12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

When they say “Rostov”, they mean Rostov-on-Don, although there is another city in Russia with the same name (Rostov the Great). In 2018, Rostov is preparing to host the FIFA World Cup and therefore the city is being updated quite quickly, attracting more and more tourists every day.
Where is it worth visiting if you find yourself in the Don capital for just a couple -three days?

Spending a weekend in Rostov-on-Don will be interesting for residents of Krasnodar, Stavropol, and other nearby cities, the journey from which will not take much time.

The approximate travel budget for one person is from 4,100 rubles.*

  • Train tickets back and forth from 1,726 rubles*;
    Planes fly from Moscow to Rostov-on-Don every day. The cheapest ticket costs 2,099 rubles*, and the flight lasts 1 hour 50 minutes.
  • 1 night in a hostel – from 350 rubles* or in a 3* hotel – from 700 rubles*;
  • The average bill in a cafe is 400 rubles;
  • Walks around the city, travel on public transport, souvenirs – 800 rubles.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

1. Theater Square

It is noteworthy for several reasons. Firstly, there is a monument-stele “to the Liberators of Rostov”, the silhouette of which is probably familiar to many, because it is often used as a symbol of the Don capital. Secondly, the Maxim Gorky Drama Theater is located here, which gave the square its name and also serves as one of the main architectural attractions of the city. Thirdly, from the square it is easy to get to the most popular amusement park among local residents – the October Revolution Park.

The park has a lot of trees and greenery, and there are attractions. Spending time here will be interesting both for those who like quiet walks surrounded by greenery, and for those who cannot imagine their weekend without cotton candy and fun rides down the hill.

Last year, the third largest Ferris wheel in Russia, called “One Sky,” was launched in the park. From his cabin you can observe the panorama of the city from a height of 65 meters. One revolution of the wheel lasts approximately 12 minutes.

October Revolution Park is open daily and around the clock, without breaks or weekends.
The One Sky Ferris Wheel is also open daily, but only from 10:00 to 02:00. **

The Drama Theatre, like other theater and music venues in the city, begins its concert activities in September and ends in June.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

2. Free space “Dial”

One of the most creative and creative places in the city, it operates in the anti-cafe format, which means that you can eat and drink as much as you want, and also use everything that this establishment offers at your disposal, paying only time spent within its walls.

Tsiferblat hosts music festivals, master classes on business and goal setting, cooking, and others. In the warm season, table tennis tables are installed in the courtyard of the cafe, where anyone can practice this sport. On Wednesdays and Fridays, films are shown on the outdoor veranda.

Dial mode:
Sun-Thu: 10:00 — 24:00.**
Fri-Sat: 10:00 — 03:00.**
Address: Sokolov Avenue, 46.
Social page .networks.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

3. Park of Culture and Leisure named after Maxim Gorky

The oldest in the Don capital, and therefore perhaps the most famous, it is divided into the so-called “upper” and “lower” parks. If in the “upper” part you can find attractions, numerous cafes, a green theater, a chess club, an arts and crafts fair and even a real observatory, then the “lower” part consists of preserved fragments of the gardens that were laid out on this site in 1813 by the city head Andrey Yashchenko.

Operating hours: around the clock, without breaks and weekends.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

4. Rostov Zoo

The Rostov Zoo contains about 5,000 animals, among which more than 100 species are included in the International Red Book.

Daily, during demonstration feeding of animals, zoo specialists tell visitors about the diet and life of animals in their natural habitat.

Here you can not only look at the menagerie’s pets, but also have a picnic on the grass by the pond.

Zoo opening hours: 8:00 – 20:00, seven days a week.**
Address: Zoologicheskaya street, 3
Website: zoopark-rostov.ru

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

5. City embankment

Another place where a Rostov resident would certainly direct you is the embankment. In summer it becomes a favorite vacation spot for local residents.

On the embankment there is a light and music fountain “Petrovsky”, in the jets of which many adults and children like to cool off on a hot summer day.

Boats leave every hour from the city embankment for river excursions. While walking along the river, you will get acquainted with a brief history of the Don region, and also have the opportunity to have a snack and dance.

Motor ships operate around the clock. Ticket prices start from 270 rubles per person.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

6. Archaeological Museum-Reserve Tanais

The Tanais Museum is one of the most famous archaeological museums in Russia, located several tens of kilometers from the city and representing the ruins of a real ancient city, carefully preserved by Don specialists.

In Tanais, an “open-air” exhibition awaits you – this is the majority of the explored areas of the settlement (about a tenth of the entire city). The exhibition also includes large-scale reconstructions of ancient buildings in the museum estate and a lapidarium – a collection of massive, voluminous finds, mainly made of stone. Items from excavations stored in the reserve funds number more than 140 thousand items. The collections have created a unique “Hall of Amphora Standards” – the only one in Europe where open storage of amphora containers is practiced. The museum estate also houses the exhibition “Museum of Historical Costume” and a complex of thematic exhibitions of a historical, archaeological and artistic nature.

