Do you need a business trip if you can hold an online conference?

Do you need a business trip if you can hold an online conference?

A business trip is a trip by a company employee to a populated area remote from his permanent place of work to fulfill work obligations. These include organizing cooperation with contractors, signing contracts, purchasing goods, inspecting facilities to assess compliance with standards, and more.

The pandemic reduced business travel to zero, and companies adapted to online solutions. All questions can be discussed via email, video call or online conference. 

However, with the easing of coronavirus restrictions, business trips became possible again. However, many employers have switched to the online format to save time and money. Is it worth replacing business trips with online conferences? We’ll talk about this in our article.

Business trip or online conference?

Business travel is considered a professional obligation of the employee, which he performs for the purposes of the company. For example, to conclude a deal or meet business partners in person. However, a growing body of research shows that business travel is important for both the employer and the employee. Business trips help specialists develop professional skills and gain valuable experience.

For example, according to an online survey conducted by for Business, 36% of employees want to gain new knowledge on a business trip, 37% are looking for inspiration for work, and 30 % are eager to learn a new culture in a business context.

Surprisingly, this study also found that 30% of employees would accept less pay if they traveled more frequently.

Another survey conducted by the HeadHunter research service also showed that business travel is an integral part of work. For example, 47% of respondents reported that without business travel their company would not be able to function effectively. 

In addition, 79% of workers love business trips, and 57% of “non-traveling” employees would like to get a job with business trips. 

Business trips for employees are attractive because they allow them to take part in solving an important matter for the company (71%), fill their lives with new impressions (56%) and dispel the routine of gray everyday life (56%). In other words, combine business with pleasure!

And finally, 80% of workers claim that online conferences cannot replace business trips.

Do you need a business trip if you can hold an online conference?

Source: HeadHunter

Research confirms that business travel increases an employee’s sense of importance, increases his loyalty to the company, and also helps inspire and diversify his life.

Additionally, according to HBR research, in-person communication is 34 times more effective than online communication. This is confirmed by a study conducted by Forbes, in which 95% of respondents said that personal meetings are necessary for building long-term business relationships.

In OneTwoTrip you can book a business trip yourself. The travel coordinator of your company will set up a travel policy and also select the persons responsible for approval so that you can choose your own accommodation and air tickets. Registration takes no more than 2 minutes, and you can pay for the order at the same moment with a deposit or card.

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