Seven colors of Colombia

Seven colors of Colombia

It just so happens that most people have
Colombia is associated exclusively with the notorious “white”, although in fact this vibrant country plays with all the colors of the rainbow. City streets and the clothes of local residents are colorful to match the national flag. And even the sights of Colombia can be visited according to the mnemonic rule “Every Hunter Wants to Know…”. Today we have compiled for you a list of the most colorful places in Colombia.

I want to go to Colombia!

Seven colors of Colombia


The brightest red color in Colombia comes from coffee beans. Colombia is the world’s second largest exporter of Arabica coffee, producing a total of 852 thousand tons of coffee in 2002. The plantations are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and occupy almost the entire mountainous territory of the country, stretching from 72˚ to 78˚ north latitude. Tourists are invited to take so-called coffee tours, during which they can stop in a local village and thoroughly study the entire coffee production process: collect the beans themselves, roast them, grind them and brew them!
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Seven colors of Colombia


The Tatacoa Desert is located in the center of the country and occupies a huge area of ​​330 square kilometers. Tatacoa looks like another planet – bright orange rocks with occasional green touches of cacti contrast perfectly with the blue sky. At night, the area is transformed by the light of the moon, revealing a cold, silver landscape to rare visitors. It is especially recommended to visit the desert during the new moon, when myriads of bright stars of all constellations and the Milky Way are clearly visible in the sky.

Seven colors of Colombia


The yellow color in Colombia has a metallic sheen – it’s gold. In the old district of La Candelaria in the city of Bogota there is a museum with a unique, largest exhibition of gold in the world; There are about 36 thousand products on display here, the age of which has crossed the 500-year mark. The fact is that the ancient Indians who lived in this region considered gold a sacred metal that collected the energy of the sun, so it was mined in large quantities and used in everyday life and for sacred rituals. Most of the collection was raised from the bottom of Lake Guatavita, where it ended up as a sacrifice to the gods.

Seven colors of Colombia


In general, the whole of Colombia is painted green – national natural parks are adjacent to impenetrable jungles, smoothly flowing into high-mountain plantations. However, there is a noble green in the country that stands out from the general background. The largest and purest emeralds in the world are mined in the Muzu region, located 100 kilometers from Bogota; 55% of all stones on the world market come from Colombia. Jewelry prices here are naturally quite reasonable, so emerald jewelry is the best souvenir from Colombia. You can even try to mine your own precious stone from the river that flows from the mines. It is muddy, but sometimes carries small but valuable fragments in its waters, so many local residents not involved in mining and agriculture use this river as a source of modest income.

Seven colors of Colombia


In the Caribbean Sea there is a group of small islands called San Andres y Providencia. The islands are much closer to Nicaragua and Costa Rica, but belong to Colombia. The waters washing these islands are called the sea of ​​seven colors, since from the plane the surface is visible, shimmering in all shades: from light blue to purple. The underwater world off the coast of San Andres and Providencia attracts divers from all over the world: 85 species of corals grow here. The World Ocean Conservation Organization includes the archipelago on its list of six key regions for the health of the planet. In addition, San Andres y Providencia is a great place for kitesurfing and windsurfing, swimming and a leisurely beach holiday.
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Seven colors of Colombia


A blue haze envelops the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range, located just 42 kilometers from the Caribbean coast. On the tops of the mountains lie eternal snow and glaciers, which reflect the blue sky. The highest point in Colombia is the peak of Mount Cristobal Colon, rising 5780 m above sea level. In pre-Columbian times, the advanced Tayrona civilization lived on the mountain slopes. Nowadays, in the high mountain forests there is an archaeological park “Lost City”, where traces of ancient culture have been preserved: houses, bridges, canals and terraces.
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Seven colors of Colombia


In a stone gorge in the center of Colombia flows the unique Caño Cristales River, also known as the “river of five colors” or “liquid rainbow”. Its water has a bluish tint, the bottom is mostly sandy, yellow with splashes of green algae, and throughout the year, thanks to them, the river changes color. It is painted in the brightest red-violet hue from September to November, when Macarenia clavigera algae grows especially actively. Caño Cristales can easily be called the most beautiful river in the world, but you need to come in the autumn months, since the rest of the year it differs little from other rivers.

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Author: Irina Krokhaleva

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