The dumbest airline rules

The dumbest airline rules

Nothing brings greater joy to a bureaucrat than the fury of those who encounter his machinations. And perhaps nowhere is there more bureaucracy than in airlines. From booking to landing there is a whole minefield of rules that sometimes cannot be avoided.

But if you carefully read everything that is written (and what is written in small print too),

if you have a natural gift of persuasion and flexibility of thinking, then perhaps the truth will be on your side. To make it easier for you, we have collected the stupidest airline rules from around the world.

The dumbest airline rules

You can smuggle the drink in without any problems if you hide it

If you are returning home from an international trip, check the safety rules first. Some places, such as Singapore and Seoul airports, have two security checks (the second one right before boarding). So make sure you don’t have any liquids (including that can of cola you just bought). But it’s not surprising that if you have the bottle hidden, they might let you through. Don’t buy anything expensive and be prepared to say goodbye to something if something happens.

Online registration requires additional payment

American airline Spirit Airlines charges an additional $9-18 for electronic check-in. Although at the reception desk, everything is done completely free of charge. That is, it turns out that it is “cheaper” for a company to pay for the work of a special employee than to introduce a competent policy on the site.

Choosing a seat on the plane also requires an additional payment

The dumbest airline rules

In the same Spirit company, choosing a seat when purchasing a ticket or registration, even the most uncomfortable one, can cost almost $50. So you will either have to accept the default seat or not fly on that airline.

Direction, not distance, determines whether you have lunch or not

If you’re flying from New York to London, American Airlines has your meals covered. But if you are going on a domestic flight with the same airline, for example from Phoenix to Honolulu, then all snacks and even water will be charged.

Water cannot be carried, ice is allowed

TSA, the security service at American airports, allows ice on board, but prohibits water. Freeze a bottle of water first – and no problem.

The weight of hand luggage is only important for 30 seconds

If you are traveling with Air France, wear your heaviest items. The airline’s rules are that the weight of things you take on board should not exceed 12 kg. And this is carefully monitored at registration. So while the counter staff checks your tickets and passport details, put on the heaviest thing, and after weighing everything can be put back in its place.

Large laptops are potential bombs, small ones are not

The dumbest airline rules

TSA rules force 13-inch laptops onto the conveyor belt, while 11-inch laptops remain unsuspected. Of course, extra inches means extra space for contraband.

Airlines are not responsible for lost items, even when they themselves change the gate number

The dumbest airline rules

Experienced travelers know not to put valuables in their luggage. But even if you took everything important in your hand luggage, during security checks, be careful not to leave anything behind for airport employees.

Men are the most suspicious passengers

A few years ago, British Airways was sued for discrimination. The fact was that the man was asked to change seats several times, explaining that it was forbidden to seat unaccompanied minor children on the plane next to men. After that, the “rule” was removed in many companies, but not everywhere.

You can get a discount for an additional fee

The dumbest airline rules

Most airlines are willing to refund you the difference if the price of your flight changes on the same day. But some airlines charge an additional fee for this. For example, Virgin America will charge you $100 for trying to change your ticket.
In general, carefully read all the fine print.

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