Last days of winter: admiring the landscapes of Russia

Last days of winter: admiring the landscapes of Russia

Rugged nature, untouched spaces and silence are ideal conditions for putting your thoughts in order and getting ready for the coming spring. We have selected six places in Russia that are especially good at the turn of the seasons .

National Park Yugyd Va, Komi

Last days of winter: admiring the landscapes of Russia

The largest nature reserve in Europe is located in the Northern and Subpolar Urals on the territory of three districts of the republic – Intinsky, Pechora and Vuktylsky. Yugyd Va, translated from the Komi language as “bright water”, is a unique territory where the highest mountains of the region, clear lakes, ancient natural sculptures and historical monuments, as well as rare geological and biological resources are concentrated.

On the north, the park is bordered by the turbulent Kozhym River, on the banks of which there were gold mines a century ago. In the south – Pechoro-Ilychsky Nature Reserve.

Once upon a time these lands were inhabited by the Nenets, Mansi and Khanty, who believed that the mountains were inhabited by spirits. No one lives here now, but the protected areas contain a large number of legends, memories and artifacts.
For example, on the slopes of Mount Erkusey, whose height reaches 1,099 m, you can still find offerings in the form of deer antlers. Previously, they believed that they were able to appease Voipel, the powerful god of the northern winds. By the way, Voipel does not like loud noises, so guests are asked not to make any noise here.

Lake Kezenoyam, Dagestan and Chechnya

Last days of winter: admiring the landscapes of Russia

Kezenoyam is the deepest (about 73 m) and largest (1.7 km²) reservoir in the North Caucasus. It is located on the border of Chechnya and Dagestan, so it has several names: Chechen (Kezenoyam) and Dagestan (Retlo).

Of course, the place is rich in legends. According to one of them, the lake flooded a village where very greedy people lived who did not want to help the poor wanderer. Scientists claim that it was formed as a result of an earthquake and a rock collapse that dammed two mountain rivers.

There is a settled camp site on the shore of the lake. Here you will find everything you need to entertain tourists. In the cold season, for example, you can go skiing or snowboarding or go fishing.

There is also an ethnographic museum, an ancient stone gate, sakli and an unfinished museum of Noah’s Ark, which, according to residents, froze into the glacier right here, at an altitude of 4,000 m.

Mount Bolshoy Tkhach, Adygea

Last days of winter: admiring the landscapes of Russia

On the border of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory there is an unusual place – the Bolshoi Thach National Park. First of all, it is notable for its natural resources and landscapes, thanks to which it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The territory is home to more than 200 species of birds and animals, including rare ones listed in the Red Book. Mountain and hiking tourism are developed, there are specially laid routes and parking areas.

One of the most striking attractions is the eponymous mountain Big Thach (“Thach” means “God”). Those who manage to reach the top will be rewarded with stunning panoramic views. If you don’t plan to climb, come and admire the views. The mountain reaches a height of 2,368 m and resembles an ancient castle, the length of which is 12 km. The outlines of the “castle” are clearly visible from different points. From every angle they are unique and photogenic at any time of the year.


Last days of winter: admiring the landscapes of Russia

There are quite a lot of attractions on the territory of the Republic: ancient towers, natural monuments, famous pine forests. There are also two reserves (“Erzi” and “Dzheirakhsko-Assinsky”) and one reserve. There is something to see in Magas – here you will find monuments, museums, the Presidential Palace, and the Alan Gate arch.

But if you are limited in time, it’s enough just to get out into the mountains several times, climb the slope (you can even drive an SUV) and look around. During the cold season, the peaks and slopes are especially majestic, and the trails laid by tourists provide the opportunity to enjoy the best views.

There are a lot of places here that will take your breath away and where you can catch the feeling of the most sincere, childish delight. For example, the tower complex “Vovnushki”, located on the territory of the Dzheirakh-Assinsky State Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve, or the ancient city of Egikal. The tower city of Targim on the banks of the powerful mountain river Assy is also worthy of attention.


Last days of winter: admiring the landscapes of Russia

This region is a real parallel universe. The edge of the earth, on which old volcanoes still sleep. At the moment there are 29 of them, five of which are located in relative proximity (25–30 km) from the city, for which they received the nickname “home” from the locals.

You can go here on a sightseeing tour on snowmobiles, or you can go skiing or snowboarding. Until the summer, the ski resorts “Edelweiss”, “Central”, “Krasnaya Sopka”, “Kirpichiki” and others operate here. A special pleasure is that the ocean is clearly visible from the slopes.

In Kamchatka you can easily meet deer and sea lion seals. One of the most famous rookeries of the latter is the water area of ​​Avachinskaya Bay. But keep in mind, you need to watch over the seals, because they have plenty of other things to do, not just a carefree vacation on the beach.

Oymyakon, Yakutia

Last days of winter: admiring the landscapes of Russia

The Earth’s Pole of Cold, only the most courageous, persistent and inquisitive get here. First of all, it’s really very cold here. The temperature in winter drops to – 60 °C, and sometimes it was much lower, to – 77 °C. Secondly, the road to Oymyakon is a separate quest.

The tourist center of the area is the city of Tomtor. There is a weather station here that recorded the lowest temperature. Another attraction of the region is its completely wild, harsh nature. You can fish on Indigirka and visit the local history museum.

*Prices are current at the time of publication.

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