Looking for magic in Bali

Looking for magic in Bali

Real sorcerers live here, the mountains and waterfalls are inhabited by spirits, and the water has magical cleansing powers. Locals believe that on the island the line between our world and the invisible is especially thin, which is why it can make dreams come true. The main thing is to correctly formulate your desire and free your head from bad thoughts.

Everyone has their own magic, but in Bali almost everyone can encounter it. Someone finds it in natural attractions that appeared many years ago. Others are in the prayer-filled spaces of ancient temples or monasteries, full of legends. And for some, a real miracle is a change in the rhythm of life and the opportunity to see the ocean every day.

We have collected some of the most energetically powerful places and tell you what their magic is.

Looking for magic in Bali

You can get to the island only with transfers, for example, in Doha or Dubai. The cost of a one-way ticket starts from 60,600 rubles.

Lose fear on the mountain Gunung Agung

Looking for magic in Bali

Volcano Mountain is one of the most important places for the Balinese people. It is called “mother mountain” and “home of the mighty spirit.” Not only is this the highest point of the island, but the most revered gods of the local population also live here. They say that Shiva himself came down here to rest. From there the gods watch everything that happens below. The height, by the way, is not small: 3142 meters above sea level. Locals consider the mountain to be the axis of the whole world.

According to legends, the magic of the place lies in getting rid of fears. To do this, you will need to go through the energies concentrated here, “live” past experiences and turn what scares you into love and trust in the world.

How to get there: The most convenient way to get there by public transport is from Kuta. Take a bus there to one of the cities closest to the mountain – Candidasa or Amed. From there, you will have to walk to the beginning of the route to climb the volcano. Therefore, it is most convenient to rent a car or moped.

Relax with the gods in the Besakih Lava Temple

Looking for magic in Bali

The oldest and largest Balinese temple complex is located right at the foot of Mount Agung at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. And if the volcano is called the mother mountain, then Besakih is the mother of all the temples on the island. 22 mini-complexes united about 80 temples located on seven terraces. Scientists have found that the age of some altars and stairs is more than 2000 years. 

By the way, locals claim that it is impossible to count all the steps of the complex. They are also sure that this is where the gods rest during their visits to earth, so wishes can be literally transmitted directly. The main thing is the right attitude. Well, an offering, of course. The Balinese are convinced that this place is endowed with incredible power – here you can feel grace, find peace of mind and recharge your batteries.

How to get there: the temple is located at the foot of Mount Agung. There is no public transport here, so you will have to take a taxi or rent a car. The journey from Denpasar takes about 1.5 hours.

Cleanse yourself from bad thoughts at the holy springs of Sebatu

Looking for magic in Bali

The place is not the most popular among tourists, as getting here is not easy. The springs are located in the lowlands of the Pakrisan River, in the jungle, and to get to them, you need to overcome a long and rather steep path along the steps. 

And before you find yourself under one of the three streams of the waterfall, you have to spend some time in a queue of people wishing to visit the sacred place, being knee-deep in water. But this does not stop local residents. Entire families come here to wash away negativity in the icy spring and fill themselves with clean, fresh energy. And it’s definitely worth it. During the descent, an extraordinary view of the rock opens up, along which that same healing water flows in streams. You can even try it. And the buildings themselves, due to high humidity, are heavily overgrown with moss and look truly fabulous.

Locals advise trusting the waterfall, because it is a conductor between people and gods, and also knows how to store and transmit information. In any case, the feeling after the procedure is pleasant: lightness in the body and soul. You will get additional pleasure from the surrounding landscapes, which resemble fairy-tale pictures.

How to get there:The springs are located near Ubud, next to the Gunung Kawi Temple. You can get here as part of a tour or go on your own by car or scooter. You will have to drive a little further than the temple, but it is better (just in case) to turn on the navigator.

Get rich and find love in the Tirta Empul Temple

Looking for magic in Bali

The complex was built back in 962 and since then has been a very important shrine for local residents – it is also called the Temple of Holy Water.

The territory has many altars for offerings, beautiful statues of gods and demons, as well as souvenir shops and shops with local treats. But the main thing is the opportunity to take a bath in the famous temple baths. There are three swimming pools in total. Each of them has a certain number of taps that are responsible for something different: the opportunity to recover from illnesses, get rich, improve family relationships, relieve stress, clear karma, get pregnant. It is important to figure out which is which, so as not to accidentally approach taps 11 and 12, intended for washing the dead. The third pool is rarely open – it is intended only for important ceremonies.

If you have little faith in the magic of sacred water, you can simply admire the beautiful ritual from the outside. Also a kind of meditative spectacle. 

How to get there: Tirta Empul is located 14 km from Ubud, in the village of Tampaksiring, which is about 40 km from Denpasar. Public transport here does not always work well, so it is better to rent a car or bike. 

See a dragon in Goa Lavas

Looking for magic in Bali

Another temple, one of the six sacred places of worship in Bali. Located on the shores of the Lombok Strait, it, like the others, is energetically strong. Surely, here too, wishes come true with accelerated force, but Goa Lawah is famous for something else. It is built around a cave inhabited by bats. Locals consider them small dragons that protect against evil spirits, and treat the animals with great respect. And dragons are the real magic.

How to get there: The temple is located in the small village of Pesinggahan, and the closest way to get there is from Denpasar – about 40 minutes. Nearby there is a beautiful beach, a museum and the ancient city of Amlapura.

Deal with difficulties in the Elephant Cave

Looking for magic in Bali

The ancient temple complex of Goa Gadja is dedicated to the charming god Ganesha, whose statue is hidden in the very depths of the cave. This place hides many secrets and mysteries: the temple has not yet been fully explored. They come here when there are doubts about making an important decision; it is necessary to achieve the desired goal as quickly as possible and realize what is planned. Simply put, to make your dreams come true. This place is also protected from bad energy and takes away all bad thoughts.

How to get there: the path lies through Ubud , and getting here is quite easy as part of an excursion group or by rented transport.

Where to stay in Bali

Looking for magic in Bali

In the resort town of Kuta, you can choose the Dekuta Hotel – from 1,800 rubles per night*. 

Many experienced tourists prefer Ubud – this city is not so noisy and crowded. We recommend The Carik Bisma – from 1,750 rubles per night or the guest house Ubud Canti Accommodation – from 776 rubles*. 

If you want to stay in Denpasar, you can choose the Neo Denpasar by ASTON hotel near the city park – from 1,750 rubles per night. Consider a more democratic option: Ganga Hotel & Apartment – from 935 rubles per night*.

*Prices valid at time of publication.

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