8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

Sri Lanka is an island country located in South Asia near the end of the Hindustan Peninsula. The name of the country is translated from Sanskrit as “blessed land.” True, until 1972 this state was called differently – Ceylon. This is how the Europeans who colonized the island at the beginning of the 16th century marked this place on their maps.

The island’s population is about 21.5 million, the vast majority of whom practice Buddhism. More than a million tourists visit the country every year. The best time to holiday in Sri Lanka is from November to April, when the northeast wind prevails here, bringing with it warm and dry weather. From May to October the island is under the rule of humid monsoons. During this period, there are tropical downpours almost continuously, and beach holidays are complicated by high waves.

What is remarkable about a holiday in Sri Lanka? Here you can look at the majestic Buddhist temples, ride an elephant, try real Ceylon tea, sunbathe on the beach, go diving, surfing or rafting. But today we will not talk about this. We have prepared for you 8 interesting sights that are definitely worth seeing on the island of Sri Lanka.

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

1. Dalada Maligawa Temple in Kandy

One of the four teeth of Buddha, preserved after the cremation of his body, is kept here. This relic came to Ceylon in 371 and since then has been carefully protected by representatives of the royal dynasty. The temple is located on the territory of the royal palace and is open to everyone who wants to worship the shrine. Of course, you will not see the tooth itself, since it is under reliable protection. It is taken outside the temple only once a year. During the colorful Esala Perahera festival that takes place in August.

In addition to the famous tooth, the Dalada Maligawa Temple is worth seeing a solid emerald Buddha figurine, as well as ancient manuscripts.

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

2. Royal Botanic Garden

The botanical garden is located 6 kilometers from the city of Kandy. Its area is more than 60 hectares. Here you can walk surrounded by exotic trees, flowers, palm groves and bamboo thickets. Huge pavilions with orchids and cacti, as well as a Japanese garden, are noteworthy. The garden is home to hundreds of bright tropical birds and funny monkeys who are not afraid to approach tourists. In addition, in the botanical garden you can see plants planted by famous people, for example, the iron tree of Nicholas II, the ficus of the English king Edward VII and the spruce of Yuri Gagarin.

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

3. Ancient Bo Tree

When visiting Sri Lanka, be sure to look at the world’s oldest sacred tree, which is more than 23 centuries old. According to Buddhist beliefs, the Bo Tree grew from a shoot taken from the ficus Budha Goya, under which insight descended on Siddhartha Gautama, and he became Buddha.

The Bo tree is located on the territory of the Anuradhapura Vihara temple complex. It is surrounded by a fence of gold and is carefully guarded. A huge number of pilgrims come here from all over the world, dreaming of getting a leaf that fell from a sacred tree.

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

4. Dambulla Cave Temple

The temple is located near the ancient Sri Lankan capital. It was built, or rather carved into the rock in the 2nd century BC. A giant rock mass hangs over the temple complex, which impresses even experienced travelers. At the foot of the cliff, guests are greeted by a huge statue of Buddha, and a staircase of amazing wavy shape, strewn with flowers, leads to the temple.

Dambulla Temple is rightfully considered one of the richest places of worship, its luxury is amazing. More than 150 Buddha statues are kept here, more than half of which are covered in gold. One of the caves is famous for the fact that drops of water rise up its walls from the source and, collecting under the ceiling, fall into the golden bowl below.

You should be very careful on the territory of the complex – thousands of monkeys feel very at ease here and are not averse to profiting from the contents of your handbag or stealing your camera.

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

5. Pinnawala Elephant Nursery

From time immemorial, elephants in Sri Lanka have been considered sacred animals. You can see with your own eyes how these smart animals live at the state elephant nursery in Pinnawala. The most comfortable living conditions for elephants have been created here. Tourists are shown both adult animals and small elephant calves, which can be fed, of course, for a fee and at a strictly designated time. If you’re lucky, you’ll see elephants bathing, during which they behave not like staid giants, but like little children, splashing with water and rolling around in the mud. Since all the inhabitants of the nursery end up here for a reason, but due to injuries and other unfavorable circumstances, the proceeds from tickets go to the maintenance of the animals.

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

6. Spice Garden

Connoisseurs of spicy aromas will definitely want to visit the Spice Garden, located in the town of Matae, near Kandy. Here you can see how the spicy plants that we are used to seeing ready-made in our kitchen grow.

During the excursion, garden workers will tell you how to properly use spices and how to prepare medicinal and cosmetic preparations from them. There is a shop here where you can buy your favorite spices, get advice from an Ayurveda specialist, and even attend a relaxing massage using rare oils and herbs.

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

7. Howling Hole

A place with such a scary name is located near Dikwella Beach. This landmark of Sri Lanka is also called “Breath of the Whale”. This unusual natural phenomenon is caused by the fact that ocean waves, falling into a deep crack between the rocks, break out and rush upward like a grandiose fountain, reaching a height of 30 meters. The action is accompanied by loud sounds reminiscent of the voice of a giant whale. The only thing to take into account is that this natural phenomenon can only be observed in strong winds. On the way here you will see many picturesque villages and get acquainted with the life of the local population.

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

8. Horton Plateau National Park

The reserve is located in the upper reaches of the three largest rivers in Sri Lanka, eight kilometers from Ohiya. In addition to the luxurious tropical nature and diversity of the animal world, here you can see an attraction called “The End of the World.” This is an absolutely vertical cliff more than 1300 meters high, from the top of which there is a stunning view of the gorge and the river bed. Experienced tourists recommend coming to the observation deck early in the morning, when, in the light of the first rays of the rising sun, a thick fog rises from the bottom of the gorge, creating the feeling that you are really at the very edge of the world.

8 attractions worth visiting Sri Lanka for

What else is Sri Lanka attractive to tourists? The birthplace of the world’s best tea and exquisite spices welcomes its guests with well-equipped hotels, beaches and delicious food. You can vacation in Sri Lanka on a budget, since prices here are lower than in countries with similar climatic conditions. For example, a dish of freshly caught seafood costs about $15 here, a salad of exotic fruits costs $2.5, and ice cream can be bought for only a dollar.

You can get to Sri Lanka using regular flights of Emirates, Turkish Airlines, Etihad Airways, Qatar Airways and some others. Ticket prices vary depending on the time of year, but usually start from 15 thousand rubles. Travel time with all transfers will be from 12 hours or more.

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