Jerusalem. What to see outside the Old City

Tired of the religious and historical monuments of the Old City of Jerusalem, it’s worth going outside the mighty walls of the fortress and strolling around the city. We have selected places that are definitely worth visiting to see what life is like in modern Jerusalem. Mahane Judah Market The Jerusalem market is good not […]

Japanese snacks

In this article we will talk about snacks that can be bought almost anywhere, such as supermarkets or convenience stores. You can take your favorite delicacies with you as souvenirs for family and colleagues. By the way, it is the custom of the Japanese to bring edible gifts from the places they have visited, so

Istanbul through the eyes of a local

Istanbul is located in two parts of the world – Europe and Asia. Representatives of the five greatest empires fought for this city – Persian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman. Istanbul used to be the official capital of Turkey, but is now considered a tourist capital. Veronica Gordon moved to Istanbul recently, but has already

Istanbul is a city of small coffee shops and cozy bookstores

A port city, a legacy of the Byzantine Empire, a metropolis that combines European splendor and Asian flavor – all this is Istanbul, especially attractive in the fall. While the lockdown does not allow entry into many countries, it’s time to take a closer look at this Turkish city, located at the crossroads of cultures,

Issyk-Kul and beyond: the main natural beauties of Kyrgyzstan

The majestic Tien Shan, six-thousander peaks and glacial lakes – 94% of the area of ​​Kyrgyzstan is occupied by mountains. Prepare durable boots and a roomy backpack: after reading the article, you will definitely want to go to Kyrgyzstan for excellent hiking.  Getting to the country is not difficult now. Direct flights from Aeroflot, Pobeda,

Exploring Qatar: an oriental tale with a European accent

Qatar has many faces and is amazing. Skyscrapers, beaches and luxury hotels coexist with bustling old markets and mosques, and the National Museum in the form of a Desert Rose crystal is a faithful replica of Venetian bridges and canals. We tell you how to get there and what to see in Qatar. Entry rules

Java Island: A Powder Keg Journey

Java is the most populous island in the world. Its area is comparable to 1/3 of Norway, one Greece or two Latvias. At the same time, the population of the island is about 140 million – this is the same as in all of Russia. There are also 120 volcanoes in Java, of which 30

Looking for magic in Bali

Real sorcerers live here, the mountains and waterfalls are inhabited by spirits, and the water has magical cleansing powers. Locals believe that on the island the line between our world and the invisible is especially thin, which is why it can make dreams come true. The main thing is to correctly formulate your desire and

Iran. What to see and how to behave?

Iran has not been the most popular tourist destination for a long time. But in recent years, everything has changed: attitudes towards foreigners have become more loyal, obtaining a visa is quite simple, and cheap flight options are appearing. The country has realized that you can make good money from tourism, and welcome guests. There

Inle Lake: Asian Venice

Myanmar (formerly known as Burma) is one of the most mysterious and little-explored countries in Southeast Asia. Due to the peculiarities of the political system (since 1962, the junta ruled here and only in 2012 the regime began to soften), for a long time Myanmar was either partially or completely closed to foreign tourists. As

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