They swung at the sacred: a life-size Noah's Ark was built in the USA

They swung at the sacred: a life-size Noah's Ark was built in the USA

A new attraction has opened in Williamstown, Kentucky, amazing in its audacity of design and scale of execution – a life-size replica of Noah’s Ark has been recreated.

There is no detailed description of what the ark looked like in the Old Testament, but its proportions are indicated there. And the American Ark is built exactly like them: 155.5 m (300 cubits or 510 ft) long, 26 m (50 cubits or 85 ft) wide and 15.5 m (30 cubits or 51 ft) high. The structure occupies an area of ​​approximately one and a half football fields, and is comparable in height to a 5-story building. This is the largest wooden frame structure in the world, as the authors of the project claim.

They swung at the sacred: a life-size Noah's Ark was built in the USA


If the biblical story – the salvation of the righteous Noah from the global flood of his family and all the animals that existed at that time, pairs of each species – is taken as a historical fact, then many questions arise. For example, how big the ship was and how Noah was able to build it? Did he build it alone or did he have helpers? How did he collect the animals, place them on board and how he took care of them all this time, because the opportunity to go ashore did not arise sooner than in a year. And in general, how many animals were on board? And the food and water supplies – what happened to them? The exhibition located inside the ship is designed to answer these and other questions. The three “living” decks (again in accordance with Scripture) are divided into compartments, which are filled with figures of animals and birds. The family of “travelers” is also presented to the viewer – wax figures of Noah, his wife, three sons and daughters-in-law. Their possible life was modeled. It is interesting to see what, according to the authors of the exhibition, a 500-year-old man could have looked like, because that is how old Noah was at the time of the Flood. His sons are a hundred years old.

They swung at the sacred: a life-size Noah's Ark was built in the USA


The Ark opened to visitors in July. And for the first 40 days – until August 15 – it works until midnight. It is located in a picturesque park in Williamstown, halfway between Cincinnati and Lexington on I-75. The project website honestly warns that this location is not yet recognized by all GPS devices. A thematic addition to visiting the Ark could be a trip to the Creation Museum in Cincinnati. To be fair, it should be said that Europe also has its own Noah’s Ark – a project similar to the American one is working in the Dutch city of Dordrecht.

Official website of the attraction:

Searching for a hotel, booking rooms and paying will not take much time if you do it on the website or in the OneTwoTrip application.

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