Sleep bars: what are they and who needs them?

Sleep bars: what are they and who needs them?

Several cities around the world have so-called “sleep bars” – where office workers can sleep during their lunch break, and where tourists can take a break from long walks. Although these spaces are called bars (in English – nap bars),

you won’t have to sleep on the bar counter: all of them are equipped with comfortable places to sleep and relax – from beds to special chairs and hammocks. They cannot be called either cafes or bars in the usual sense – there is usually no food there, and drinks are extremely rare, but in some of them you will be offered massages and relaxation programs. And don’t worry about sleeping longer than necessary: ​​you will be woken up at the time you specify.

Sleep bars: what are they and who needs them?

Bar Siesta & Go, Madrid, Spain


The appearance of a nap bar is quite logical in a country where the siesta or afternoon nap is a long-standing tradition. Not long ago, a center opened in Madrid where, for a fee of 8 to 15 euros, you can sleep or just relax with a book – for example, for 14 euros per hour you will be provided with a separate room with clean linen. The bar is open every day from 11:00 to 19:00, but please note that reservations must be made in advance. According to employees, the place is most in demand during the lunch hour – at this time men in business suits or women who want to kick off their shoes and relax often come.

Sleep bars: what are they and who needs them?

Cafe Mahika Mano, Tokyo, Japan


The appearance of a similar bar in Japan, known for its short-term stays and places to sleep like capsule hotels, is equally expected. In addition, it is believed that the Japanese work in a rather stressful mode, in which rest is necessary – so it is not surprising that there are several sleep bars in Tokyo. At Mahika Mano you can relax in a hammock, and this is the only place on our list that can really be considered a cafe – it has food. The creators of Mahika Mano focus on healthy eating and vegetable dishes, and they also sell their own roasted coffee. The cafe is open from 12:00 to 22:00 from Monday to Saturday and from 12:00 to 20:00 on Sunday.

Sleep bars: what are they and who needs them?

Bar Pauz, Brussels, Belgium


For a euro per minute (the first 15 minutes will cost 7 euros), you will be invited to relax in a chair with hydromassage and light therapy. The bar’s website promises the most advanced equipment and several special relaxation programs: the staff will help you choose the one that suits you. The bar is open only on weekdays – on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays – from 12:00 to 18:00, and on Wednesdays and Fridays – from 12:00 to 15:00.

Sleep bars: what are they and who needs them?

Zen Nap Bar (Zen Bar à Sieste),

Paris, France


A small bar in the center of Paris invites visitors to relax in special chairs listening to relaxing music in curtained rooms. Here you can relax for 15 minutes, paying 12 euros, or you can stay longer and take advantage of the services of manicure, pedicure and head massage. The bar is open from Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 20:00.

Sleep bars: what are they and who needs them?

Cafe Nazzam, Seoul, South Korea

Visitors to a Seoul cafe for 4 euros per hour can relax in hammocks hung around the room, and after sleep get a drink, which is included in the price. The hammocks come with heated electric blankets to keep you warm while you sleep. Nazzam usually plays classical music or sounds of nature – according to its creators, this helps visitors relax. There is also a bookshelf with magazines and comics – in case you don’t want to sleep, but need a little rest.

Text author: Yana Kasatkina

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