Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

There are never too many magical places. That’s why we’ve prepared something special for you this summer: together with talented travel photographers from the Russian Explorers team, we’ll be creating new exclusive guides for short weekend trips with such delicious shots that you just won’t be able to resist!

And don’t! Take ready-made routes and go admire our country. The first guide from Alexander Petrov and Rita Frolova is already waiting for you when you go to Sakhalin. And so that you can use it as soon as possible, in our telegram channel we are giving away a discount on air tickets to the island, as well as on accommodation there.

We had been dreaming of visiting Sakhalin for a long time, but we were always frightened by its remoteness, size and difficulties in moving around the largest island of Russia. This spring we finally went there and realized that we had waited so long in vain. It was from this place that our acquaintance with the Far East began.

When to go and how to prepare

We really like fogs and the mystical atmosphere they create, so we decided to go at the end of May. Those who prefer warmer, drier weather should consider visiting from August to early September. But it is important to remember that the weather on the island is very changeable. However, this is not a reason to refuse a trip – properly selected clothes will help you enjoy the beauty of the island, regardless of weather conditions. We were guided by the principle of multi-layering: thermal underwear is responsible for regulating humidity, insulation (fleece jacket or jacket and trousers) will protect from the cold, and the outer layer (windproof and waterproof jacket) will protect from wind and rain. Depending on the weather, these items can be easily mixed and matched.

How to get there  

We flew from Moscow to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk for about 8 hours. Air tickets cost from 23,000 rubles per person round trip*.

Where to stay

We prefer to have a kitchen and washing machine nearby, so we chose apartments in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Here are a few different options for you to  excellent price categories:

Mini hotel Islander – from 3060 rubles per night for two*;
Apartment on Komsomolskaya – from 4130 rubles per night for two*;
PARADISE Resort Hotel – from 7469 rubles per night for two*.

What to visit and what to do on Sakhalin

Local History Museum

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

Upon arrival, we decided not to waste time and went to the local history museum to plunge into the history of Sakhalin and learn about the life and traditions of the peoples of the island. The Japanese-style building itself is of historical value and is located in a beautiful, well-kept courtyard, where it is pleasant and easy to stroll. The cost of a ticket to the museum is 200 rubles*.

Ski complex “Mountain Air”

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

In the evening, struggling with sleep due to jet lag, in the drizzling rain we went for a walk along one of the many trails in the Mountain Air ski complex. 

This is the largest ski resort in the Far East. In winter, here you can conquer the slopes on skis or snowboards, or go snowshoeing, and in summer, “Mountain Air” offers many eco-trails, which are a pleasure to wander along while contemplating the surroundings.

A large number of active people immediately caught my eye: some were running, some were doing race walking, and some were just walking. During the walk, the crowns of the trees protected from the rain, and the air became especially tasty, so we recommend this place even in bad weather. 

You can also take the lift to the observation deck and enjoy a panoramic view of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

Quiet Bay

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

The next day we decided  get a good night’s sleep, and after lunch go to a cozy and picturesque place two hours drive from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk – Tikhaya Bay. 

This is one of the few places on the island that can be reached by rented car. The entire road is paved with the exception of the last three kilometers of dirt road. However, there is no need to worry  This section is easily passable in any car. The cost of renting our car is 2500 rubles per day* + surcharge of 1000 rubles* for a trip on a dirt road.

I was very impressed by the part of the route that runs along the endless beach of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, so we guarantee that you will start enjoying the views already on the road.

On the way to the bay, in the village of Vzmorye, we stopped at a small market to buy Kamchatka crab and have a picnic on the beach. The main thing is to take scissors with you (for cutting the shell). The average cost of a crab is 3000 rubles*.

Tikhaya Bay was named so by the navigator Ivan Kruzenshtern because it is carefully sheltered from winds and typhoons, and only seagulls that have chosen the stone island disturb the silence. The water here warms up well, so if warm weather is expected, we recommend taking swimsuits with you. 

