Who needs travel insurance and why?

Who needs travel insurance and why?

One of the most joyful and at the same time tiring moments of the upcoming trip is planning. Taking everything into account without going crazy is not an easy task, especially if the trip is planned for a long time. In this case, it never hurts to be on the safe side. Our life is unpredictable, and even more so when traveling, so if you go further than to the village to visit your grandmother, insurance should become your guarantor of peace and security. This is one of the best investments you can make before traveling.

You definitely need insurance if you:

DON’T WANT ANY EXTRA WORRIES. If you’re convinced that adrenaline and a sense of danger are the stuff of movie characters, and that’s certainly not what you want on vacation, an insurance policy will help you have peace of mind while traveling. Whatever happens, rest assured: the insurance will take care of all your worries, and all you have to do is enjoy the trip;

Who needs travel insurance and why?

YOU ARE PLANNING A COMPLETE TRAVEL ROUTE. Even if you think through everything to the smallest detail, you will not be able to protect yourself from sudden flight cancellation or delay, and if there are several destinations on the map of your route, this can become a serious obstacle to continuing your trip. Insurance will help you get your money back for disrupted plans;

Who needs travel insurance and why?

ARE YOU GOING TO PLAY EXTREME SPORTS. When traveling, you are already at risk, and if you intend to devote your trip to wild surfing, conquering Everest, diving or skiing, be especially careful about safety. It is precisely in order for you to feel calm on such a trip that insurance companies include extreme sports as a separate item in their programs;

Who needs travel insurance and why?

TRAVELING WITH CHILDREN. Children are interested in everything, and their curiosity sometimes leads to not the most pleasant consequences. Medical services abroad are a huge expense that will be covered by health insurance;

Who needs travel insurance and why?

APPLYING FOR A SCHENGEN VISA. Today, medical insurance is one of the prerequisites to receive the coveted stamp in your passport.

Why do you need insurance

First, by filling out an insurance document, you will have the opportunity to receive advice via a 24-hour hotline in case of stressful situations. Secondly, you will be able to reimburse your medical or additional accommodation costs due to flight delays or cancellations upon your return. And thirdly, you will feel much more comfortable knowing that your journey is safe, no matter what happens. You should choose insurance depending on the purpose and purpose of your trip.

Who needs travel insurance and why?

What types of insurance are there and what do they insure

MEDICAL INSURANCE in case of illness, injury and death is a mandatory type of insurance, necessary, in particular, for obtaining a visa abroad. There are two types of such insurance: compensation and service. In the first case, the traveler pays for the treatment costs himself, and then receives compensation from the insurance company. In the second case, you need to contact the insurance company immediately after the incident: provide the policy number, and the treatment will be paid on the spot. Please keep in mind that if your injury was your fault, you will not receive any compensation.

Who needs travel insurance and why?

CIVIL LIABILITY INSURANCE will be required if you suddenly find yourself involved in legal proceedings in the territory of the state to which you are traveling. This, like the subsequent ones, is an optional type of insurance that is useful in exceptional cases. At one time they wanted to make the introduction of the so-called legal policy widespread, but for now this proposal is still hanging in the air.

LUGGAGE INSURANCE – your protection in case of lost or damaged luggage. If something like this happens to your insured suitcases, the insurance company will compensate for loss or damage to the property. However, only if you do not transport jewelry, large sums and antiques in your travel bag – they are not included in the insured event.

Who needs travel insurance and why?

TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE must be taken out at least half a month from the expected date of travel. In this case, in case of any incidents that lead to the cancellation of your trip, the insurance company will pay for the disruption of plans. It is important to note that refusal of a visa in this situation will not be considered an insured event. The next type of insurance on this list will protect you from it.

NOT-DEPARTURE INSURANCE implies payment to the traveler of the insured amount not only in the event of a visa refusal, but also in the event of any other force majeure circumstance that disrupts your fully paid cruise in the Mediterranean, a trip to Latin America, or any other another trip you’ve been looking forward to.

Who needs travel insurance and why?

Where and how to get insurance

Traditional option: visit the office of one of the insurance companies and draw up the document on the spot. This is a reliable method with one significant drawback: it can be quite difficult for a non-professional to understand the offers, conditions and tariffs of insurance companies. In addition, a trip to the office is an additional waste of time.

The second option is to buy insurance online on OneTwoTrip. Although online insurance entered the Russian market relatively recently, only at the beginning of 2010, today it is one of the most convenient ways to issue a document. But it’s true, we have been buying air tickets via the Internet for a long time, booking hotels and excursions. So why not take out an insurance policy without leaving home?

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