Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

After April 12, 1961, Gagarin became the most popular person on the planet. Everyone wanted, if not to shake his hand, then at least to see him from afar. Different states vied with each other to invite the first cosmonaut to visit. In two years he visited about thirty countries. (In one of them you have a chance to win plane tickets by taking part in our competition) And, of course, wherever he flew, he was greeted by crowds of thousands with flowers and welcome signs in Russian.

Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Meeting Yuri Gagarin in Moscow. Photo: uploaded by cocomera

The first ceremonial meeting took place in Moscow on April 14. The whole city took to the streets, people broke through police cordons, threw bouquets under the wheels of cars, posters “Space is ours!” could be seen everywhere. and “Forward – to Mars!” In the evening, fireworks were displayed in Moscow, Leningrad, Kyiv and Volgograd, and Gagarin himself soon set off with the “Mission of Peace” on a journey around the planet.


Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Photo: Czech News Agency (CTK)

The President of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic presented Gagarin with the Gold Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor of Czechoslovakia, and during a visit to the largest engineering plant in Prague, the workers presented him with a meter-long statue of a foundry worker. The meaning of the gift is explained simply: the first working profession is foundry worker.


Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Yuri Gagarin with Queen Elizabeth II. Photo: RIA Novosti

During a visit to England, the delegation with the first astronaut was invited to Buckingham Palace for breakfast. There were a lot of cutlery on the table, and Yuri Alekseevich couldn’t decide for a long time which one to choose… Then he took a large spoon and, with the words “Let’s eat in Russian,” dipped it into the salad bowl. The Queen and other guests followed his example, armed themselves with large spoons and began to eat “the Gagarin style.”


Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Photo: RIA Novosti

Gagarin was met by Fidel Castro, Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos and the legendary Comandante Che Guevara. When the plane landed, a tropical downpour began. The first cosmonaut was given a cape, but when he saw that those greeting them were standing knee-deep in water, he refused it and left the plane in only a snow-white jacket, which immediately became wet through.


Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Photo: brazilist

There were so many people who wanted to see Gagarin in person that the police had to disperse those greeting them with fire hoses and barricade all approaches to the hotel where Gagarin settled.


Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru greets the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin/Photo: P. Krechnev

Gagarin went to India with his wife. I met with the Prime Minister of India Jawaharlar Nehru, the Indian film star Raj Kapoor, watched the performance of yogis, and traveled more than 5 thousand kilometers around the country. During his visit, Bombay taxi drivers did not charge Soviet tourists for travel.


Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Photo: Fyodor Nosov/REX FEATURES

In Egypt, Gagarin looked at the pyramids of Giza, visited the ancient city of Luxor, and went to Aswan, where, with the help of the Soviet Union, the Egyptians built the largest dam in Africa. At parting, he was given symbolic keys to the gates of Cairo and Alexandria, and the president of the country awarded Gagarin the highest order of the republic, “Necklace of the Nile.”


Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Photo: RIA Novosti

Japan was the first foreign country that Gagarin saw from space. At the Tokyo airfield, a crowd of ten thousand chanted: “Banzai, Gagarin!” And when Yuri Alekseevich visited the Minolta photographic store, a whole car loaded with donated equipment was waiting for him at the exit.


Interesting facts from Yuri Gagarin's travels around the world

Gift from the French company Matra: Matra Djet sports car

Gagarin visited France twice. During one of his visits, he visited the Matra company, a developer of rocket and space technology that also produced cars. As soon as he praised one of them, he was immediately presented with the keys to the sky-blue two-seater Matra-Bonnet Jet VS coupe. True, Gagarin was embarrassed to ride around Moscow in it and drove around the capital only once.

Text author: Dmitry Rzhannikov
Preview photo: TASS photo chronicle

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