Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel: fortress island

Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel: fortress island

Have you ever wanted to visit the Middle Ages? Until a time machine is invented, the best way to do this is to visit the island of Mont Saint-Michel in Normandy.
Despite its popularity among tourists (Saint-Michel is visited annually by up to 3 million people),

the abbey itself and the ancient houses of the surrounding city still retain the spirit of the Middle Ages.

Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel: fortress island

Today Mont Saint-Michel (on the map) is known not so much as a religious site, but as a cultural and historical site. On the territory of the fortress there are several dozen ancient buildings and picturesque ruins in different architectural styles, the oldest of which date back to the 8th century.

Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel: fortress island

Saint-Michel is one of the most famous long-term construction sites in the world. The first church on the island was founded in 708, and construction of the complex was completed only in 1520. The main building of the abbey was erected over 500 years, from the 11th to the 16th centuries, with interruptions for wars and conflicts, which were common in those days.

Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel: fortress island

The abbey went through many troubles – they tried to either burn it or conquer it, and the city adjacent to it was repeatedly destroyed, but thanks to its favorable location, the castle still survived. The island of Saint-Michel is truly an ideal place for a fortress: until a dam was built in 1989 connecting it to the mainland, it was basically impossible to get here during high tides. Huge waves, the strongest tides in Europe, sharp rocks and quicksand that open up during low tides made Mont Saint-Michel truly impregnable.

Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel: fortress island

Today, a community of 7 Benedictine monks lives in the abbey, and several dozen more people live in the town adjacent to the castle. The town itself has been completely transformed into a tourist attraction – souvenir shops, restaurants and hotels are located in ancient stone houses, which, however, does not spoil it at all. By the way, we recommend staying overnight at one of these hotels in order to calmly explore the city late in the evening or early in the morning without crowds of tourists and take a couple of shots that strangers will not see.

You can easily get to the island of Mont Saint-Michel by renting a car.

Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel: fortress island

Author: Anastasia Zakharova

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