Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

I really want to go on vacation, but it seems that you will definitely not have a rest with children? A trip with a child can really turn into a lot of stress – or turn into a valuable memory of a great time spent. OneTwoTrip knows everything about travel and how to properly prepare for it. In this article we will answer basic questions and share important tips and life hacks.

Preparing for the trip

Before we talk about finding tickets and hotels, let’s mention something without which you won’t enjoy even a perfectly planned trip. The success of a trip with children largely depends on the attitude – first of all, of the parents, but also of the kids. Especially if this is your first trip with a new family.

If before the birth of your child you traveled a lot around the country and the world or went on vacation without children, you probably have an established idea about travel. And now we need to correct it, otherwise disappointment is inevitable.

Traveling with a child, especially a small one, is not the vacation you are used to. Experienced parents say that traveling with children is not a vacation at all, but a change of scenery. And it is true. The baby will get tired faster than you and be capricious, refuse to go to the art gallery (or will behave simply badly there), ask for food when all the cafes are closed for the afternoon siesta, and will not give you a second of free time on the beach. And if you understand this, it will be much easier.

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

The child also needs to be prepared. Tell him about your future trip, show him pictures and photographs. If there is a first flight or train ride ahead, explain in detail what awaits him – otherwise the baby may be frightened by the unusual surroundings and loud, incomprehensible sounds. Watch cartoons together (many popular animated series have themed episodes, for example, “Three Cats” and “Little Kids”), read books (for the little ones there are books with windows about the airport, plane and train, and also a trip to the sea and mountains ) and discuss the rules of conduct.

Direction selection

There will not be an exact list in this section – because in fact, you can go anywhere with your child, if only you have the desire and the right attitude. You’ve probably seen photos on the Internet of smiling mothers with babies on mountain tops and wild beaches, but this is still rather extreme. We recommend choosing the safest locations that are easy to get to and where there is access to medical care – this is especially important when traveling with children.

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

Also, pay attention to the length of the journey. Of course, many fly with babies to the other side of the world – but for most, especially if this is the first trip, such a flight may be too difficult. Moreover, it may be difficult not so much for the child as for his parents. It’s good if the journey takes about 3-4 hours.

In general, for your first trip with children, it is best to choose a familiar place where you have already been before. In this case, at least you won’t have to adapt, so you can help the baby.

What documents are needed for the trip

If you are traveling in Russia, you will need a birth certificate for the baby, and if the child is over 14 years old, a passport. When traveling abroad, even a child needs a foreign passport, and if the country has a visa regime, a visa is also required. If the child is traveling not with his parents, but with other relatives, also prepare a notarized consent (power of attorney) – this document is not formally mandatory, but it may be asked for when boarding a train or checking in for a flight.

If only one parent is traveling with the child, then the consent of the second is not required. Notarized consent is needed only in one case: if previously one parent, through the border service, prohibited the other from taking the child out of the country without permission.

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

Please note that infants over two weeks old are usually allowed on the plane. If you are going somewhere with a newborn, you may need a certificate with a pediatrician’s conclusion that you can fly.

Purchasing plane tickets

Children under two years old, if they do not occupy a separate seat on the plane, fly within Russia for free, and when flying abroad they take a small commission for issuing a ticket. However, a ticket must be reserved in any case, and at the check-in counter you will be given a form marked INF (infant).

If you want a child under two years old to occupy a separate seat (for example, some prefer to transport infants in infant carriers), you will have to buy a child ticket for him – it applies to children from 2 to 11 years old, but a baby can also be carried on it. These tickets are cheaper than adults, but the difference is not too big. The price is set by the airlines – for example, in S7 they give a 25% discount, and Aeroflot promises to halve the price for some routes.

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

Important point: you cannot issue only a child ticket online; you must always specify an accompanying adult (over 18 years old) who is flying on the same flight and class of service. Therefore, if you have already booked a flight for yourself or another adult, and then decide that a child will fly with you, to purchase a ticket for him you need to call the service or airline support service.

Purchasing train tickets

On Russian Railways trains, children under 5 years old can travel for free if they do not occupy a separate seat. One adult can carry only one child in his seat. Please note that a ticket for the baby who is traveling on the same shelf with you still needs to be issued.

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

If you want your child to travel in a separate seat, you need to purchase a child ticket – it is valid for children from 5 to 10 years old. The child fare ranges from 35% to 70% of the full fare (the cost depends on the class of train and carriage).

If a child is over 10 years old, he can get a discounted ticket (with a discount of up to 50%).

Hotel selection

When searching for a hotel, you can immediately set the necessary filters: “Family vacation”, “Hotels for families with children”, etc. – and get a list of suitable options. But we recommend paying attention to some nuances that will make your stay even more comfortable.

Transport accessibility

Choose a hotel that is not too long to drive from the train station or airport: after the road, you are unlikely to want to travel for several more hours by bus or taxi. At the same time, hotels right next to the station or ten minutes from the airport are also not suitable – they are too noisy and in general the environment is not suitable for a family holiday. If from the airport to the hotel it’s only half an hour by convenient transfer or taxi, this is a good option. 

Hotel location

If the hotel is located in the city center, make sure that the windows do not overlook a busy street where life is in full swing until the morning. Noisy nightclubs, discos, bars and restaurants should be kept away, otherwise you will be putting your baby to bed all night and will not be able to get enough sleep yourself. Therefore, check the location of the hotel on the map, where all nearby objects are marked – and do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions in the feedback form (it is usually available on all booking sites). You can also find the hotel on a map with a real panorama of the streets and see what surrounds it.

