Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

The Philippines has more than seven thousand idyllic islands, among which it is simply impossible to choose the best one. You should go here for the sake of nature, which has preserved its pristine beauty, and secluded relaxation on the edge of the earth. Today we will tell you about the ten main attractions in the Philippines, for which it is worth sacrificing lazy lying on the beach for the sake of active recreation and vivid impressions.

1. Labyrinth of islands. El Nido, Palawan

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

The north of the island of Palawan, called El Nido, has remained virtually unchanged since the first Spanish colonizers landed here. The white sandy beaches of the west coast offer views of hundreds of tiny islands forming a network of channels and lagoons. The water here is so clean and transparent that you can see bright fish swimming near the coral reef at a depth of 15 meters. For just $20-30, you can rent a boat for the whole day that will take you along a picturesque route, with landing on different islands, swimming on wild beaches and lunch on grilled seafood.

2. Rice terraces. Banaue, North Luzon

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

Northern Luzon is the largest Philippine island, in the center of which mountains rise, shrouded in haze, and instead of palm groves there is a real pine forest. The Banaya and Batad regions in the northern part of the island are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. There, on the slopes of ravines, there are rice terraces that are almost 2 thousand years old! In some places, settlements of ancient tribes have been preserved, living in relative isolation and preserving their traditions. A day excursion trip with visits to picturesque terraces, waterfalls and local villages will cost $15-20 per person.

3. Chocolate Hills. Bohol

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

A few hours’ drive from Cebu, on the island of Bohol, there is a famous and somewhat surreal landmark: a field stretching to the very horizon, on which there are about one and a half thousand mounds. These are ancient coral deposits that appeared on the surface of the island thanks to thousands of years of erosion. Depending on the season, they are either green or brown, which is why they are called Chocolate Hills. In addition, Bohol is home to the Tarsier Sanctuary, the smallest monkey in the world. They are on display in cages near the river along the main tourist route, but it’s best to visit them in their natural habitat to avoid supporting the business that keeps these cute babies in captivity.

4. Surfing. Siargao

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

Siargao is sometimes called an island on the outskirts; it is indeed located further than others in the Pacific Ocean. Its coast is open to the waves, so surfers from all over the world come here every year to try their hand at the famous Cloud 9 wave. In September, international surfing competitions are held here, and the rest of the time there are not so many people, you can have a good rest in silence and solitude, and also take surfing lessons right on the beach or by arrangement at any hotel.

5. Wild jungle. Camiguin

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

Tiny Camiguin is separated by a narrow strait from the large island of Davao in the southern Philippines. Tourists come here quite rarely, but those who do make the long journey are fully rewarded. In just 240 square kilometers there are seven volcanoes, lagoons, a slightly creepy but interesting dive spot in a sunken cemetery, cold and hot springs, waterfalls and hiking trails through the jungle. And most importantly, you can walk to any of these places on your own or ride on a rented scooter.

6. Shamans. Siquijor

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

Siquijor Island is considered a magical place, and its inhabitants are feared and revered by Filipinos in equal measure. In mountain settlements live shamans and healers who pass on their sacred knowledge from generation to generation. The Ministry of Tourism has even compiled a list of “official healers”, but in reality you can ask any local, they will tell you who to go to. Shamans willingly accept paying tourists, the main thing is to behave respectfully towards the ancient tradition, in which the locals firmly believe. In addition to alternative medicine, the island boasts beautiful beaches and places for diving and snorkeling.

7. Fresh meadows. Batanes

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

The island of Batanes is located in the very north of the archipelago and the nature here is strikingly different from the rest of the Philippines. The hills and meadows are covered with a light fog, and the air is fresh, like in the summer months in northern Europe. Thatched houses complement the landscape, and friendly locals wear traditional wicker hats and live a leisurely village life. Filipinos come here to take a break from the tropical heat, but tourists will simply be interested to see how different the climate can be near the equator. The best activities here are cycling and picnics.

8. Diving. Mindoro

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

Hundreds of good diving spots are scattered throughout the Philippines, but the best ones are not so easy to get to. Apo Reef is one of these pearls. The sunken atoll, two hours’ drive off the coast of Mindoro Island, is home to 40 square kilometers of living reef. It is famous among divers for being home to many large marine animals such as sharks, turtles and rays. Many people prefer to stay on Pandan Island (20 minutes from Mindoro),

and get to Apo by boat.

9. Trekking to the volcano. Davao, Mindanao

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

Davao, the largest city on the island of Mindanao, is considered the best place to live in the Philippines. This region is home to the most “fragrant” fruit in the world, the durian, as well as a rare bird – the Philippine eagle. But the main attraction of the island is the highest peak in the country and the active volcano Apo. Its height is 2,956 meters. The journey to the summit and back takes three days, and the road passes through all the climatic zones represented in the Philippines, from the humid jungle, through the coniferous forest and all the way to a lifeless crater belching clouds of sulfur smoke. An organized climb costs about $70, but you can save money by paying separately for an entry permit and hiring a local guide and porters.

10. Romantic getaway. Boracay

Philippines: 10 unusual attractions

Be that as it may, you can’t ignore beach holidays either. You’ve probably heard the name Boracay Island: it’s the most famous island in the Philippines, with long sandy beaches, plenty of water activities, hotels and restaurants where every hour is a happy hour. There are several “boat stations” on the island, the numbers of which conditionally divide it into areas: the first station from the northern end is an area of ​​fashionable hotels and relaxing beach holidays. The second station is the busiest part, where parties never stop and you can find entertainment for every taste and budget. Budget accommodation and recreation options are concentrated near the third station.

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