We'll rush: transport to Kathmandu

We'll rush: transport to Kathmandu

Traffic in Nepal is on the right, and the tax on purchasing a car is incredibly high. Only a very wealthy Nepalese can afford an Indian small car, so if you see a brand new Hyundai Solaris, then, for sure, it is the President of Nepal driving.

Once in Kathmandu, the first question that arises among tourists is how to get from the airport to the city. There are two options – taxi or bus.


You should not take a taxi from the airport itself, but it is better to walk 500 meters to the road. From the airport the cost will be 700 rupees (390 rubles),

from the road approximately 400 rupees (225 rubles).

We'll rush: transport to Kathmandu

Taxis are usually small cars where your bags will most likely be thrown on the roof rack. If this happens, then check that the suitcases are lying well and have not fallen along the way.
Taxi prices can always be checked at the hotel reception. Nepalese people are very helpful and will even help you hail a taxi. Yes, there are no air conditioners anywhere in taxis.


With buses, everything is quite simple and Nepalese. There are no numbers on the buses, there are no differences in color, and the names of the stops are not written on the windshield. How to figure it out? On each bus there is a special person who shouts out the route the bus is taking, he is also the conductor. You need to name your area, street, or the nearest well-known landmark. Most likely, you won’t be able to find the right bus the first time. My maximum is the 5th bus.

If you catch a bus in the wrong place, the conductors themselves will tell you where the stop of the route you need is.

They are shouting not because the bus fleet does not have money to make signs, but because a huge percentage of the local population are illiterate people who cannot read.

Bus travel costs an average of 45 rupees (25 rubles),

and the cost depends on where you are going. I usually gave 100 rupees (50 rubles) and they always gave me change, even if I traveled long distances.

The ceilings on the buses are very low because they are designed for short Nepalese, and if you are over 180 centimeters tall, then get ready to ride like this.

You can get from the airport from the same point where I advised you to take a taxi above. Look in advance on the Internet which area you are interested in and what attraction is nearby – a park or a big street.


This is a very tiny minivan, which usually seats up to 40 Nepalese. They go a little faster, the driver can tell you stops, the fare is the same as on a bus. With my height, I couldn’t fit there. If you want light extreme sports or a show, come here 🙂


We'll rush: transport to Kathmandu

In addition to buses, taxis and minibuses, there are also pedicabs. They are intended more for the entertainment of tourists, because riding in them is cramped, uncomfortable and shakes a lot on the local off-road.

Metro, trolleybuses and trams are not in sight here.

Transport rental


Taking a car in Kathmandu is very risky – there are no roads, there are no traffic lights anywhere, and everyone drives as they please. Signs sometimes appear, but no one looks at them, just like double solid ones. Police officers are a rarity, they can only be seen at the largest intersections, where they are definitely needed.


If you take it, then take a mountain bike, this is still not Amsterdam, where everything is thought out for the convenience of cyclists. In 5 days in Kathmandu I did not see a single rental point. But if you still decide, here is a website for renting bicycles (Russian!).


You can rent a scooter without a license at all – they ask for them, but no one checks. The police will only stop you if you have grossly violated the traffic rules. Although, how can you break the rules if there are none? 🙂

Be careful on the roads and wear a helmet!

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