Kiss&Go zone: kiss and go

Kiss&Go zone: kiss and go

At the largest Italian international airport named Leonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino), special Kiss&Go zones have appeared,

providing passengers and their accompanying persons with safe and easy access to the airport.
A place in Kiss&Go is reserved for passengers and drivers accompanying or meeting them for 15 minutes in parking lots at terminals 1, 2 and 3 in the arrival and departure areas. The time is recorded by an electronic system that monitors the transit of cars in the parking lot and makes the flow faster and more organized.

Fast and safe

Kiss&Go zone: kiss and go

From the moment of stopping in the Kiss&Go zone, the driver has 15 minutes to spend or meet his loved one in a calm, leisurely and non-irritating environment without traffic jams and fighting for a place. The creators of the Kiss&Go zone pursued precisely this goal – to make trips to and from the airport faster and more comfortable. It also encourages drivers to park only in designated parking areas, regardless of whether they are paid or not.

How to move in the Kiss&Go


Kiss&Go zone: kiss and go

The driver accompanying the passenger can leave the car in one of the sections of the Kiss&Go zone for 15 minutes, say goodbye and return for it, making room for the next car.
Those who want to stay longer can pay for a parking space and extend their parking for up to one hour. If you have planned a long farewell in advance, it is better to immediately leave the car in the paid parking lot Easy Parking Comfort A, B, C, D, E in the arrivals area.

Greeters also have the opportunity to stay in the Kiss&Go zone for free for 15 minutes from the moment of entry, after which they are required to leave it, making room for the next car. If the driver wants to return later, he can pay and extend parking, or move the car, taking advantage of the free 15 minutes in another Short-Stop parking zone T1 and T3. You can also always use paid parking Easy Parking Comfort
When changing parking, the driver leaves the Kiss&Go zone and his time in it automatically stops. The motorist will have to pay the necessary fees if he wishes to stay longer than the required period.
If the driver exceeds the time limit without further payment, he will have to pay a fine.


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