Secret Jaipur: Hindu hermits and a mountain with an army of monkeys

Secret Jaipur: Hindu hermits and a mountain with an army of monkeys

It’s better to start getting to know India from the north. The most convenient way to fly to New Delhi is from Moscow, and the most famous landmark, the Taj Mahal, is located two hours from the Indian capital by train, in Agra. Having examined the mosque-mausoleum – and there is nothing else to see there – you can go to Jaipur.

Secret Jaipur: Hindu hermits and a mountain with an army of monkeys

The geographical neighborhood of Delhi, Agra and Jaipur is called the Golden Triangle and it is golden, apparently, not because of the color of the sand of the deserts of northern India, but because of the concentration of various attractions. You won’t find a more eventful excursion program in India than a trip to the Golden Triangle.

Secret Jaipur: Hindu hermits and a mountain with an army of monkeys

Jaipur, capital of Rajasthan (

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