Mysterious Mexico: myths or truth

Mysterious Mexico: myths or truth

Mexico, the birthplace of the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations, has become overgrown with many myths and legends over its long history. Having not been there, we imagine it not quite as it really is.

Mexicans are a noisy and constantly celebrating people – is this true or just another misconception? You will learn about this and more in our article devoted to the consideration of the most popular myths about Mexico.

Mysterious Mexico: myths or truth

Myth one: Mexican food is very spicy

A hot country, temperamental people and spicy food are the first associations that arise in many people when it comes to Mexico. It’s time to break this prejudice. In fact, the food in the country tastes quite bland. It is given its spiciness by sauces, which are served separately everywhere.

Mexicans themselves eat spicy food for a number of reasons. One of them is the hot climate, in which food spoils quickly and a lot of spices are added to it to disinfect it. Therefore, you should not be afraid of Mexican dishes and stock up on water before eating – there will be no “fire” in your mouth.

Mysterious Mexico: myths or truth

Myth two: Mexicans are very noisy

Mexicans are good-natured and cheerful people. To have a good time and communicate with relatives and friends, they often organize various holidays. Mexicans are used to celebrating them on a grand scale: a lot of food, alcoholic drinks and music.

However, in ordinary life they do not behave this way. Mexicans do not listen to loud music, do not shout or swear. These are quiet and calm people. They are very polite and courteous. Note that in Mexico they have a negative attitude towards drunkenness. A person who abuses alcohol will be met with obvious disapproval among Mexicans.

Mysterious Mexico: myths or truth

Myth three: Mexico is very dangerous

Before traveling to another country, every person first of all thinks about their safety. In an unfamiliar place, you can easily become a victim of scammers and hooligans. There is a stereotype that Mexico is not the safest country for tourists, but this is not true.

There are dangerous places here, such as the cities of Tijuana and Lyon, but they are not of particular interest to tourists. Tourist cities, in turn, are quite safe. The main thing is to be careful and follow the usual safety rules: do not show expensive jewelry, mobile phones, cameras, do not carry a large amount of money with you, do not go into slums and areas where poor people live.

Mysterious Mexico: myths or truth

Myth four: Mexicans wear big sombrero hats and ponchos

Mexico is a country with a rich history and culture. The national color of Mexicans is expressed in traditional costume. Real Mexicans must have a colored poncho, a wide-brimmed sombrero hat and light guaracha sandals at home. Previously, the social status of its owner could be determined by the ornament on the poncho and its color. A sombrero hat was also an indicator of well-being.

These clothing items are part of the Mexican culture. They treat her with special reverence, honor her and never forget about their past. However, in modern Mexico, sombreros and ponchos are not worn. But guaracha sandals are very popular because of their convenience and practicality.

Mysterious Mexico: myths or truth

Myth fifth: Mexicans do not follow traffic rules

Mexicans love cars very much, so every house has a garage. There is an opinion that driving on your own in Mexico is unsafe due to the carelessness of local drivers. Some tourists say that Mexicans do not follow road markings and violate traffic rules. However, this is not the case.

Some driving irregularities occur. In general, Mexicans do not speed, do not cut off drivers, and stop at traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.

Mysterious Mexico: myths or truth

Myth six: It’s difficult to move around on your own in Mexico

Since we touched on the issue of movement, we’ll dispel another myth. There is an opinion that it is more convenient for a tourist to travel by taxi, otherwise moving around the city will be problematic. In reality this is not the case.

The country has a very well developed transport system. You can easily go from one end of the city to the other by bus. They run regularly according to schedule. Intercity buses are equipped with air conditioning, TV, and a toilet in the back. There is a city bike sharing network in Cancun.

In conclusion, there is one statement about Mexico that everyone agrees with – it is worth visiting.

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