Rafting without pitfalls

Rafting without pitfalls

Despite the fact that rafting took an official place in the All-Russian Register of Sports back in 2003, many still know about it only by hearsay from guides in hotels or from advertising brochures of travel companies. Meanwhile, few other hobbies can provide as much pleasure and drive. What is rafting and what do you need to know about it to get maximum adrenaline!?
In simple terms, rafting is rafting down mountain rivers on inflatable rafts designed for 6-8 people. As a rule, such rivers flow in mountainous areas or in very relief terrain. Depending on the difficulty, the routes vary on a six-point scale. The route is considered difficult starting from the third level. For a beginner, this level is considered the maximum allowed. If we talk about Russia, the most popular regions for rafting are traditionally Adygea, Altai and Karelia.

Rafting without pitfalls

Today it is not at all necessary to independently develop your own water route. Many companies are ready to offer a sufficient number of ready-made commercial proposals. However, do not forget that rafting is a rather dangerous hobby, especially for a beginner. Simple rules and instructions will help protect you and your loved ones from possible injuries and hypothermia.

So, you are ready to storm a dangerous mountain river. What to look for when choosing a tour? What to take with you? We will try to eliminate possible pitfalls as much as possible so that the first experience is imprinted in your memory only as pleasant memories.

Rafting without pitfalls

Choose a company. What to pay attention to?

The company’s website should contain comprehensive information on the program of your tour, starting with the level of difficulty of the route, time and meeting place, a detailed description of the route and ending with the menu, list and characteristics of equipment for rafting and camp, and recommendations on what you need to take with you . A reputable company will certainly indicate what is included in the tour price, and what you will need to pay extra for. Be sure to read the reviews of those who have already completed this route. It would be a good idea for you to find out the weather forecast for the duration of your vacation and call the phone number listed on the website to find out about the restrictions on age, health and training of rafting participants. Remember that the level of difficulty in rafting is designed for a certain level of preparedness of the participants. You should refrain from rafting in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases or pregnancy.

Rafting without pitfalls

What to take with you?

  • ● Of course, comfortable, non-slip shoes, designed for long stays in the water. These can be the so-called “coral slippers”, sold en masse at all seaside resorts, or special sandals for rafting, which can be bought in sports equipment stores. The main thing is that water can freely find its way out and not squish inside the shoes.
  • ● Don’t forget a strong, water-resistant sunscreen in summer—the sun on the water is much more intense than on land.
  • ● Sunglasses, a hat with a brim, a cap or a bandana are essential rafting attributes. The main thing is that the headdress has an elastic band, is securely fixed and does not fly away in a gust of wind.
  • ● A replacement set of clothes and shoes in a plastic bag. It is important that it always remains dry. It wouldn’t hurt to take a light shirt for hot weather so that your arms and shoulders don’t get burned.
  • ● Sleeping bag, waterproof windbreaker or rain jacket in case of cold or rain.
  • ● Waterproof photo and video equipment or special cases that protect the equipment from moisture, a flashlight.
  • ● A simple but durable mobile phone in a waterproof case, charged and turned off.
  • ● Swimwear.
  • ● Bottled water for emergencies.
  • ● Wet wipes instead of toilet paper, cosmetics in mini bottles or samples, antiseptic, repellent, first aid kit.
  • ● Plastic bags so that you can take all the garbage with you without polluting your resting place.
  • ● Water pistols, inflatable balls and other accessories for leisure and water games.

When packing, the main thing is to use common sense and not take too much. A volume of Tolstoy or a grandmother’s photograph in a gilded frame are unlikely to be vitally needed during the rafting.

Rafting without pitfalls

Rafting is an unforgettable vacation and adventure. But even during vacation, you need to remember about safety measures. Listen carefully to the instructor and then you will be able to fully enjoy the trip, and feel free to add rafting to the list of your hobbies and interests.

Are you going on a trip? Don’t forget about insurance!

Author: Elena Yatsenko

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