Malaysia: what UNESCO protects?

Malaysia: what UNESCO protects?

Malaysia is one of the oldest states in Southeast Asia, whose history includes dozens of changes in ruling dynasties, the colonial era and years of ethnic inequality. Due to its favorable location on the shores of the Strait of Malacca, at the point where the most important sea routes from the west and east converge, this territory has always been a tasty morsel for states interested in international trade. At one time the country was occupied by the Portuguese, who were replaced by British colonialists. The labor shortage was compensated by immigrants from neighboring countries, so a very diverse ethnic composition has formed in modern Malaysia. However, not only the culture, but also the nature of Malaysia is interesting from the point of view of diversity and history. Malaysia has five UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which make visiting the country a pleasant addition to the country.

Lenggon Valley

Malaysia: what UNESCO protects?

History says that this habitat of ancient man was destroyed by a meteorite and the subsequent volcanic eruption, but it was the volcanic dust that preserved evidence of the life of those people for many centuries. Working tools, household items, and most importantly – Perak man – a perfectly preserved skeleton of an Australo-melanezoid, a species of man who lived 10-11 thousand years ago! All exhibits are carefully collected in the archaeological museum, a bonus for visiting which (the archaeological museum) will be the opportunity to walk along the valley itself and climb to the observation deck, which offers an impressive panoramic view of palm plantations and hills stretching beyond the horizon.

Gunung Mulu National Park

Malaysia: what UNESCO protects?

The park is renowned for its UNESCO protected site status thanks to its impressive Mulu cave system, ancient limestone formations and vast montane rainforests. The park’s territory is huge and diverse, so you can safely come here for several days. Excursion programs vary in complexity: there are light treks through the tropical forest and botanical garden, and river rafting. For those who are not afraid of physical activity: climbing Mount Mulu – the highest point of the park (3277 m),

camping in the jungle and exploring the famous caves. And, of course, the main attraction is the Sarawak Grotto, the largest grotto in the world. It’s so big that it can fit 40 Boeing 747s without their wings touching each other.

Kinabalu National Park

Malaysia: what UNESCO protects?

Mount Kinabalu is the highest in all of Southeast Asia, its peak rising 4095 meters above sea level. The national park is located at the foot of the mountain; hundreds of thousands of tourists, rock climbers and trekkers from all over the world come here every year to conquer the peak, the ascent and return descent from which takes 2 days and one night. In addition to trekking itself, the park is interesting for its unique nature, which includes four climatic zones, where almost all types of flora and fauna of the island of Borneo are represented. Getting to know nature and breathing in fresh air is especially pleasant during long walks and mountain biking. In addition, you can look at Kinabalu Park from a bird’s eye view: rising currents allow you to fly around the mountain on a paraglider.


Malaysia: what UNESCO protects?

The city of Malacca is located on the shores of the Strait of Malacca in the southern part of the peninsula. Until the 15th century, it was a tiny fishing village, but with the development of navigation, its strategic importance became obvious – it was here that all ships stopped to replenish food and water supplies, and also waited for the seasonal change in the direction of the monsoons, the winds that dictated the schedule of sailing ships to China and India. During the era of colonization, the city continually passed from one state to another: in 1511, Malacca was occupied by the Portuguese fleet, 130 years later it was replaced by the Dutch, and finally, in 1795, rule passed into the hands of the British. More than three centuries of colonization have given Malacca a modern look, which is protected by UNESCO: a bizarre mixture of architectures from different eras and different cultures. A one-story building, typical of medieval Portugal, is adjacent to a typical Dutch square with a mill, mosques and Buddhist temples stand on the same row with churches, and this entire kaleidoscope is inhabited for the most part by descendants of the Chinese.

George Town

Malaysia: what UNESCO protects?

George Town is the historical center of the modern city of Penang in the northwestern part of Malaysia. The city was founded in 1786 by traders of the British East India Company and named after King George III. It is notable for its interweaving of European and East Asian styles in architecture. Today, most of the historical center is occupied by a clean and well-kept Chinatown, in the center of which, among the house-museums of ancient Chinese clans, you can surprisingly find the intersection of two streets, forming Little India, as well as mosques, Buddhist and Christian temples. All faiths and cultures coexist peacefully in this small area, which can easily be walked up and down in one day. But, of course, it’s better not to rush; there are many interesting places in Georgetown that you won’t notice with a quick glance. The walls of the old city are a free gallery of contemporary art – painted by talented street artists, they tell the story of the good-natured nature and simple life of its inhabitants.

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