Six atmospheric hotels for a New Year's adventure

Six atmospheric hotels for a New Year's adventure

This year, the choice of places to celebrate the New Year for lovers of non-standard holidays has been significantly reduced. But is this a reason to cancel the fun? The introduced restrictions will not confuse real adventurers. They know for sure: whoever searches will definitely find.

To make it easier for you to navigate the flow of offers, we have prepared a whole list of amazing hotels where you can have a truly unforgettable holiday. And they even sketched out a rough scenario for the most important night of the year!

Art-hotel “Rachmaninov”, St. Petersburg

Six atmospheric hotels for a New Year's adventure

The interesting thing about this hotel starts right from the stairs along which the future composer ran in his youth. They say there is some kind of magic in it: if you rush up to the top in a good mood, your heels spontaneously tap out “Openinelle.”

Everything here breathes history (Sergei Rachmaninov himself lived in one of the rooms!), and breakfasts  take place in an atmospheric living room decorated in the style of the 19th century. In addition, the hotel houses a unique collection of antiques and paintings, which is regularly updated with modern paintings – the result is a small, homely, warm and cozy museum.

For the holiday they promise a backstage evening for their own people. A little jazz, New Year’s lights of 1981, a stunning view of Kazanskaya Street and fireworks.

And when you enjoy the romance, you can go for a walk along Nevsky Prospekt. Or visit the Christmas fair on Manezhnaya Square. It will be open until January 10th.

LeapRus Capsule Hotel, Elbrus district, Kabardino-Balkaria

Six atmospheric hotels for a New Year's adventure

This eco-hotel in the vicinity of the village of Terskol is definitely worth at least just a look. The unusual design in itself is a full-fledged attraction. Just imagine that on the southern slope of Elbrus, not far from the Gara-Bashi cable car station, a spaceship was installed, and you can live in it.

The unique capsule hotel was invented specifically for climbers and outdoor enthusiasts, which is why it is most often called a shelter. Guest modules, reminiscent of the living compartments of an interplanetary ship from a science-fiction film, are located not far from the lift and are a convenient transfer point. 

Two modules here are residential, with a spacious bedroom and a huge panoramic window, one is technical, with a bathroom and a place for drying clothes, and the last, fourth, is intended for eating and relaxing.

The porthole windows offer amazing beauty, but this is an additional bonus. The most important thing is the opportunity to practice your favorite sport on seven high-quality wide tracks of the Elbrus-Azau complex. Or even on the most difficult tracks in Europe of the Cheget complex.

At the same time, a holiday here is suitable not only for extreme sports enthusiasts. In the vicinity of the village there is a lot of entertainment at any time of the year: you can organize a walking route, go up to the observation deck next to the Terskol Peak observatory, look into the Elbrus Defense Museum and just breathe in the healing mountain air. Even in December, there is an opportunity to admire beautiful waterfalls, visit Narzan springs and… sunbathe on a sun lounger near the cable car station.

In the Azau clearing, not far from the shelter, a small market has been opened where you can find exclusive items from local craftsmen and New Year’s gifts for loved ones. And if you have enough time, Nalchik and Mineralnye Vody are a few hours away.

“Radiant Resort”, Sochi

Six atmospheric hotels for a New Year's adventure

A place for those who have always dreamed of their own apartment on the seashore. New Year is a time when you need to allow fairy tales to happen and the sea to appear outside your window. These cozy apartments will make you feel like a home away from home. There is a kitchen here to prepare a festive table, a refrigerator to cool drinks, and a TV to celebrate the first minute of 2021 together with the whole country.

But it’s better, of course, to “turn on” the sea at this time. After all, you probably celebrated the New Year with the chiming of the chimes more often than with the sound of waves. There is also an opinion that the wishes that you whispered to the night holiday sea come true three times faster.

After the feast you can take a walk – Sochi is beautiful in any weather. Not only tourists, but also local residents love to spend time outdoors. If you’re in the mood, head to Flag Square or Ordzhonikidze Street, where New Year’s markets will be open.

