Where to go in November 2017

Where to go in November 2017

November can surprise you with fun fairs, scary holidays and exciting shows. In England, they burn an effigy of Guy Fawkes and organize lavish processions; the surfing season begins in sunny Morocco. And in Mexico they celebrate Day of the Dead and release balloons. Gourmets from all over the world come to Tuscany for gastronomic fairs, and lovers of young wine come to France. We will tell you where to go for adventures and impressions:

Where to go in November 2017

1. Festival of young wine “Beaujolais Nouveau” in France

“Beaujolais nouveau” is a holiday of young red wine, which is celebrated on the third Thursday of November throughout France. The wine is produced in the hilly Beaujolais region, which lies north of Lyon (the gastronomic capital of France, whose entire beautiful Old Town is a UNESCO heritage site). Beaujolais wine matures very quickly, and is the only French wine that is released for sale within 6 weeks of production.

You can take part in the celebration of Beaujolais Nouveau throughout France – in many bars and restaurants they will open bottles of new wine at midnight and party until the morning. And the capital of the holiday on this night becomes the capital of the Beaujolais region – the town of Beaujeu,

where thousands of tourists come. Musicians play in the streets, wine is brought to the main square on decorated carts, accompanied by a procession with torches in their hands. The barrels are placed in the center of the square, at exactly midnight the corks are knocked out of them and celebrations begin.

Where to go in November 2017

2. Day of the Dead in Mexico

Mexicans have a special attitude towards death – they believe that departed relatives and friends are somewhere nearby and need to be remembered from time to time. Day of the Dead is celebrated for 2 days in a row – November 1st and 2nd. Candles are lit in houses and sweets are prepared, musicians dressed as skeletons play in the streets, and concerts and costumed processions are held in large cities (Mexico City, Merida, Oaxaca). On the last evening of the holiday, everyone goes to the cemetery and sings songs to the music and dances all night long.

Day of the Dead is not the only reason to go to Mexico. November is the golden season on the beaches – the air warms up to +30, the water to +27. Diving enthusiasts flock to the island of Cozumel at this time – the rarest corals live in its waters. Surfing season begins on the Pacific coast. From 14 to 17, a hot air balloon festival takes place in the vicinity of the city of Leon. And on November 22, the whole country celebrates Mexican Musicians Day. In all big cities there are celebrations, mariachi musicians in national costumes play in the streets.

Where to go in November 2017

3. Gastronomic festivals of Tuscany in Italy

November in Tuscany is harvest season, when gastronomic fairs take place throughout the region. We recommend starting your acquaintance with the region with them – olive oil and pasta with truffles, the most delicate ham and aged cheeses, surrounded by beautiful landscapes. And in the forests of Tuscany, on November 1, the wild boar hunting season begins and its meat appears on the menu of many restaurants. The weather at this time is excellent – dry and sunny, from +13 to +17 degrees.

The most delicious extra virgin olive oil will be chosen from November 13 to 18 at the Montemurlo fair. The best winemakers of the region will come to Livorno on November 19 and 20 for the Mare di vino festival, and the 46th International White Truffle Festival will be held in San Miniato at the same time. In Lucca, on the last two weekends of November (18-19 and 25-26), the large gastronomic fair Il Desco will be held, which is visited by 40,000 people every year. The program includes concerts, tastings and various master classes.

Where to go in November 2017

4. Guy Fawkes Night and the Lord Mayor’s Colorful Parade in London, UK

November 5 London celebrates Guy Fawkes’ Night,

who in 1605 tried to bring a keg of gunpowder into Parliament in order to explode it during the royal speech and take revenge for the oppression of Catholics. In memory of the king’s rescue, Londoners still burn bonfires and straw effigies of Guy Fawkes in the streets and set off fireworks on November 5th. The day before, children walk through the streets with stuffed animals and ask for a coin for Guy; in the evening, costumed processions with torches take place around the city, and the holiday ends with a grand fireworks display.

And on November 11, the Lord Mayor’s Show will take place for the 802nd time – this is one of the oldest holidays in London. In the morning, a theatrical procession begins along the Thames embankment: soldiers in ceremonial uniforms of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, on foot and on horseback, followed by early 20th century cars and carriages. At the end of the procession are representatives of all City organizations in historical costumes and wigs. The newly elected lord in a gilded carriage rides at the end of the procession.

Where to go in November 2017

5. Camel Safari and Candlelight Procession in Morocco

In November, the weather in Morocco is excellent – from 20 to 23°C. The sea during this period is already cold for swimming (+18-20°C),

but great for surfing. There is a strong wind blowing on the Atlantic coast at this time, so the waves there are excellent. November is suitable for excursions to ancient Marrakech and Agadir – it is warm and dry there, with many artisan shops and bazaars. This is also the best time to ride a camel across the Sahara or visit the Massa Valley, where pink flamingos live.

And on the last day of the month in the city of Sale there will be a Procession of Candles (Procession de bougies à Sale). Master craftsmen wear ancient guild costumes and carry red lanterns above their heads. Each of them is richly decorated and made in the shape of the tomb of St. Sidi ibn Hassoun, the patron saint of the city. The procession is accompanied by musicians with flutes and drums.

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