pope Julius II and the chains in which he was bound Apostle Peter.

Arch of Constantine– a huge triumphal arch built by Emperor Constantine in the 4th century near the Colosseum, its amazing bas-reliefs and medallions have been perfectly preserved to this day.

Santi Quattro Coronati – 6th century convent with unique votive frescoes from the 12th century, mosaic floors and an ancient cemetery. To get to the monastery, book your visit in advance on the monastery website.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Interesting excursions from local residents in Rome

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Spanish Steps – the widest and longest staircase in Europe, built in the 18th century. It offers an excellent view of the city; magicians, acrobats and musicians perform here from morning to night.

Basilica of Sant’Agostino – Renaissance temple with frescoes by Raphael and paintings by Caravaggio.

Numismatic Museum of the Italian Mint, which houses more than 20,000 rare coins, from ancient Roman to modern.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican is the main Catholic cathedral in the world, which was built by the great architects of the Renaissance: Bernini, Michelangelo, Raphael and Bramante. Inside the basilica you will see Michelangelo’s Pieta and Bernini’s striking Baldachin over the tomb of the Apostle Peter.

Basilica of Santa Prassede – a modest church with exceptionally beautiful Byzantine mosaics.

2. Places where you can relax with the whole family

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Park Janiculumon the hill of the same name. The Janiculum Hill is the highest in Rome and the park at its top offers panoramic views of the city. There is also a Botanical Garden and the Teatrino di Pulcinella Puppet Theater with free performances on weekends.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Pyramid of Cestius– a pyramid-shaped tomb, decorated with frescoes on the inside, built about 2000 years ago, when Rome conquered Egypt and Egyptian culture and art became extremely popular.

Cat nursery on the ruins of Torre Argentina. It was on this square in 44 BC. Julius Caesar was killed. Today, archaeological excavations are being carried out here, where about 100 cats live on ancient ruins, which are maintained at the expense of the city budget. Many of them are very affectionate and allow themselves to be petted.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Gardens of Villa Borghese and Villa Sciarra. In the huge gardens of Villa Borghese there is a zoo and a botanical garden, there are playgrounds, boat and bicycle rentals, and fountains everywhere. Roses bloom in the park of Villa Sciarra, rare birds live, and its lawns offer panoramic views of the city.

Cafarella Park is a beautiful park where about 80 species of birds and animals live. On its territory there are ancient tombs and towers, an ancient Roman temple and a sanctuary at the source, dedicated to the nymphs.

3. Performances and concerts

Almost all Roman churches offer free concerts of organ and sacred music several times a month, so read the notices on church doors carefully.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

In Quirinal PalaceEvery Sunday there are classical music concerts. You can find out the schedule and reserve a place on their website.

And you can attend dozens of concerts of all genres and performances for free during summer holidays and festivals: Estate romana (Roman summer) in June, holiday Ferragosto August 15 and in September at the International Theater Festival in Rome.

4. Places with a unique Roman atmosphere

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Appian Way. Through this road, which is 2300 years old, Rome was connected with Greece and Egypt. Pine trees grow along it, Christian catacombs and ruins of ancient Roman villas are located.

Jewish Ghetto – a colorful area with artisan shops in the narrow streets and excellent kosher restaurants. On its territory there are the Portico of Octavia and the Turtle Fountain, small but very beautiful.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

The Porta Portese flea market one of the largest in Europe, where you can find antique furniture and ancient coins, books and jewelry for low prices.

District Trastevere – the most cheerful and romantic area of ​​the city, lies south of the Vatican. The atmosphere of old Rome has been preserved here – with tiny squares and courtyards, ivy-covered houses and cheap restaurants and cafes.

5. Ancient temples and theaters

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Pantheon – the legendary temple of all the gods, almost 1900 years old, with the largest non-reinforced concrete dome in the world.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Theater of Marcellus – the most ancient theater in Rome, the predecessor of the Colosseum, which could seat 15 thousand people.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

The Mouth of Truth in the portico of the Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin is a round marble slab with an image of Triton with his mouth open. According to legend, whoever lies by putting his fingers in Triton’s stone mouth will have his fingers bitten off.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

Circo Massimo – these are the ruins of the largest hippodrome of Ancient Rome, where 150,000 spectators watched the chariot races.

Trajan’s Column – all 38 meters of the column are a continuous bas-relief, which depicts the battles of Emperor Trajan with the Dacian tribe and the triumph of Rome . The bas-relief is made so carefully that you can see on it the details of the clothes and equipment of Roman soldiers.

5. Museums

Museums where admission is always free: Gallery at the Academy of Arts of St. Luke, Boncompagni-Ludovisi House Museum with a collection of decorative arts, Hendrik Andersen Museum, Carlo Bilotti Museum of Contemporary Art, Burcardo Theater Museum, Napoleon Museum.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

State museums with free admission on the first Sunday of the month: Colosseum, Palatine and Roman Forum, Capitoline Museums, Galleria Borghese, Villa Farnesina, etc. But be prepared for 2-3 hour queues at the most popular museums.

Free Rome: attractions, places to relax with family, performances and concerts

The Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel welcome visitors free of charge on the last Sunday of the month.

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