Why is it worth going to Cuba right now?

Why is it worth going to Cuba right now?

Cuba has been attracting tourists for many years with its warm climate, charming beaches and famous combination of quality rum and luxury cigars. Holidays in Cuba have never been too cheap, however, apparently, prices will rise in the near future. The United States has lifted its decades-long embargo on Cuba, and American tourists and investment are now entering the country at an accelerated pace. Let’s remember other reasons, besides the still relatively low prices within the country, in order to finally decide on the trip.

Why is it worth going to Cuba right now?

Open Air Museum

We all know at least firsthand about the famous Cuban revolutionaries: Jose Marti, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro. And although the influence of these people is already weakly felt, everything around looks as if the revolution took place just a couple of years ago. Although in fact there have been no clashes or uprisings on Cuban soil for a long time.

Once you get to Cuba, you will feel like you are back in the Soviet Union, only everyone around you speaks Spanish. Cubans here take care of and haven’t changed anything for decades: retro cars drive through the streets, which can now only be seen in museums, the selection of goods on the shelves is still limited, and even the signs are sometimes leftover from the sixties.

Why is it worth going to Cuba right now?

Rum and cigars

And this is the real asset and pride of Cuba. The selection of cigars is incredibly large. Prices are very different and depend on the quality of the tobacco, as well as the aging – the older, the “tastier”. There are cigars that are the same age as the revolution, and many hunters for such historically valuable things are willing to pay up to $100 apiece. Locals claim that the best cigars are rolled on the bodies of incomparable Cuban beauties. The fact is not confirmed, but it’s so piquant that you want to take your word for it.

Rum is not inferior in quality. The choice is also large and varied, and you can not only try the drink, but also go on an excursion to the factories of world-famous alcohol brands. You can export any amount of rum and cigars from the country, but remember that the import of these products into Russia is limited.

Why is it worth going to Cuba right now?

No visa required

Fortunately, Cuba is one of the few countries with a luxurious beach holiday where you can go without a visa. You will only have to do this if you plan to stay there longer than thirty days.

Why is it worth going to Cuba right now?

Unusual types of meat

One of the most popular and cheapest meat dishes in Cuban restaurants is crocodile meat. There are special farms here for raising crocodiles in huge quantities. The most delicious parts are the paws and tail. Crocodiles are prepared in every way: fried, boiled, steamed, stewed. In some places you can try turtle meat dishes. Turtles are endangered here, so it is officially prohibited to cook them, but this does not stop some gourmets.

But what you definitely can’t eat is beef steak. Killing and eating cows in Cuba is a serious crime, even if it is your own animal.

Why is it worth going to Cuba right now?

Free beaches and pleasant climate

Since the Communist Party of Cuba is diligently building socialism, most of the beaches (unless they belong to hotels) are public, which means they are free. At the same time, they look simply gorgeous. And the climate does not let you down: in summer the temperature here is about +28 degrees, and in winter it stays at a comfortable +22. However, the tropical climate also has a number of disadvantages. Thus, with relatively little heat, there is high humidity here all year round, so sometimes a person unadapted to such weather has some difficulties in acclimatization.

You can come to Cuba on vacation all year round, but there is seasonality here too. The rainy season lasts from May to October. The temperature at this time is just as comfortable, but there is much more precipitation – about three-quarters of the annual norm. During the tropical season, from November to April, it rains much less often. The most unfavorable months to visit the island are October and November, as hurricanes are possible at this time.

Why is it worth going to Cuba right now?

Entertainment and attractions

In Havana, be sure to see the Capitol, which is almost exactly the same as the famous Capitol in Washington. The Cathedral is also interesting, which, together with the area around it, is included in the UNESCO cultural heritage list. For more than a hundred years, this massive baroque building of the 18th century housed the ashes of the man who discovered America – Christopher Columbus. However, at the end of the 19th century he was taken to Seville, Spain.

The UNESCO list also includes Old Havana – the historical center of the city. There are more than a thousand valuable objects here, and the center itself is of impressive size. Naturally, this is the most popular tourist spot in the city, so you should be careful, especially with street photographers who will try to take your photo and then insist on paying for it, even if you did not give your consent.

If you want to look at natural beauty, you can do this in the Sierra Maestra National Park. It is located on the southern coast of the Caribbean Sea, on a mountain range. Here is the highest point of Liberty Island – Mount Pico Turquino. In the park you can relax on a secluded beach, climb a mountain and enjoy amazing scenery. Entrance to the park is possible as part of a tour group, but if you want to go there on your own, you will need a special permit.

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