Where to go to relax, calm down and get a boost of good mood

Where to go to relax, calm down and get a boost of good mood

Mood can be different: good, bad or completely incomprehensible. What to do if you don’t want anything at all and your strength is starting to leave you? The surest remedy is to pack your suitcase and go on a trip. This helps a lot to calm down, put thoughts in order and accumulate energy.

It is necessary to change the situation, even if your favorite routes are temporarily unavailable. The main thing is to know the places. We have collected five unusual points on the map of Russia, in which  It’s worth visiting to gain strength, restore resources and enjoy spring.

Perm region, Kungur
Get into another world

Visit the famous caves of the Perm region: there are about 720 of them! Of course, not everyone is equally accessible and safe. Therefore, we recommend starting your acquaintance with a proven option. The most popular and beloved by tourists of all ages is the Kungur Cave.

Where to go to relax, calm down and get a boost of good mood

Here you can choose an excursion to suit every taste and have a great time: admire stalactites and stalagmites, sparkling ice crystals and underground lakes with clear water in which overhanging rocks are reflected. This is the only gypsum cave in the world that offers public tours. It is dangerous to be here without a guide, and you should dress warmly when going here (the temperature here is always sub-zero). The guide will tell you about all the most important and interesting things and will guide you through the grottoes, turning the lighting on and off in time. Local guides love to scare tourists with ominous stories about who supposedly stayed here forever. However, remember that the walls and ceilings of the Kungur cave are reliably fortified and completely safe.

They say that there, at depth, some metamorphoses occur in the consciousness. Everything seen resembles the scenery for a film about other planets or parallel worlds. Some tourists claim that the cave greatly clears your thoughts, so you come out of it as a completely different person. Whether this is true or not, you can only be convinced by your own experience. In any case, the sensations promise the most incredible. 

The cost of a cave tour is from 1400 rubles for an adult.

There is also something to do in Kungur. The cost of a city sightseeing tour is from 2000 rubles per group. Explore local attractions and shrines, walk along the cobblestone streets, visit the Ermaka Village ethnopark (entrance ticket from 50 rubles), Museum of Karst and Speleology, learn about Kungur hospitality and disappear for a while in the special atmosphere of a cozy provincial town.

How to get there

The cave is located 100 km from Perm, in the village of Kungur. The minimum cost of an air ticket from Moscow to Perm in April is   2800 rubles. The flight will take 2 hours.

It’s easy to get here from the capital of the Perm region: by commuter train from Perm-2 station or from the bus station by bus. You can also rent a car.

Where to stay

Stay in Perm, for example, at the Siberian Tourist Hotel (from 3,400 rubles per night) and combine a trip to the caves with a tour of the city. If you are limited in time, go straight to Kungur and stay at Hotel Bashnya (from 3400 rubles) or Hotel Iren (from 2000 rubles).

Adygea, Guzeripl
Get lost on the edge and find a landmark

No artistic exaggeration. The mountain village of Guzeripl is indeed located on the very edge of the Caucasus Nature Reserve in the Maikop region of the Republic of Adygea. Then there are only dense forests, alpine meadows and majestic mountains. You can come here just because of the name alone. Translated from Adyghe, “guzeripl” is “landmark on the way.” And sometimes each of us misses it.

Where to go to relax, calm down and get a boost of good mood

Once upon a time, this is where the path leading to the sea passed, and it became a landmark for travelers. Now the road has been preserved and turned into a tourist one. Even the youngest travelers can walk along it comfortably and interestingly.

The small settlement has a rich history. Over almost a hundred years of its existence, it managed to appear, flourish, decline and be reborn as a destination for lovers of beautiful, relaxing travel.

There are many reasons to visit this place. Guzeripl is located at an altitude of 670 meters above sea level, on the left bank of the Belaya River, along which local loggers used to float down logs. If you walk up the river, you can see waterfalls and many beautiful landscapes. Across the bridge from the village is the famous Caucasian Nature Reserve (admission is paid, an adult ticket costs 300 rubles, and a child ticket costs 150 rubles).

Also in these parts ancient dolmens have been preserved, one of the largest is more than four thousand years old!

In the mountainous regions of Adygea, nature is practically untouched by humans. The sense of time is slightly blurred. It’s possible to dissolve and be alone with your thoughts: here, at altitude, they become quieter and calmer. Mountains know how to create the right atmosphere. And alpine meadows in spring are an absolutely amazing, meditative sight.

There are also many waterfalls here. Some can be found if you follow the flow of the Belaya or Sakhray rivers, while others, for example, Rufabgo, Mishoko or the waterfalls of the Kutanka River, it is better to plan a separate trip.

How to get there

At the moment, by plane to Sochi (average one-way price from 6,500 rubles). From there by train (from 700 rubles) or bus (from 900 rubles) to Krasnodar and then through Maykop or Kamennomostsky village to Guzeripl.

The nearest airport is located in Krasnodar. From there you can also order a taxi to (about 5,000 rubles), bus for group transportation, if you are traveling with a group, or rent a car.

Where to stay

«VillaLila Mezmay» (from 2000 rubles per night)
Guest house “Park Hadzhokh” (from 6400 rubles per night)

Irkutsk region, Cape Khoboy
Catch echoes, look into grottoes and find the source strength

This place is not only amazingly beautiful, but also mystical. Cape Khoboy is the northern point of Olkhon Island, located in the widest part of Lake Baikal. According to legend, the owner of the lake lives on the island itself, and shamans still perform their rituals here. Every spring, a colorful festival called Tailagan takes place, bringing together people from all over the world who consider this place the center of the earth.

