Documents for business trip

Documents for business trip

Earlier in our blog we talked about how to arrange business trips, and today we’ll talk in more detail about what documents are needed to formalize a business trip.

What documents are needed to register a business trip

In 2019, the list of documents for registration of a business trip looks like this:

  • order —this document confirms the very fact of the business trip;
  • job assignment —it is signed by the employee’s supervisor, the document contains information about the purposes of the trip and the tasks of the traveler (this data can be entered in order and do not fill out a separate task); receives advance to cover expenses, this payment must be formalized;
  • consent to work on weekends —if you know that the employee will perform a work assignment including on weekends, you will need his written consent (if the work will take place on normal time, this paper is not needed);
  • advance report — upon the employee’s return from a business trip, he must submit an advance report, to which all documents confirming the costs are attached.

Let’s consider the necessary documents in more detail.

Order on sending on a business trip

Until 2015, Russian companies were required to fill out a job assignment and travel certificate separately. Now you only need to fill out the order. Moreover, the company has the right to develop the form of the document independently; you can also use the unified form T-9.

We discussed the preparation of this document in detail in our article. Briefly, it should contain the following information:

  • full name of the organization;
  • Full name of the employee, his position and department code;
  • destination;
  • duration of trip;
  • purpose of the trip and its basis (job assignment)

Service assignment

At the moment, filling out a separate job assignment is not mandatory. The data included in it can be entered directly into the order, but often, to facilitate reporting, HR administration specialists prefer to use a job assignment form.

There is also a unified form T-10a for this document. It must be filled out in two stages. The first of them is carried out even before the start of the business trip: information about the organization is entered into the document, the form is assigned a serial number, information about the employee and his department, and travel parameters. Typically, all this information is filled out by the employee himself.

After his return from the trip, his supervisor completes the job assignment. He lists the tasks completed during the trip and enters a summary of the results in a special column.

Advance and expense cash order

The employer is obliged not only to keep the employee’s place and pay the average salary during the trip, but also to pay expenses that arise during the trip. To do this, you need to pay an advance for the business trip. We looked at the rules for paying an advance in one of the previous articles. 

There are no strict rules for paying an advance, but the operation must be carried out correctly. To do this, you need to create an expense cash order. It should contain information about the operation (line “Base”) and a list of attached documents (line “Appendix”). The document must also contain company data (OKPO code), date of the order, signatures of the chief accountant and the employee receiving the advance.

Agreement to work on a day off (optional)

If an employee goes on a business trip or will work on weekends or holidays, he must give written consent to this. There is no single form for this document, so it can be compiled in any form.

The main thing to remember is that there are categories of employees who, in principle, cannot be called to work on weekends. These include minor employees, pregnant women, parents raising small children (up to three years old), people with disabilities.

Advance report

After an employee returns from a business trip, he must fill out an advance report. This document is needed in order to account for the money spent on the trip. For the advance report there is a unified form N AO-1.

This document should contain the following information:

  • company name;
  • date and report number;
  • department and position of the seconded employee;
  • reason for the trip;
  • advance amount.

Various confirmations of costs are attached to the documents – we talked about them in detail here.


As you can see, nowadays the documents necessary for registration of a business trip are not at all difficult to prepare, and the list itself is small. It includes an order, a job assignment, an advance payment order and an advance report, as well as optional documents, such as consent to work on weekends.

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