Where to relax during the velvet season: 7 options

Where to relax during the velvet season: 7 options

The season from early August to mid-October is called velvet. Beach holidays at this time are considered one of the most comfortable: the heat is no longer as intense as in summer, the sea is still warm, there are fewer tourists, because many people go home to study and work at the beginning of autumn, and the cost of both tours and flights with accommodation during this period, as a rule, it decreases significantly. So those who can afford to travel at this time receive not only a pleasant vacation, but also a bonus in the form of lower prices. 

OneTwoTrip advises that when traveling to resort areas, choose tours that include flights, accommodation, and transfers. According to our observations, a ready-made tour to many countries is cheaper than air tickets and hotels purchased separately. In this article, we have selected seven resorts where you can relax comfortably and on a budget during the velvet season. 

Russia, Black Sea resorts

Where to relax during the velvet season: 7 options

Air temperature in September/October: +22 ℃/+20 ℃

Water temperature in September/October: +23 ℃/+21 ℃

Tour cost: from 29,100 rubles

The most budget-friendly vacation at sea is in Russia, especially since our choice of resorts is quite large. You can go to the more active Sochi, Anapa, ideal for families with children, calm Khosta or comfortable Gelendzhik. All resorts have excellent hotels and clean beaches. The infrastructure is constantly improving, so your stay will be comfortable.

The best time to go to the Black Sea is in September: at this time the weather is the most pleasant. The sea sometimes seems warmer than the air, because the water warms up well over the summer. In October, it may rain in some resorts. We advise you to check the weather forecast in the city where you are planning to vacation before booking your tour. 


Where to relax during the velvet season: 7 options

Air temperature in September/October: + 24 ℃/+18 ℃

Water temperature in September/October: +23 ℃/+18 ℃

Tour cost: from 38,900 rubles

September in Bulgaria is similar to August in Russia: summer is not yet losing ground, it is warm during the day, and the water is at a very comfortable temperature. At the same time, the influx of tourists is minimal: with the onset of autumn, the beaches become empty, and you can relax in peace and quiet. In the south, the air sometimes warms up to +30 ℃ during the day. An ideal beach holiday awaits you in September in Golden Sands, Burgas and Sunny Beach.

In October the weather deteriorates and the rains begin. At this time it’s great to walk around the cities, spend time in nature, and also go on excursions: it’s not cold at all, but it’s not as hot and stuffy as in summer. 


Where to relax during the velvet season: 7 options

Air temperature in September/October: +28 ℃/+25 ℃

Water temperature in September/October: +26 ℃/+23 ℃

Tour cost: from 44,270 rubles

Summer in Turkey lasts until mid-October. Moreover, in September it is still hot during the day, although the weather becomes milder, without the scorching sun and evening stuffiness. The hottest places are in Antalya and Alanya, a little cooler in Kemer. If the summer heat is not to your liking, plan your vacation in Turkey at the end of September.

It gets colder gradually, but by mid-October only seasoned tourists are comfortable on the beach. The sea is cooling slower than the air, but not many people want to swim anymore. But you can finally go on excursions to all the many attractions of the country. For example, the ideal time for a trip to Istanbul is October. 


Where to relax during the velvet season: 7 options

Air temperature in September/October: +27 ℃/+24 ℃

Water temperature in September/October: +25 ℃/+23 ℃

Tour cost: from 51,600 rubles

September in Greece is beautiful: the sea is gentle, it’s not too hot during the day, and in the evening it’s warm and you don’t want to put on a jacket. If you want to fry on the beach, choose resorts further south, but, in general, the north of the country is also comfortable. We are especially pleased with the prices, which begin to decline noticeably from mid-September. So you will have a chance to extend the summer for relatively little money. 

At the end of September and beginning of October, choose the more southern islands (Rhodes or Crete): there is no rain here yet, the weather is more pleasant, and the chances of catching summer-like warm days are higher.


Where to relax during the velvet season: 7 options

Air temperature in September/October: +30 ℃/+27 ℃

Water temperature in September/October: +27 ℃/+25 ℃

Tour cost: from 48,500 rubles

This is where summer doesn’t end with the beginning of autumn! Those who like to lie in the sun and swim in the sea will enjoy the temperature of fresh milk in Tunisia even in October. True, the holiday may be slightly spoiled by rain, but most often the clouds arrive in the afternoon, so you will have time to catch a tan in the morning and, by the way, the safest hours for tanning. 

In general, if you have long wanted to visit Tunisia, autumn is the time (you shouldn’t go here in the summer, it’s too hot). So take a closer look at tours to Djerba, Monastir or Sousse. 


Where to relax during the velvet season: 7 options

Air temperature in September/October: +27 ℃/+26 ℃

Water temperature in September/October: +26 ℃/+24 ℃

Tour cost: from 52,600 rubles

If you were in no hurry to go to Cyprus in the summer, fearing the heat, stuffiness and sunburn, then September is your month. However, at the beginning of the month, summer does not lose ground, but towards the end, when daytime temperatures drop to a decent +26 ℃, you can safely take your children to the sea and not think about how to make them sit under an umbrella.

Another huge advantage is the sharp decrease in the number of tourists. Young people love holidays in Cyprus, but in September most students return to study, as do families with schoolchildren. So, if you don’t need to celebrate autumn in the city, you can have a great holiday in Larnaca, Paphos or Nicosia. However, if you buy a tour for October, still put a windbreaker or a thin sweater in your suitcase – they will come in handy in the evening.


Where to relax during the velvet season: 7 options

Air temperature in September/October: +26 ℃/+20 ℃

Water temperature in September/October: +25 ℃/+21 ℃

Tour cost: from 54,900 rubles

In Montenegro, the tourist season ends in September, so October is not worth considering for a beach holiday: it’s too windy, it starts to rain, and the sea is no longer so welcoming. However, if your choice is a hotel with a swimming pool and an excursion program, then you can go in October.

September can be considered another summer month. The sea has warmed up over the summer, and the water is approximately the same temperature as the air, and in the evening it is even warmer. The fruit season begins: you can eat your fill of watermelons, grapes and blackberries. By the way, if you go to Budva, plan your vacation around Shirun Days – a fish festival, during which you can try many delicious dishes.

* Prices for flights and accommodation are indicated at the time of writing. The cost indicated in the material and the final price may differ.

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