Is your baby ready to fly?

Is your baby ready to fly?

Young parents who dream of going on vacation sometimes convince themselves that their young children are already ready for such an experience. As a result of their impatience, the child’s first journey becomes torture for himself, his parents and the people around him. Answers to these 5 questions will help you avoid ruining your long-awaited vacation:

Is your baby ready to fly?

Can the child already move on his own?

Of course, children are a very pleasant and easy burden. So you can believe before you go on vacation with her. Already on the second day of hiking with a stroller and a child in your hands, doubts will begin to overcome you whether you are on vacation or at work.

Is your baby ready to fly?

Can a child occupy himself for at least an hour?

Flying can tire even adults and almost drive them crazy. It is almost impossible for children to sit still for several hours in a row without alternating entertainment. It is important to be sure that the baby will have something to do and will not demand attention every minute.

Is your baby ready to fly?

Can a child fall asleep in an unusual place?

A child’s first trip can be very stressful. Especially if the established daily routine is disrupted. It is important to know for sure that the child will be able to fall asleep in the airplane seat at his usual time. The same applies to a new hotel for your baby in the future. Sleep-deprived children on vacation are a big detriment to your peace and tranquility.

Is your baby ready to fly?

You can already agree on something with your child?

The “ready to perceive information” mode turns on in children over time. The older they get, the less often uncontrollable attacks of anger and inexplicable whims happen to them. And then most of the problems are resolved through negotiations. If your child is not yet ready to listen, hear and accept the terms of the “game”, unpleasant surprises may await you on vacation.

Is your baby ready to fly?

A child’s diet includes more than five dishes?

If your child’s first trip involves an endless search for exactly the ingredients he is used to, you will not be able to rest. You will constantly think that your child is hungry. Therefore, it is still better to wait a little until the baby grows up and becomes less capricious when it comes to choosing food, and only then think about a joint vacation.

Source: FrugalTravelGuy

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