Top 10 happiest countries on earth

Top 10 happiest countries on earth

Ten years ago, the British organization New Economics Foundation (NEF) found a formula for happiness. Moreover, not an individual person, but entire nations. And it turned out not to be about money at all: after all, in the end, people do not want to be rich, but want to live happily ever after. The international happiness index is calculated from the contentment of citizens, life expectancy, the absence of stratification of society and how much natural resources a country spends on it. In this article we will tell you which states were recognized as the happiest this year, and which were at the bottom of the list.

Top 10 happiest countries on earth

What a happy planet looks like according to NEF? All countries use their resources for the benefit of their inhabitants, who, in turn, are satisfied with their lives and are going to live long and in harmony with nature. There are no such countries on earth. Unfortunately, no state can achieve the welfare and contentment of the population without making compromises with the environment.

Top 10 happiest countries on earth

Most often, people in developed countries, where the “ecological footprint” is usually off the charts, rate their life satisfaction relatively highly (within 7 based on zero to ten): for example, if all states used their resources the way relatively “green” Norway (ranked 12th on the list) does to achieve happiness,

then we would need three planet Earths to feed ourselves.
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Top 10 happiest countries on earth

Year after year, when calculating the International Happiness Index, Latin American countries find themselves in the top ten: residents are subjectively satisfied with their lives, while polluting the environment little and not pumping all the juices out of nature. This year, for the third time in ten years, she was recognized as the happiest
Costa Rica with its many natural parks, high life expectancy and happy citizens.
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Top 10 happiest countries on earth

What is the reason for such constant satisfaction of the inhabitants of Central and South America? Surprisingly, perhaps, with their famous carnivals. Engagement in social life, according to NEF researchers, makes people happier. For example, in 2016, fourth place in the list of the happiest countries on earth was taken by the tiny island state of Vanuatu, whose inhabitants are not at all rich, but are happy with their modest, serene existence. Of course, paradisiacal nature plays an important role, but in addition, according to the study, strong social ties influence happiness: here the community regulates everything from conflicts to weddings.
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Top 10 happiest countries on earth

Purity of air and beauty of nature have a huge impact on people’s happiness. That is why the top ten countries included such countries as
Vietnam (5th place) and Bangladesh (8th place). Bangladesh has a fairly high average life expectancy – 70 years, which is 20 years higher than in Zimbabwe, which is equal to Bangladesh in terms of income; Life satisfaction here is slightly below average (4.7 out of 10) and there is a high degree of stratification in society. At the same time, the “ecological footprint” of the country, where for many Hindu residents vegetarianism is considered the highest virtue, is so small that it allowed it to enter the top ten.
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Top 10 happiest countries on earth

Russia, according to the happiness index, is in 116th place (in total there are 140 in the ranking. The average level of satisfaction with life (5.6 out of 10),

The average life expectancy (69.5 years) and the average stratification of society could not outweigh the very high level of consumption of natural resources. In the US, the “ecological footprint” is even worse, but there is a higher level of contentment (7 out of 10) and on average longer life (78.8 years),

which allowed America to take a far from leading 108th place.

Top 10 happiest countries on earth

The most unhappy country in the world in 2016 was African Chad (140th place),

which is not surprising – the last places on the lucky list always went to the black continent. But the fact that Luxembourg (139th place) became an outsider,

makes you think. Although, upon closer examination, everything becomes clear: the largest number of cars per capita, the highest electricity consumption and other immoderation with the almost complete absence of natural reserves led to the fact that if all countries behaved like the small rich Luxembourg, then it would take 9 planets.

It turns out that in reality you can’t buy happiness. But you can buy a ticket to a happy country, and using the “Flight + Hotel” package you can save up to 30% of the cost.

Top 10 happiest countries in 2016:
1. Costa Rica
2. Mexico
3. Colombia
4. Vanuatu
5. Vietnam
6. Panama
7. Nicaragua
8. Bangladesh
9. Thailand
10. Ecuador

Author: Olga Semyonova

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