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

Room size

Small rooms that only fit a bed are not suitable for families with children: firstly, you probably have a lot of things, secondly, you need to put a stroller somewhere, thirdly, the children will want crawl, walk or run – and it is better to do this on the floor, not on the bed. There is one more nuance: when the child falls asleep, you will have to while away the time somewhere. Therefore, if possible, choose a room with two rooms or at least a balcony where you can sit comfortably.

What you need in the room

Refrigerator to put away snacks, fruits, vegetables and drinks. An electric kettle to boil water for mixture or make tea in the morning. A bathtub or spacious shower in which you can bathe your baby. A fairly large sink to quickly rinse the baby and wash clothes from mashed potatoes, sand or tea. And the opportunity to dry washed clothes – a heated towel rail and a dryer on the balcony.

Hotel area

The safer and simpler, the better. Slides, stairs, numerous decorative ponds, two unfenced adult pools and a steep entrance to the water – all these are unnecessary dangers, and one of the parents needs to be on guard at all times. Of course, you still need to keep an eye on your child, but it would be nice not to drag him away from the art in the hall or take him out of the flower beds, wondering if the flowers he just tasted are poisonous.

Infrastructure for children

If you have a choice, stay in a hotel where there are various activities for children: at a minimum, a playground (preferably located in the shade), and better yet, a children’s club (usually children over 3 years old can be sent there for a couple of hours). If there is an adult pool, check to see if there is a children’s area or a separate pool for children. Animation, mini-zoo, children’s discos will only be a plus. 

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

But the special menu is not a critical factor: children are often offered fast food such as nuggets, macaroni and cheese and French fries. It is better to find out how rich the general buffet is and feed the child there.

How to choose a comfortable seat on an airplane

If you are flying with an infant weighing less than 11 kg, it is best to order a special hanging cradle. It is installed in the first row right behind business class, so you will be seated in these seats. The flight attendant will help you secure the cradle. The baby will be fastened during the entire flight and will be able to sleep – a huge relief for the mother. It is important to reserve such a bassinet in advance: usually 24-48 hours before the flight.

Older children usually already want to explore the world. It is also better to fly with them by booking the first row: there is usually increased legroom or there is a wall separating them from the business class seats in front. Here the baby can crawl a little. And in any case, get ready for the fact that, most likely, you will have to walk around the cabin with him.

It is advisable that at least one seat be by the window: the views from the porthole can occupy a child for 10-15 minutes, and sometimes longer.

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

In general, it is better to sit in the front part of the cabin with children: firstly, there is less turbulence there, and secondly, food is served earlier (and this is an excellent opportunity to distract the child). However, keep in mind that at the beginning of the plane there may be several children near you who are crying or fussy. If you want more peace, book your own seats in the middle of the cabin. In the tail, it is often noisier, turbulence is felt more strongly, and there is often a queue for the toilet.

And one more life hack: if there are three seats in a row, if possible, try to book the first and third. In the best case, no one will be seated between you, and you will have extra space; in the worst case, you can ask the passenger to change, if this is not prohibited by the airline rules.

What to take on the road

Whether you travel by plane or train, pack a separate “baby” bag so that all the necessary things are at hand.

What it should contain:  

  • Snack for a child. You can take baby food on board the plane in the required quantity, the main thing is to put it in a separate bag so that during security you don’t have to take it out of the general bag;
  • Wet wipes and tissues;
  • Water bottle – a baby bottle will even be allowed on the plane;
  • A spare set of clothes not only for the child, but also for the parents who will look after him; 
  • A blanket or a large scarf to protect from drafts;
  • A travel first aid kit with plasters, hemostatic material (bandage, hemostatic sponge), painkillers and medications that the child needs (if any). Some people advise taking vasoconstrictor nasal drops on board the plane (to prevent your ears from getting stuffy on takeoff), but we remind you that any medications need to be agreed upon with your pediatrician. The drops are also not recommended for use in children under 2 years of age; it can be dangerous.

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

Gather a separate handbag or box that will brighten up your leisure time. These can include new books and toys without small parts. Very large puzzles, water coloring books and reusable stickers are good options for kids (check in advance to make sure they come off easily – gel ones are ideal). For older children there are special games for the road.

During the journey, many parents lift restrictions on gadgets and screen time. In this case, download more different cartoons to the device’s memory in advance; your favorite or, conversely, completely new games are also a good option. Important: take children’s headphones with you so that songs and cartoons do not disturb you and others.

What else will you need on your trip

If you are traveling with a small child, a comfortable stroller or other means of transportation (sling, ergo backpack) should be a must – kids get tired quickly and cannot walk as much as adults would like. Now on the market there are many so-called ultra-compact strollers – strollers that fold easily, take up very little space and weigh less than 6 kg. Many of them can be taken on board an airplane, but before the flight it is better to check the dimensions permitted for transportation. Please note that ultra-compact strollers often have small wheels, and in cities with cobblestones or on sandy beaches they can be inconvenient – before buying a stroller specifically for travel, watch video reviews.

Traveling with children: guide from OneTwoTrip

When traveling with children, be sure to take care of good medical insurance for the whole family. Also, don’t forget your first aid kit, having discussed its contents with your pediatrician.

If you’re going to the seaside, baby sun cream with SPF 50 and skin soothing products are a must in case your baby gets sunburned. A special swimsuit with sun protection would also be a good option.

It is better to take clothes at the rate of 2-3 sets per day – unless, of course, the hotel does not have a washing machine in the room (in this case, do not forget baby detergent).

It is worth putting insect repellent and a fumigator with special tablets in your suitcase – not all hotels have them.

If your child eats a certain food and you are not sure if it is available in the destination country, take a supply.


Traveling with children can be a great way to explore the world. By the way, children often develop new skills after such a change in environment. It is only important to properly prepare for the trip – we hope that the tips from this article will help you with this.

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