Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

We studied the descriptions of more than a thousand hostels in the largest cities of Russia and identified from them those that allow travelers not only to save on accommodation, but also to get aesthetic pleasure from it.

As a rule, for the sake of low tariffs, hostel owners reduce costs as much as possible, which is why hostels can look ascetic. But recently, more and more atmospheric and non-standard projects have begun to appear, not inferior in their aesthetics to full-format accommodation facilities. Having compared hostels according to five key criteria (interior design, furniture, additional items and decor, organization of public areas, harmony of solutions), We have selected fifteen properties worthy of the title of the most beautiful hostels in Russia.    

The list of finalists included hostels from eight cities of the country: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Krasnodar, Vladivostok and Yekaterinburg. The study took into account only those properties that position themselves in booking systems as hostels, and not, for example, hotels with shared rooms or capsule hotels.

“The offers of unusual hostels are addressed primarily to the new generation of travelers, demanding and economical at the same time. Such facilities are sometimes called not hostels, but beds. From the English “posh” – “chic”. Postels began to actively appear in Russia before the World Cup, but in large cities this process will continue in the coming years. The cost of a night’s stay in hostels, which we have ranked among the most beautiful, starts from 400 rubles per day. Of course, this makes them very popular and can even be fully booked for weekends or holidays”

Director of the hotel department of OneTwoTrip Maxim Karaush


Soul Kitchen, St. Petersburg. Accommodation from 1368 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Netizen, St. Petersburg. Accommodation from 637 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Twin Cities Melbourne, Saint Petersburg. Accommodation from 587 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Safe Haven, St. Petersburg. Accommodation from 365 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Friends on Sennaya, St. Petersburg. Accommodation from 270 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Icon Hostel, Moscow. Accommodation from 1470 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Sputnik Hostel, Moscow. Accommodation from 1200 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

GoodMood, Moscow. Accommodation from 1117 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Netizen, Moscow. Accommodation from 757 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Inwood, Krasnoyarsk. Accommodation from 1395 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Suffix, Kaliningrad. Accommodation from 518 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

Sleep Space, Kazan. Accommodation from 375 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

«Shukhov», Krasnodar. Accommodation from 441 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

IZBA, Vladivostok. Accommodation from 570 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

R.E.D., Yekaterinburg. Accommodation from 410 rubles/day

Top 15 most beautiful hostels in Russia

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