Velvet season: 5 unusual directions for 2022

Velvet season: 5 unusual directions for 2022

As a rule, locations popular among Russians for the velvet season are concentrated around European Mediterranean resorts, Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. But in 2022, it’s time to change patterns and look for new unexpected directions. Let’s go!


Velvet season: 5 unusual directions for 2022

Weather suitable for a beach holiday lasts in Azerbaijan until the end of September. Despite the fact that snow is already beginning to fall in the northern mountainous regions, in the south the air warms up to +26 °C and the water to +24 °C. The Caspian Sea only cools down here at the end of October.

In the city of Lenkoran, at the beginning of autumn, beautiful flowers bloom and the harvest of citrus and kiwi fruits ripens. The black coastal sands of this balneological resort are considered healing, and the sanatoriums are located next to mineral and thermal springs.

Among the tourist attractions are the 13th century fortress of Pir Khanega and Lake Khanbulan, which is located on the territory of the Hyrcanian National Park.

How to get there: by direct flight to Lankaran airport. There are also options with a transfer in Baku.

Where to stay: at the five-star Lankaran Springs Wellness Resort – from 6,450 rubles per day.*


Velvet season: 5 unusual directions for 2022

The first tourists arrived in Oman only 35 years ago: a new economic policy opened the country to the outside world.

You can include paid public beaches in your route through historical cities or stay in the resort of Salalah. Local infrastructure and services are under development, so prices here are quite affordable compared to, for example, the UAE.

This is a popular resort with a large selection of sanatoriums and spas. As in many Muslim countries, you should wear covered clothing in public places in Oman. However, there are no strict restrictions in hotels: you can wear swimsuits both by the pools and on the beaches. Water temperature at the beginning of autumn is approximately +25-27 °C. 

On one of the most beautiful beaches in Salalah, Al Mughsail Beach, vacationers often have picnics and watch birds in the coastal strip. Birds nest in abundance on the picturesque rocks surrounding the bay. Another type of leisure activity is a walk through the oriental bazaar and immersion in the traditional Arabic flavor.

How to get there: by plane to Salalah with a transfer in Dubai, Sharjah or  Abu Dhabi.

Where to stay: in the four-star Belad Bont Resort hotel – from 7,000 rubles per day.*


Velvet season: 5 unusual directions for 2022

In Israel there are resorts for every taste. For example, hot and colorful Eilat on the Red Sea or lively Netanya near Jerusalem on the Mediterranean. The coast of the Dead Sea is fundamentally different from them.

Paradoxically, water in which there are practically no living organisms has healing properties. However, there is a nuance – you can only swim in this sea for 15 minutes a day, so that the high concentration of salts and minerals acts for good and not harm. Safety rules prohibit diving, although this will not work: the oily water is so dense that you can only lie on it, as if on a flat surface. The effect of weightlessness is enhanced by the fact that in September the water and air temperatures are almost the same (+28°C).

At the balneological resorts of the Dead Sea you will find sanatoriums of different levels and medical specialties. The program of procedures and method of treatment are prescribed by the doctor. For example, heart patients are not recommended to visit the coast. The evaporation of salts, which occurs as a result of the difference in night and day temperatures, saturates the air with oxygen and helps people with respiratory diseases. And the benefits of healing mud in the fight against dermatological problems are known all over the world.

The duration of the course of treatment recommended by Israeli clinics is 21 days. But you can come to the Dead Sea resorts for a shorter period: spend time in spa centers and visit historical sites. 

One such place is the Kurmana Caves, where an artifact known as the Dead Sea Scrolls was found. Some scholars believe that this is one of the original versions of the Bible. In Lot’s Cave you can see a pillar of salt called “Lot’s Wife”. And on the approaches to the ancient fortress on Mount Masada, according to another legend, during the reign of Herod, the last battle between the Jews and the Romans unfolded.

How to get there: by plane to Tel Aviv, and from there by bus or taxi to Ein Bokek.

