10 things that surprise and shock in Southeast Asia

If you haven’t been to Asian countries yet, now is the time to go there. It’s warm, tasty and beautiful there all year round. But there are unexpected things that everyone who comes to Asia will inevitably encounter. We’ve put together a short list of things that might surprise or slightly shock you. 1. Local […]


Today, Singapore is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, with 12 million people visiting in 2016 alone. Surprisingly, the main reason for visiting this extraordinary city-state is not tourism or business, as one might think, but transit. For many travelers, Singapore is a transit point on the way to more exotic

Unique Singapore: 9 reasons to visit the best city in Asia

For many years, tourists came to Singapore mainly by transit; the local Changi Airport is the largest transfer hub on the way to the more exotic countries of Southeast Asia and Oceania. It was only relatively recently that the authorities of this city-state began to promote Singapore as a tourist destination in its own right,

Secrets of the Valley of Jars in Laos

In the Laotian province of Xiang Khouang there is an amazing and so far little-studied attraction of this country – the Valley of Jars (on the map). At the foot of the Annam Range, hundreds of huge vessels made of granite, sandstone and rock protrude directly from the ground. Their diameter ranges from half a

Secret Jaipur: Hindu hermits and a mountain with an army of monkeys

It’s better to start getting to know India from the north. The most convenient way to fly to New Delhi is from Moscow, and the most famous landmark, the Taj Mahal, is located two hours from the Indian capital by train, in Agra. Having examined the mosque-mausoleum – and there is nothing else to see

By car around Istanbul

Istanbul is the historical and cultural capital of Turkey, which annually receives a huge number of tourists. However, in its surroundings there are many places worthy of attention. For those who have traveled the length and breadth of the metropolis on the border of Europe and Asia, or simply want to explore the terrain of

Restaurant of the future: robots as waiters

If you dream of a time when people will populate Mars, cars will fly through the air and humanity will finally master teleportation, at least from home to work and back, then I advise you to start with the Japanese restaurant Hajime Robot Restaurant – the future it’s already here. Instead of waiters there are

Five easy mountain routes in Georgia

In the summer, it’s worth going to Georgia not only for tasting khinkali, beach holidays and visiting Tbilisi. While the cities are melting from the heat, it’s time to go for a walk among the icy lakes and mountain peaks. We have compiled a selection of popular easy routes in different parts of the country.

Travel to Baku

Located on the shores of the Caspian Sea, the Azerbaijani capital Baku combines a medieval old town with unusual architecture, combining Persian, Turkic, Soviet and European influences. This is the place where the West meets the East. We tell you why to go to Baku and what to do there. How to get there A

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