Vacation in May: 5 options for every taste

Vacation in May: 5 options for every taste

Spring is coming into its own throughout Russia – and it’s so nice to meet it while traveling. Moreover, long holidays provide an opportunity to go somewhere not for a weekend, but for a week or even two. If you have already taken additional vacation days, but have not yet decided on your plans, look for ideas in our article.

Yaroslavl region: beautiful province

Vacation in May: 5 options for every taste

The city is considered the capital of the most popular tourist route in Russia – the Golden Ring. In May it is already quite warm here; during the day the air warms up to +15 °C, but sometimes it can be cooler. There are more sunny days than rainy days.

Yaroslavl is definitely worth a visit, we even have a separate guide for it. The May holidays are celebrated here on a grand scale, and if you suddenly decide to stay a little late or want to come back here later, keep in mind that from May 18 to 19, the Night of Museums will be held here, when most interesting locations can be visited for free, and on May 24 the city will celebrate its Day birth.

We also recommend going to beautiful places outside of Yaroslavl. The four-day driving route can be seen in our article: it starts in Moscow and includes such pearls as Uglich, Myshkin, Rybinsk and Tutaev. On the way, of course, you will stop by Rostov Veliky. You can also look into the most beautiful village in Russia, we even wrote about it separately.

How to get there

The most convenient way to travel from Moscow is by car – the distance of 275 km can be covered in just under four hours. Another option is the train. The high-speed Lastochka takes just three hours, a one-way ticket costs from 1,300 rubles*.

Kaliningrad and region: sea and castles

Vacation in May: 5 options for every taste

Europe without a visa and everyone speaking Russian is the Kaliningrad region. In addition, in May, spring here is brighter than in the central part of Russia: outside during the day it reaches +17 °C and is sunny. It’s already warm on the shores of the harsh Baltic Sea: in Svetlogrsk and Zelenogradsk, so beloved by tourists, at the beginning of the month it’s about +12 °C, which means you can walk along the embankment, throwing on a jacket or raincoat, and breathe the sea air.

First of all, we advise you to get acquainted with Kaliningrad – for this we have a selection of places that are definitely worth visiting there. After walking around the zoo and buying souvenirs at the Amber Museum or Fisherman’s Village, go explore the area. Here is a detailed route along the Curonian Spit with a description of trails and observation platforms. You can also explore ancient abandoned buildings – there are century-old bridges, castle ruins and churches. And if you want a more “civilized” holiday, go to one of the resort towns by the sea. For example, to Svetlogorsk – we have a guide for it with non-trivial routes that tourists usually avoid.

How to get there

The flight from Moscow to Kaliningrad takes 2 hours 40 minutes, direct flights. For the May holidays you can find round-trip tickets from 14,000 rubles*.

Vladivostok: gastrotour to the edge of Russia

Vacation in May: 5 options for every taste

The capital of the Primorsky Territory is an amazing city standing on the hills. We have a guide to Vladivostok: it contains the most interesting places that you can explore in a couple of days. Spend the rest of the time exploring natural beauties: nearby Russky Island with many eco-trails and Steklyannaya Bay, the beach of which is dotted with pieces of glass rolled in water.

From May 1 to May 15, a mussel festival is taking place in Vladivostok. Local shellfish have a unique taste, and experts say they contain more iodine and mineral salts than mussels from other regions. Don’t miss crabs, sea cucumbers and oysters, and also take a look at our gastro guide to the Primorsky Territory: it’s all about the features of local cuisine and cafes that are definitely worth a visit.

How to get there

By plane from Moscow, the travel time will be a little over eight hours, and round-trip tickets will cost 28,400 rubles*.

Dagestan: flavor of the Caucasus and beautiful nature

Vacation in May: 5 options for every taste

This is an option for those who want to spend the May holidays as actively and interestingly as possible. Fly to Makhachkala, get to know the city in a couple of days, and then go explore the southern Republic. Moreover, the weather is conducive to travel and hiking: during the day the air warms up to +22 °C, and there is relatively little rain. In one week you can explore all the iconic places in the region.

The local nature is as diverse as possible: there is the sea, waterfalls, steppes, and high mountains. Add to this the most ancient city in Russia (it’s worth spending at least a whole day on Derbent) – and the impressions will last for a long time. We have a detailed route around the Republic, photos from which will surely inspire you. The Sulak Canyon, the Chirkey Reservoir, the Akhulgo fortress, the abandoned village of Gamsutl – in May, these and other locations from the article are already available for visits. You can go to all the points on your own or find a local guide – in this case you won’t have to worry about transport.

How to get there

There are regular direct flights between Moscow and Makhachkala. The journey takes a little more than three hours, prices for round-trip tickets for May start from 16,000 rubles*.

Pyatigorsk: balneological resort and trekking along paths

Vacation in May: 5 options for every taste

For those who are tired of the long winter and want only rest and relaxation, the KavMinVod resorts are perfect. For example, one of the most comfortable of them, Pyatigorsk. May is the beginning of the season, the city is already warm, up to +18 °C in the first half of the month, the trees are green.

If you want to explore all the resorts in the region, Pyatigorsk will be an ideal transit point – from here it is convenient to travel around the area by car or public transport. Or stay here: the city has enough attractions of its own. We have a very detailed article about what to see in Pyatigorsk, where to eat and what to bring home. And if you get tired of a relaxing holiday in sanatoriums and spa hotels, you can try hiking or trekking in the mountains. For example, conquer Mount Mashuk or even take a trip to Elbrus.

Or choose an easier way to gain 10,000 healthy steps by mastering one of the three walking routes of Pyatigorsk for health path (therapeutic walking). These trails are laid through the mountains, but are suitable even for those who cannot boast of excellent physical shape. There are also beautiful views of the city from here.

How to get there

The fastest and easiest way is to fly to neighboring Mineralnye Vody by plane (a round-trip ticket from Moscow to May will cost about 15,000 rubles*, the journey takes 3 hours 40 minutes), and then drive to Pyatigorsk in half an hour by taxi.

*Prices are current at the time of publication.

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