Prague: weekend plan and a little romance

Prague: weekend plan and a little romance

This year Valentine’s Day fell in the middle of the week and many may miss the romance. Don’t be upset about this, because there’s a weekend ahead that you can spend in Prague among medieval castles, a labyrinth of ancient streets, gardens and secret courtyards.

How to get there. Czech Airlines flies to Prague from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Kazan and Ufa and offers favorable prices for the Valentine’s Day period. The airline offers cheap baggage-free fares, as well as a wide range of additional services for a comfortable flight. Travel time – from 2 hours 30 minutes.

I want to go to Prague!

Prague: weekend plan and a little romance

How to get to the city. From the airport by Aeroexpress for 2.3 euros, by bus for 1.45 euros or by taxi, the minimum price for a trip to the city center is about 24 euros.

Where to stay. If you are in the capital of the Czech Republic for the first time, choose hotels in the center, in the Prague 1 area. This is where the bulk of historical and cultural attractions are concentrated. From here, early in the morning, when the metro is not yet operating, sightseeing buses depart.

Not far from the Charles Bridge is Hotel Kampa – a calm, romantic place. A night for two will cost from 3,816 rubles, with breakfast in the morning.

Hotel U Zlateho jelena is located in an old house with a beautiful courtyard, next to the Old Town Square. To get a restful night’s sleep, when booking, inform us that you need a room with windows facing the courtyard, so the sounds of the noisy center will not reach you. A room for two costs from 4,267 rubles.

Hotel Pod Věží is located a ten-minute walk from Prague Castle and Old Town Square, and a night there will cost from 8,322 rubles for two.

Prague: weekend plan and a little romance

Interesting excursions from local residents in Prague

Where to go

Prague: weekend plan and a little romance

  • Old Town Square. It was formed in the 12th century and initially there was a large market at this place, which was located at the intersection of European trade routes. The square is surrounded by buildings of various architectural styles: Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo. On one of the buildings – the tower of the Old Town Hall – there is an astronomical clock from the 15th century, one of the most famous and oldest tower clocks in the world.
  • Prague Castle. The largest fortress in the Czech Republic. A large number of historical attractions are concentrated inside it: Theresian Palace, Chapel of the Holy Cross, St. Vitus Cathedral, Old Royal Palace of the 15th century. Every day at 12 noon, a ceremonial changing of the guard takes place before the entrance to the fortress.
  • Charles Bridge. One of the hallmarks of the city and the most photographed bridge of Prague was built in the 15th century. The structure connects two historical districts of Lesser Town and Old Town (Prague Castle and Old Town), located on different banks of the Vltava River. The bridge is decorated with 30 statues of Czech saints and famous personalities, created by the best craftsmen of that time in the 17th and 18th centuries.

In Prague, walking tours are very popular among tourists, some of them are free. This is very convenient: in 3-4 hours you will be introduced to the main attractions, urban legends will be told and your questions will be answered.

Since not only lovers of architecture and history come to Prague, but also gastronomic travelers, travel companies offer to go on gastrotours, where, within a few hours, city guests will visit 5-6 establishments, where they will be offered to get acquainted with dishes of traditional and modern Czech cuisine.

What to do for romantics

Prague: weekend plan and a little romance

See the city from above

A picturesque view of Prague opens from the observation tower in the Petrin Gardens, located on the hill of the same name. The tower was built for the 1891 Jubilee Exhibition, as a model for the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Interestingly, both structures are at the same height above sea level. In clear sunny weather, from the observation deck of the tower you can see not only Prague, but also neighboring cities. The easiest way to get to it is by funicular (landing from Újezd ​​street, near house no. 17), and go down on foot, exploring the gardens. There are five gardens on Petrin Hill: the rose garden, the Nebozizek garden, the Seminar garden, the Lobkowitz garden and the park “At the Lookout Tower”.

Take a ride on a Jazzboat along the Vltava River

The best time for a walk is in the evening, at this time the view of the city lights from the water will be magical. Jazzboat is a small ship where you will find live music, delicious food and beautiful evening scenery of Prague – your significant other will definitely like it. You can book a table here.

Attend an organ music concert

Deep, mesmerizing organ music can be heard in many Prague cathedrals. In addition to the spiritual, classical works by Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Handel and other great musicians are performed in churches.

The most popular places where masterpieces of world music are heard in the evenings:

  • Church of St. Salvator – two organs are installed here and concerts of famous virtuosos of the world of organ playing are regularly held.
  • The Mirror Chapel in the Clementium is also famous for its two organs, which can be played simultaneously (the acoustics of the temple allow it), and the fact that the old organ was once played by young Mozart.
  • St. Nicholas Cathedral. This temple has a luxurious organ decorated with gilding and figures of angels.
    Musical concerts are also held in the Cathedral of Peter and Paul, the Cathedral of St. Francis, the Basilica of St. George, the Cathedral of St. Elias, the Church of St. Bartholomew.

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