Sports camps for adults: just like in childhood, only better

Sports camps for adults: just like in childhood, only better

The trend towards a healthy lifestyle is rapidly gaining momentum: gyms, morning jogging, group classes – every city has a huge selection of activities for those who love sports. Fitting physical activity and proper nutrition into your regular schedule is not so difficult, but every time before a vacation the question arises: “How not to lose track?.” The answer is simple – a sports vacation or, as it is now fashionably called, a fitness camp. From this article you will learn what it is, what kind of camps there are, and which of them are worth paying special attention to.

What is a fitness camp?

Typically, a fitness camp is an all-inclusive “vacation.” The word “rest” in quotation marks is not accidental; the camp program is intense and very active, with daily training, healthy eating, often lectures and, of course, includes sightseeing, because, among other things, it is also a journey. A trip to such a camp can be a “magic kick-off” for those who usually put off a new life until Monday that never comes, will help overcome the plateau for those who exercise periodically, and will add variety to the training program of experienced athletes.

Sports camps for adults can be on almost any topic: specialized camps for weight loss, boot camps that were born from the training program of American recruits, dance, acrobatic, yoga camps and camps for various types of extreme sports. After scouring Google, we found some really interesting programs that we want to tell you about.

Fitness tours around the world

Sports camps for adults: just like in childhood, only better

Every month, a small group goes on an intensive fitness journey to a warm country to relax at a resort, tone their bodies and learn the basics of creating a personal training and nutrition plan. Such a tour is useful not only and not so much because it makes you work hard; the most important thing about it is that the organizers teach what to do next, how to make sport an integral part of life. The program is designed for mixed groups, that is, not only girls are there, although usually ladies are more interested in sports camps. Moreover, the organizers welcome couples and families; even if one person wants to train, the other will simply have a little more free time, and the rest will still be meaningful and interesting.

Yoga and creativity in Barcelona

Sports camps for adults: just like in childhood, only better

The yoga camp will be of interest to those who have been practicing yoga for a long time and for whom a couple of sets of practice a day are already easy and not interesting. If you want to develop in different directions, pay attention to the intense and unusual week-long tour “all the best at once”, which is held in Barcelona. A group of 10 people check into a villa and practice yoga for a whole week, learn how to massage, dance and meditate, and at the same time practice a little Spanish. All teachers are Russian, so there will be no language barrier, but there will be healthy food, interesting excursions and trekking to the mountains with a tea ceremony at the top.

Dance tours on Lake Baikal

Sports camps for adults: just like in childhood, only better

If you think that dancing means tapping your foot near the bar waiting for an interesting acquaintance, you have a great chance to radically change your opinion, and at the same time it’s a good idea to improve your strength, endurance and coordination of movements. Ten days of a powerful summer program in the Pribaikalsky National Park include daily classes with experienced choreographers, master classes in acting and creativity, as well as hikes, quests, theatrical performances and fun parties, naturally with fiery dancing. You can live in tents or wooden houses.

Surfing, skateboarding and longboarding in Portugal

Sports camps for adults: just like in childhood, only better

Extreme sports not only train the body, but also bring great pleasure, and there is no need to really risk your health. Under the guidance of experienced teachers, you can gain new skills and an adrenaline rush, and, perhaps, acquire a serious hobby for life. Surfing confidently leads the list of moderately extreme, but at the same time exciting sports. As it turns out, a surf camp can be made even more interesting by adding skating lessons to the program at a cool skate park overlooking the ocean and longboarding along the city streets.

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