Gateway to Asia: 5 Asian cities where it is better to fly with Air Astana

Bangkok, Seoul, Kuala Lumpur, Delhi and Beijing amaze travelers – we invite you to travel to hospitable Asia with Air Astana. Bangkok Bangkok is a modern metropolis that differs from the rest of Thailand in much the same way as Moscow differs from Russia. Bangkok is not only a city of tuk-tuks and Buddhist temples, […]

30 little-known places that you need to visit at least once in your life

Travel often turns into sightseeing according to a list. Boring? Then you should pay attention to natural or man-made masterpieces that are not so popular that reference books start with them and tourists crowd around them. In this article we will tell you about some of the lesser-known places on the planet that you should

25 reasons to travel right now

Everyone loves to travel. Someone goes on a trip, anticipating exciting adventures. For some, there is nothing better than new exotic dishes. Some experience an irresistible craving for cultural values. Others prefer to silently admire the sunset over the ocean. The reasons are different for everyone. The editors of the website Rough Guides surveyed readers

Wall Escape, Giant Clothespin and Other Sculptures You Can't Forget

The sculptures of Auguste Rodin were nothing less than a violation of moral principles for his contemporaries, and in our opinion, his “Kiss” is very innocent. Often, what was recently considered shocking or tasteless gradually enters our lives and, having ceased to surprise, becomes a familiar part of the cultural landscape. In this article we

15 most cosmic places on Earth

Flights into space remain inaccessible to most people – the budget of one such trip would more than cover trips to all countries of the world. What to do if you want to see something out of the ordinary? The answer is simple: look for extraterrestrial places on our planet. We have collected 15 such

12 of the most picturesque seaside promenades in the world

In many cities, in addition to cultural and historical attractions, the coastal zone deserves special attention; not visiting it means missing out on a lot of interesting and worthwhile things. We invite you to take a promenade along the most picturesque embankments in the world: from France to Singapore and from Greece to India and

12 reasons why travelers are more successful

Everyone perceives success in their own way, but everyone will agree that some people achieve it, while others do not. What do successful people do that others can’t? Many books have been written about what skills are needed to achieve success. And people who travel a lot, exploring the world, acquire most of these skills.

11 beautiful places on the planet from cult films

Absolutely anything can inspire you to travel, including cinema. We have put together a selection of the latest new films, in the footsteps of whose heroes you will want to follow immediately after watching. 1. “The Danish Girl” Eddie Remain and Alicia Vikander are the main characters in this complex drama that tells the story

11 best nudist beaches

Sun, sea, sand, and on the sand there are absolutely naked people. No embarrassment or white stripes from your swimsuit when you return home. About twenty years ago, this type of recreation was rather exotic and inaccessible, but now nudist beaches have become quite common and even commonplace in many parts of the world. In

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