And in the morning, visit Grandfather Frost – he is already waiting for you together with his granddaughter Snegurochka in his Southern residence in the lower part of the Arboretum park. There is a whole fairytale village here. Small houses where you can learn more about the history of the park, a Gift Factory, a reindeer farm, a real yurt and a sled – the vehicle of Santa Claus. 

Opening hours of Santa Claus’s residence –  from 10:30 to 21:00.

Recreation center “Mishkina Skazka”, Karelia

Six atmospheric hotels for a New Year's adventure

Photo: mishkina-

Have you ever wanted to visit the den? The same one from the children’s book, in which the fairy-tale bear hibernates, curled up in a cozy ball. Guests of the eco-base “Mishkina Skazka” have such an opportunity. All the houses here are called exactly that – dens. 

With bear housing  They are related not only by the name, but also by some other features of their appearance. The rooms look really textured and fabulous: a log wall, a roof wrapped in branches – the whole structure looks more like a picture. Of course, unlike a real den, there is water, heating and other amenities. But there are no sockets. This is the principled position of “Mishka’s Tale”. People come here to relax and recharge. And then leave as a completely new, happy person. 

The recreation center was hidden away from civilization for a reason. When there is nothing superfluous, you can complete reality to your liking. And this is easy for anyone who at least once listens to stories about trolls, ancient giants or a mysterious treasure that has been resting at the bottom of Lake Ladoga for many years and even sometimes emits a mysterious light!

By the way, magical Ladoga is only five kilometers from the dens, and the picturesque rock formations of Yastrebinoye Lake are ten kilometers away.

On the territory of the eco-hotel there is a small farm with animals that you can not only watch, but also care for. And there is also a real Russian bathhouse!

In “Mishka’s Tale” they treat nature very carefully and pay great attention to the environment. The waste is not transported anywhere, but is separated and processed right here. Most often, guests take an active part in this.

For the New Year, guests will be treated to a special program with a charming presenter, songs with a guitar, tea drinking, fortune telling and a large bonfire instead of the usual TV that night. 

Pentahotel Moscow, Moscow

Six atmospheric hotels for a New Year's adventure

“A carriage for me, a carriage!” – residents of the capital shout on New Year’s Eve and rush away from Moscow. Many people want to spend the winter holidays in an unusual way, and for some reason they are sure that this is only possible outside the city. But the main thing is not only a change in the usual scenery, but also  interesting idea.

For the New Year, this hotel will offer guests a musical program from 20 to 23 hours and a New Year’s Eve dinner. All major attractions are within walking distance.

You can walk around the festive city as much as you like or sit comfortably on a soft bed with a glass of something festive and make plans in pleasant company for a new, wonderful year.

By the way, Pentahotel Moscow welcomes not only you, but also your pets!

“Bronze Boar”, Voronezh

Six atmospheric hotels for a New Year's adventure

Fairy tale lovers of all ages! Urgently drop everything and buy tickets to Voronezh. “Bronze Boar” is waiting for you! The same one from the famous work of Hans Christian Andersen.

Initially, the author’s hotel was supposed to be called “Andersen”. The ancient building in which it is located seems to have been copied from a collection of works by a favorite writer. The decorators managed the impossible: they not only carefully preserved the details and spirit of the 19th century, but also made the hotel as comfortable as possible for a modern person. 

The hotel has a swimming pool and sauna, game consoles and billiards, and each room has a small garden patio.

The hotel greatly transforms the appearance of the entire city and is one of its main attractions. And in the capital of the Black Earth Region you can, for example, visit the famous palace of Princess of Oldenburg or Voronezh Versailles – the estate of Baron Stahl von Holstein. Look into  museum-ship from the time of Peter I (the first battleship of the Russian Navy*) or see unique cave chalk temples. And then return to the hotel lobby on Koltsova Street, drink delicious tea and warm up by the fireplace. 

*Due to restrictive measures, visiting is only possible as part of an excursion group (no more than 5 people).

Text author: Nadezhda Podkolzina

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