Museum opening hours: 9:00 – 17:00, without breaks and weekends.**
Address: 346813, Rostov region, Myasnikovsky district, Nedvigovka village.
Website: museum-tanais.ru
How to get there: by electric train Rostov-Taganrog; by buses Rostov-Shchedry No. 458, Rostov-Sinyavskoye No. 455 (depart from the Central Market). Stop – “Tanais”. Or by our own vehicles along the Rostov-Taganrog highway.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

7. Beaches of the Azov Sea

Swimming is prohibited within the city on the Don – the water, like in many other megacities, is dirty. But in about 1.5 hours you can get to the Sea of ​​Azov and swim there, and at the same time see another city. Every half hour, minibuses depart from the Rostov Central Bus Station to Taganrog (one-way fare is 130-160 rubles). Entrance to all city beaches is free, the shore and bottom are covered with sand.

The most popular beach in Taganrog is Solnechny. The beach is equipped with changing cabins, a cafe and water attractions.

Eliseevsky beach is located near Solnechny. On the beach there is a swimming pool, a billiards room, and for children – a trampoline and inflatable slides.

The path to the Primorsky beach lies through the park of the same name, where city residents themselves like to relax in the shade of trees. There is a windsurfing school near the beach, where anyone can learn this sport.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

8. Food stall Hunky Dory & Dudes

Continuing the gastronomic theme, it is impossible not to mention this amazing establishment in all respects. Here visitors can not only purchase environmentally friendly goods produced on local farms, but also try dishes made from them. Their range is quite simple and unpretentious, but it is this presentation that will allow you to fully enjoy the rich taste of high-quality food.

Let us note that Hunky Dory is also a cultural space where all sorts of exciting events are constantly taking place. Here you can attend a music festival, a creative meeting, or a photo exhibition – all this will turn your visit to this establishment into a completely new form of cultural leisure.

Opening hours Hunky Dory & Dudes:**
Mon — Thu: 09:00 – 24:00.
Fri: 09:00 – 02:00.
Sat 12:00 – 02:00.
Sun 12 :00 – 24:00.
Address: Gazetny Lane, 99
Social network page.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

9. Soborny Lane

As part of the city’s preparation for the World Cup, Soborny Lane underwent a large-scale reconstruction, turning from a nondescript narrow street into a place that is now called the “Rostov Arbat”. Now this is a place of attraction and relaxation not only for Rostovites, but also for all guests of the southern capital.

In addition to several art objects, as well as a pleasant atmosphere, Soborny will delight guests with numerous catering outlets where you can take a break from a long walk and gain strength. In addition to many chain cafes, as well as a bakery, you can find an extraordinary burger place here – a place called Ketch Up Burgers, which has recently set the tone for everything that happens on this street. The owners of the establishment regularly hold various shows near the walls of the cafe with the participation of singers, magicians and fire tamers. The spectacle is truly mesmerizing, especially when there is a renovated street around, a warm southern evening and a plate of juicy burger.

Ketch Up Burgers is one of the few places that serves so-called fitness burgers, and therefore even those who adhere to a strict diet can spend time here with pleasure.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

10. Gastropub “Bukowski”

“Bukowski” is the leader in the number of “I recommend watching.” There is excellent cuisine here (American, European and Russian),

wide selection of drinks and live music. “Bukowski” is a place of attraction for creative people; Musicians and poets, artists and bards, writers and designers regularly gather here. The gastropub is located at the same address as Hunky Dory & Dudes, so you can easily visit both establishments in one evening.

Opening hours of the Bukowski Gastropub:**
Sun – Thu: 12:00 – 01:00.
Fri – Sat: 12:00 – 02:00.
Address: Gazetny Lane, 99
Page on social networks.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

11. Red Burger Bar

One of the most popular burger joints in the Don capital. Having opened last year, the establishment is one of the most popular burger joints in Rostov. Having opened last year, the establishment has become so popular in a matter of weeks that it is quite difficult to find a free table here. In addition to excellent burgers, Red Burger Bar has stunning views of the river and city embankment.

However, if you prefer calm and leisurely leisure, then Red Burger Bar is not for you. Since the establishment is open only in the summer, and Rostov nights in the summer are known to be warm and bright, the fun here does not subside for a minute. Concerts, discos, parties, master classes and tastings – all this is on the permanent program of the establishment, which strives not only to feed, but also to thoroughly entertain its guests.

Red Burger Bar opening hours:**
Mon – Thu: 16 :00 – 02:00.
Fri: 16:00 – 05:00.
Sat: 12:00 – 05:00.
Sun: 12:00 – 02:00.
Address: Beregovaya Street, 16A.
Social page. network.

12 places in Rostov-on-Don that are worth visiting according to local residents

12. Territory 16-61

The territory is a creative and cultural space for active youth, as well as anyone interested in modern trends and tendencies. Very often there are concerts of popular DJs and musicians who gather full houses and enjoy communicating with the public.

Red Burger Bar Opening Hours:**
Fri – Sat: 22 :00 – 06:00.
Address: 16th line, 61.Social network page.

* Prices for travel and accommodation are indicated at the time of writing. The cost indicated in the material and the final price may vary depending on the season and time for which tickets are purchased.

**Operating hours of organizations are indicated at the time of publication of the text. Opening hours may vary depending on the time of year.

Text author: Kristina Grekova

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