At sunset we walked to the left side of the bay and climbed to Cape Tikhii to see off the sun. In two places the slopes are equipped with ropes, which simplify ascent and descent. It seems to us that it is from above that the best view of both Tikhaya and the neighboring bay opens.

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

Aniva Lighthouse

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

On the second day of our stay on Sakhalin, our long-time dream came true: we went to the Aniva lighthouse. It is considered the pearl and calling card of the island. As if growing out of a rock, the Lighthouse seems not man-made, but a natural creation.

The lighthouse was built by the Japanese in 1939, but now its permanent and only inhabitants are seagulls. It is separated from the main land by a strait, so we got to it by boat from the village of Novikovo. You can disembark at the lighthouse and explore it, imagining what it was like decades ago. The cost of the trip is 5,000 rubles round trip*. Travel time by sea is from 40 minutes depending on weather conditions. Even in good weather, the boat can be quite windy, so we recommend taking windproof clothing with you. 

By the way, despite the fact that people go to Aniva mainly by sea, every year dozens of romantics overcome this difficult path on foot by land. On average, such a hike takes 3-4 days in both directions.

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

Cape Giant and Cape Bird 

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

On the third day we went to the coast to Cape Bird and Cape Giant. They are in close proximity to each other. On the shore there are many arches, outcrops and kekurs of bizarre shapes created by the wind and sea waves, which were chosen by seagulls for nesting. These stone sculptures form Cape Bird. Wandering along the beach, looking into grottoes and breathing sea air is a pleasure. If you walk further and climb up the rock, you will find yourself at Cape Giant, which offers a breathtaking view.

This incredible energy place definitely made a strong impression on us.

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

Cape Eustathia

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

After Cape Velikan, we continued to explore the island and went through the pass to almost the very edge of the eastern coast of Sakhalin – the amazingly beautiful Cape Eustathia. It is connected to the mainland of the island by a narrow sandy isthmus. The height of the cape is only 51 meters, but despite its relatively modest size, it offers a beautiful view of the surrounding area.

After walking along the gray-black sand on the beach, we climbed up to the cape to enjoy the peace and tranquility. 

The road to Cape Velikan and Cape Eustathia is not easy, in addition, some rental companies prohibit driving to these places in a rented car. Therefore, we got there in a prepared car with an experienced driver. Rental cost for a day with a driver – from 10,000 rubles*.

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

Steller sea lion rookery in Nevelsk

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

On our last day on Sakhalin, we went to the west coast of the island to observe animals in their natural habitat. Right within the city limits of Nevelsk, sea lions remain in a rookery on a long pier from spring to mid-summer. Already from the shore you can hear the roar they create. You can observe the animals either through binoculars from the shore or by taking a boat excursion. The cost of the excursion is 500 rubles* per person. We limited ourselves to flying a drone to look at the animals from the air and from a distance that was safe for them.

Lighthouse on Cape Slepikovsky

Route from Russian Explorers: Sakhalin

To end the day we went to the lighthouse on Cape Slepikovsky north of Kholmsk. You can get to the city both by car and by public transport. From Kholmsk you can get to the village of Kostromskoye by bus or commuter train, then walk about 5 km. The road goes through a field and sand dunes, which are best driven by an all-terrain vehicle.

In order not to waste time looking for restaurants and cafes, we bought ready-made food with us on all long trips. In the Ostrov store, in addition to fresh frozen seafood, which we then bought to take home with us, there is ready-made food prepared in Korean. We especially liked the dried pollock, seaweed, fern and burdock. We also bought crab fillets at the “Success” market. You can also buy fish, caviar, scallops and other seafood there. Korean and Japanese cuisines are common on Sakhalin. To get to know them better, we recommend visiting the Pak Degam and Nihon Mitai restaurants. 

Our trip to Sakhalin was very rich in impressions and emotions. Everything turned out to be not as difficult as we thought, and quite accessible. For us, Sakhalin is an amazing natural landscape that transports us to the pages of adventure novels and gives us the opportunity to feel like pioneers. We’d love to come back to explore the north of the island. Who knows how many more pearls we will discover there.

*Prices valid at time of publication

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