Where to stay: at the five-star Daniel Dead Sea Hotel on the shores of the Dead Sea – from 11,500 per night.*


Velvet season: 5 unusual directions for 2022

Karelia confidently ranks among the top destinations for domestic tourism during the high season. Of course, in September and early October, beach holidays here are quite conditional. It starts to drizzle, sunny days become less and less frequent, the lakes cool down, and the air temperature rarely exceeds +17 °C. Nevertheless, people from all over the country come to breathe the clear coniferous air and admire the “fire” of red-yellow leaves.

The popularity of traveling around Russia has increased, and along with it, the demands of tourists have also grown. Tourism infrastructure has begun to develop in Karelia. Now guests of the republic can relax comfortably in spa hotels, go fishing at one of the tourist bases, spend a weekend in a cottage, or live in the wild in camping and glamping sites. Moreover, in the fall there are no annoying midges and mosquitoes that torment travelers in the summer months.

Three pillars of Karelian tourism – Kizhi, Valaam and Solovki. To visit them during the velvet season, you should hurry, because navigation on the water ends by mid-September.

The area around Lakhdenpokhya is very popular among tourists. Rarely a visit to Karelia is complete without visiting the breathtaking mountain park Ruskeala, which is located an hour and a half drive from the city. And especially inquisitive guests can get to the unique White Sea petroglyphs – rock paintings protected by UNESCO.

So far, the transport infrastructure in the northern republic is not very well developed. If your trip plans to visit several locations, then at some stages you may need the help of guides who can provide the optimal route and comfortable conditions, as well as provide transportation.

How to get there: by plane or train to Petrozavodsk, and from there by rail to the selected recreation center or hotel.

Where to stay: at the recreation center “Black Stones” – from 7,600 per day.

Mineralnye Vody

Velvet season: 5 unusual directions for 2022

Mineralnye Vody is not just one city in the region, but seven resort towns built on springs with healing water. It seems as if time has stopped here. Sometimes the landscapes are reminiscent of distant days, when melancholy young ladies and wounded officers went to the waters to be bored. Look from a different angle and you will see a magnificent all-Union health resort with pompous Stalinist sanatoriums. Honest workers who received a ticket to these “overseas palaces” could immerse themselves in another reality for a short time and be motivated to work just as hard for the whole year in order to return here again.

Today, many new hotels have been built in this region, differing in price and range of services offered. The most comfortable season begins in September: the summer heat gives way to a pleasant +22 °C, and in the evening you might even want to throw a sweater over your shoulders. At this time, the resort is perfect for those for whom the hot sun is contraindicated.

Three resorts in Mineralnye Vody stand out in particular. The most dynamic, youthful and rich in attractions is Pyatigorsk. In addition to sanatoriums, the city has cafes, bars and shopping centers. Among the excursion points are the pastel blue Lermontov Gallery, the elegant Mikhailovskaya Gallery, the unique Lake Proval and Mount Mashuk, on which the poet M. Yu. Lermontov died in a duel.

Kislovodsk National Park, the largest in Europe, is not a miracle of nature, but an artificial relief created by soldiers on the orders of General Yermolov in 1823. Every day here you can walk along a new route and breathe in the unique crystal air. Forest paths often lead to the tops of low ridges, from which beautiful panoramas of the city open up.

Today, the grandiose historical sanatoriums of Kislovodsk compete with modern expensive luxury spa hotels. But the main treasure of this resort is the Narzan galleries. You can drink the water in them for free, but strictly on the recommendation of a doctor, which can be obtained here.

Against the backdrop of Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk, the intimate Essentuki looks modest and is suitable for those who do not want to deal with the outside world during their entire vacation. Well, if the desire still appears, then it is from here that it is very convenient to travel by train to neighboring cities.

A traditional excursion to the Elbrus region regularly starts from each resort, during which you can see the harsh beauty of the Caucasus and ride cable cars.

How to get there: by plane or train to Mineralnye Vody, and from there by train, taxi or bus to the selected resort town.

Where to stay: at the four-star Green Resort Hotel and SPA – from 11,500 rubles per night.*

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