Where to go to relax, calm down and get a boost of good mood

Olkhon is also suitable for lovers of meditation. Everyone who finds themselves here notes its incredible energy. One of the most mysterious corners of the island is Cape Khoboy. This is a whole complex of unusual rocks, covered with bright lichen, intricate holes and cracks.  It is also a place of power for those who are passionate about esotericism. In the western part of the cape, for example, there is a Shaman’s place.

An interesting legend is associated with the cape. When viewed from the water, its outline appears similar to that of a woman’s figure, which is why it is often called the “Virgin”. They say that this is a petrified Buryat girl, punished by the spirits for her anger and envy. And in order to disenchant it, we all need to try very hard. Virgo will come to life again as soon as destructive thoughts and feelings cease to exist on earth.

It is from the cape that a steep tectonic cliff is clearly visible, going straight into the Small Sea. Down on the coast there is a through cave that branches deep into the mountain. And a little further north you can see and photograph a through arch overlooking the island.

Another interesting feature is this: almost any sound made on the cape or nearby has a long echo. This is all due to the monolithic rock located here.

No one has yet remained indifferent to Khoboy. Everything is collected here: ancient fairy tales, secrets of the universe, vivid sensations and, of course, pristine natural beauty. This place greatly cleanses the mind, makes it possible to concentrate on the most important things and truly re-tune.

How to get there

But this is the real test. Be distracted so distracted! You need to fly to Irkutsk (from 6500 rubles). Then go to the nearest settlement (Khuzhir village) by bus, taxi or rented car. You will spend about 5.5 hours on the way.

Where to stay

Baikal Club Hostel (from 1000 rubles per night)
Art Hotel Port Olkhon (from 5500 rubles per night)

Kabardino-Balkaria, Dolinsk
Improve your health and see Elbrus

Beauty and peace are great. But sometimes the body needs more serious help. To cheer up and improve your health, we recommend visiting Dolinsk, a resort area of ​​Nalchik. This place is special. It is surrounded by relict forests and a semicircle of the Caucasus Mountains, which protect Dolinsk from wind and rain. The climate here is mild, so the weather is good at any time of the year. April is often warm and sunny.

Where to go to relax, calm down and get a boost of good mood

There are many medical and health institutions (sanatoriums, boarding houses) on the resort territory, a large forest park, as well as 18 wells with mineral water, which is also used for healthy baths. Here they treat diseases of the endocrine, nervous and cardiovascular systems, respiratory organs, diseases of the stomach, musculoskeletal system.

Dolinsk has a sufficient number of places worthy of tourist attention. You can take a walk along the Alley of Poetry (flowers are planted here in spring) and admire the mountain river Nalchik flowing along the entire city. There are fairytale towers in the local park. For example, you can even climb the Tower of Lovers.

On Mount Malaya Kizilovka there is an observation deck called Sosruko. The most interesting way to get to it is by cable car. The chairs glide over Lake Trek – beautiful and slightly exciting. You can take an excursion and go to the Blue Lakes or the Chegem Waterfalls. But most importantly, from Nalchik it’s more than two hours’ drive (by taxi or regular bus) to Elbrus! You should definitely include a meeting with him in your trip. 

How to get there

By plane to Nalchik (from 6,500 rubles one way). From there by bus No. 1, taxi or rented car. Distance only 4 km.

Where to stay

Sanatorium “Valley of Narzanov” (from 5700 rubles per night)
Boutique hotel “Nalchik” (from 4500 rubles per night)
Hotel “Dzhamilya” (from 2300 rubles per night)

Vladimir region
Lived canvases, spills in the meadow and sunsets

Spring flood is a fairly popular subject among artists, which has inspired many famous painters. Levitan, for example. If you want to see these landscapes with your own eyes, we recommend visiting the Vladimir region. It is in April that the most beautiful time begins there. On Bogolyubovsky Meadow, around the legendary white-stone Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, two rivers meet: the Nerl and the Klyazma.

Where to go to relax, calm down and get a boost of good mood

When the river floods, the rivers overflow their blossoming banks, encasing the temple in a ring. And nature really resembles a painting come to life.

The fun begins at sunset. The domes of the temple are reflected in the water, colored by the sun’s rays. We recommend taking with you, if not a canvas, then at least a camera. After all, you will definitely want to capture all this as a memory.

In addition to the natural beauty, there are other attractions here. Be sure to visit the Intercession on the Nerl – one of the most iconic and beautiful churches in Russia. It stands on a small hill and has one interesting architectural feature: the walls are tilted slightly inward to make the building appear taller. In the rays of the setting sun, the temple looks completely different. This church is also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Nearby is the Holy Bogolyubsky Convent, open to tourists. It is located on the territory of a palace-castle, painted in white and blue tones and looks truly fabulous. In these places you feel calm and peaceful. You don’t want to rush anywhere here, you can just relax and be filled with the power of this place.

Vladimir itself (if you decide to stay there) also has a lot of interesting things to do. If you have time left, you can also stop by Suzdal.

How to get there

By train to Vladimir (from 700 rubles), from the railway station 10 km by bus or taxi to the village of Bogolyubovo. You can also rent a car to explore the surrounding area.

Where to stay

Hotel “Gosudar” in Bogolyubovo (from 1400 rubles per night)
“Vladimirsky courtyard” in Vladimir (from 3000 rubles per night)

Prices valid at time of publication

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